Broworld 2 by writer-ofstuff

The second part of a piece I commissioned writer to write for me. He does good stuff! hit him up! I had stuff picked out to illustrate this, but between being in a rush to post and the move from tumblr, things got lost in the shuffle! Happy end of 2018 everyone! Here’s to an awesome 2019!

Stiles is the first one to step through the portal, placing the crystals around it to act as a magical generator to keep the portal open. Placing the last crystal down, he sticks his hand through, giving a thumbs up for the others to follow him. Sam Winchester is next to come out, stepping over the ring of crystals and looks around the wooded area of this new world. Derek the last to come through, his eyes trained on Sam, making sure the hunter doesn’t bolt ahead of them, still not trusting the man despite the common interest they share in needing to come here. “Be nice.” Derek hears Stiles say, casting his gaze away from the hunter to his packmate. “I didn’t do anything.” Derek defends. “No, but that glare you’re giving him isn’t going to help Derek. We have to work together here. This is a new world, which none of us knew multiple worlds was a thing, we don’t know how this world works, we need to stick together if we want to find Jackson and Sam’s brother.” Stiles says Derek huffs in annoyance. He knows that, last week since Jackson and the other hunter disappeared through a portal Stiles opened, which had caused a lot of tension to say the least, but they were able to smooth things over agreeing to work together in order to find both Jackson and Sam’s brother, but still Derek didn’t trust the guy. Even though the others seemed to get along with Sam greatly after they worked things out and started working together. “Fine, but I’m still keeping an eye on him.” Derek says after a few moments of silence. Stiles nods and pats Derek’s shoulder, moving to get close to Sam, Derek following behind him. “Okay, now that we’re here, we need to try and get a feel of the land, see where the closest town is since more than likely that’s where Jackson and Dean will be. Once there we should lay low somewhat and try not to stand out if we can help it, since well we have no idea how this world is different than our’s and how things work here so it’d be best not to stand out.” Stiles says. “Yeah, got it, I’m going to head this way.” Sam says, turning and already walking off. “Hey! We need to stick together!” Stiles calls after him. “And I need to hurry and find my brother” Sam calls back, showing no sign of stopping where he’s going. “I could knock him out and we leave him here and us just go look?” Derek offers, falling next to Stiles as he follows after Sam. “Tempting, but like I said Derek we need to stick together, we have 24 hours max of stored power in the crystals to keep the portal open.” “I know Stiles, and we need to work together to find Jackson” “And Dean.” Stiles adds and Derek chooses to ignore, cause honestly he doesn’t really care about the hunter since he attacked his pack. “As quickly as we can before that time period is up and the portal closes.” Derek finishes saying. He pauses then, tilting his head to the left when he hears something coming from that direction, focusing his werewolf hearing to try and make out what it is. Stiles stops when he realizes Derek’s not walking beside him anymore, turning around and seeing him standing still, thinking Derek might have heard something, he turns and jogs up to Sam, getting the hunters attention, gesturing for Sam to be quiet, so Derek can focus, and for him to follow Stiles back to Derek. “It sounds like town is this way.” He points to the northwest part of the woods. “I can hear people driving on a road this way as well as people talking.” he finishes. “That’s good, we’ve only been here not even thirty minutes and possibly already found the closests town.” Stiles says, he and Sam following Derek as he leads them in the direction of town. “We still have to hope this is the town Dean and your friend ended up.” Sam chimes in. “Geez and I thought Derek was the only grump.” Stiles says, getting a glare from both Derek and Sam. The travel the rest the way in silence, Stiles leaving markers behind as they o so they can find their way back to the portal easier, Derek still leading them, till finally they reach the end of the woods, stepping into what looks like a small park. “Okay, now that we found the town we need to maybe find a map of it, then begin looking for Jackson and Dean, marking off the areas we looked and such.” Stiles says, but once again Sam is already moving, not wanting to wait around more than he has to in finding Dean, since like Stiles said before, they don’t know how this world is and how different it is from their world so who knows if something happened to Dean or not before they were able to come and save him. “Dude, didn’t you hear me? We have to stay together!” stiles calls out to Sam. “Wouldn’t we cover more ground if we split up? We can meet back here at the park in two hours.”Sam pauses to say before he’s turning back around and jogging out of the park. “What’s the point of me making a plan for this mission if not everyone’s going to follow it?” Stiles sighs, Derek patting him on the shoulder. “We can just look on our own, and hope Sam or us has some luck in finding Jackson and the other hunter.” Derek reassures. “Besides so far this place doesn’t look all that different from back home.” he adds as he and Stiles exit the park, passing some guys that are out jogging, seeing some other men walking on the streets or driving by in cars. Which has Stiles relaxing now that it seems it’s similar at least to where they’re from. That is till they come to a crosswalk, seeing two guys in only pairs of speedo’s intertwined with each other as they make out, groping each other’s round bubble butts. Derek and Stiles share a look, no one else seeming to be affected at all but the over display of affection going on. In fact seeing it makes them look more closely, seeing now everyone they’ve passed by as been a guy to some muscular degree, others showing similar displays of affection as the two men at the crosswalk, others going further when Stiles points out to the guys further down the street sucking off a fairly built man in a suit as they sit at a bus stop. “So, this is different.” Stiles says. “You think?” Derek replies, smelling the strong arousal coming from the men around them, trying not to focus on it or let it show how he’s kinda turned on by all that they are seeing right now. “Okay, this isn’t a big deal, I mean it’s better than we had thought at least.” Stiles says. The two walk side by side further into town from where they started at the park. Seeing more and more sexual scenes from different men as they go, even getting some flitery cat calls as they go. Which Stiles is thrilled by, while Derek not so much. “You don’t have to send every guy who compliments you a death glare you know.” Stiles says after Derek literally growls at a guy who shamelessly stops them to just flirt with Derek, skipping asking the werewolf on a date and just asks if he wants to go fuck somewhere. “I’m not interested in these kind of guys.” Derek says, his scowl still on his face. He hated guys like they’ve seen so far, arrogant, cocky, total tools and douchebags that were so full of themselves and their looks, thinking they could get whomever they wanted just based on how hot they were. He would rather date a guy who was smart, funny, and sometimes can be a snarky little shit. Someone with brown mess hair, sleeps with his ass up in the hair sometimes when he spends most the night researching something, who likes Batman and other nerd things. “Sure it’s that and not this mysterious crush you have on someone back home?” Stiles asks causing Derek to stiffen slightly next to him. “What?” “Scott said he thinks you’re into someone back home, it’s cool you won’t tell me, but dude if I knew who it was I could totally be your wingman and help you score a date with them. It’s cool though gotta keep it on the down low so I won’t pry.” Stiles says. “It’s you you idiot!” Derek thinks and wants to yell, but he keeps quiet, clenching his fists by his side. Hating how he can’t work up the courage to ask Stiles out himself, each time he tried he ends up chickening out and bringing something else up or just walking away while Stiles sends him a confused look at his retreating back. “Don’t look so grumpy, I’m sure you’ll ask them out at some point, just take small steps.” Stiles breaks derek out of his thoughts and places a hand on his shoulder, giving him a comforting squeeze before he walks further head, finding the library and jogs to it. Derek watches him go, no doubt with Stiles finding the library he can find a town map, making it easier for them to check places in the town for Jackson and Dean. Derek waits outside, caught up in his thoughts, sighing as he just wishes he could have the courage to tell Stiles how he feels. ——————————– Sam knows it was kind of a dick move of him to just leave Derek and Stiles behind like that, and he would apologize to them later, but he just needed to find Dean. He falls into a system that made when they first got into hunting with their dad, always checking motels if they were to get separated and couldn’t find each other.So that’s where Sam goes first, or tries to. He doesn’t know the town after all, so he needs to ask directions to the closest one. As he looks for someone to ask is when he notices what Derek and Stiles noticed about what’s different than this town than back home. The first guys he was going to ask directions from he decided not to when they started to make out, not wanting to disturb them, and then not wanting to be there when he saw fishing out the others cocks and started jerking each other off right there. Unfortantly for Sam, he ran into a few instances similar like that, different men he would try to talk to ending up engaging in some sort of sexual act before he could. Realizing then that this town has to be more open with more rated R public displays of affection than back home. Sam finally finds one guy not doing any of those kinds of things, the man standing at a bus stop, busy on his phone. While he only wore a tank top with some wrestling looking logo on it, a wrestling speedo and boots, he was still better option that the other men Sam came across. The guy looks up from his phone as Sam speaks, the man looks to be in his 30s or so, face all stern and serious looking, his hair pulled up into a man bun and his face covered with a thick beard. The guy looks intimidating, but as Sam asks him for directions the guy smiles, telling Sam the closet one is a couple blocks west of where they are, but how it was full now due to them booked with fans of a wrestling event in town so if he was looking for a room he might want to try the motel that’s a 20 minute bus ride to the east. “Thanks, I’ll try there after, i’m just looking for my brother.” Sam says and leaves the man behind. Not aware of the man’s eyes on Sam’s retreating back, focused on Sam’s ass while the hunter heads for the motel. Like the guy said the place does look packed, the parking lot full of cars and men walking around and chatting. Sam passes them by, heading for the main office, entering and is met with a shirtless man in his twenties, “Can I help you, or maybe you can help me?” the clerk says with a flirty grin, biting his bottom lip as he eyes Sam, clearly checking him out. “I was wondering if my brother was here, Dean Winchester?” Sam ignores the man’s flirts and gets straight to it. The man pouts a little, but he types away on his computer. “Hmmm, no I don’t see a Dean Winchester in our system, nor anyone named Dean for that matter I’m afraid.” the clerk looks apologetic at least as he says this, Sam thanks him and goes to leave. Maybe he’ll check around the motel himself before he tries the other one, after all Dean could use one of their fake names on one their credit cards they use back home so there’s a chance Dean could still be here. Only after searching the motel for any signs of Dean Sam come up empty handed, running a hand through his long hair, he thinks he might ask to borrow a phone to call the other motel across town and see if Dean’s there before making the trip, only when Sam enters the building again to ask the clerk who helped him before he finds the place empty. Deciding to wait for him to come back, Sam looks around the main office, seeing a few doors that lead to different places in the motel, one leading to a gym, which has Sam thinking if the clerk had gone into the gym to work out. After all this place has been weird with how handys the men are, so it wouldn’t be weird for the clerk to be working out instead of working. Entering the gym he finds it empty of any other people there. He does see a gym bag though that sitting on a bench a little ways in. A thought comes to his mind, thinking what if there was a phone in the bag, he could just call around or google the number to the other motel himself, since his phone didn’t work in this world. Looking around, Sam makes his way over to the gym bag, finishing opening it and begins looking inside it. “Shorts, boots, jockstrap. Ew.” sam mutters to himself, pulling the items out of the gym bag, till he finally finds a phone inside that’s in a separate zipped section of the gym bag. He’s glad to see there’s no sort of pin code or anything to unlock the phone, all he needs to do is swipe it with his finger and it unlocks. He pauses when he sees the logo as the phone background, it looking similar to the logo that was on the guy at the bus stops tank top. Only having some differences to it, and for some reason it seems even more familiar than that though, like it means more to Sam. He snaps out of it, and starts to look through google, finding the right number for the other motel and dials the number. Holding the phone to his ear, Sam begins to fill a little weird as he listens to the phone ringing, his mind starting to get thick and it’s getting hard for him to focus till finally someone picks up. The man having a deep voice, sounding almost out of breath as he pants out a “Hello?” “Umm is this Sanderson’s motel?” “Yeah, but bro, I’m a little busy here, fucking this hot little twunks ass so can I like put you on hold or something?” The guy does so before Sam could even respond, annoyed, Sam sits on the bench next to the gym back, rubbing his face, still feeling so uneasy and weird, the smell of the gym back next to him not helping. In fact smelling it makes him feel weird, like the potent musk coming from it is familiar to him. Sam finds himself lifting the navy blue shorts with the orange and yellow striped patterns on the sides. Sam notices a name labeled into the back insides of the shorts, the label saying ‘Moose’, which Sam finds to be even more familiar.He knows Crowley and some others have called him Moose, but this time, reading the word on the label of this shorts makes him think of it for some other reason, it having some meaning to him. Sam doesn’t know his hair has started to pull into his head. The long brown hair he had darkens and turns black as his hair reforms into a medium length hair style. Sam’s eyebrows grow a little thicker, turning black like his new hair. His legs shrinking a little as he sits, losing a inch or two to his height, but makes up for the loss height with a few pounds of extra muscle mass on him. Sam groans, mostly from still having to wait on the phone for the guy to get down so he can sees if Dean’s there, and because how warm his body feels. He thinks it’s how hot the gym feels, Sam ending up pulling his jacket and shirt off, leaving him bare chested, showing how his skin his getting more tanned, veins bulging against his much more toned and bulky body, especially when he moves his arms. The dusting of stubble Sam had on his face retracts into his skin, leaving him smoothed and clean shaven, he scratches at his cheeks, feeling the smooth skin under his finger and pauses, looking down and see’s his body, how it’s got extra tone and bulk to his frame, how his pale skin looks darker, he looks and his eyes find a mirror, seeing the new man staring back at him causes Sam to do a double take. Before he can react the deep voice comes on the phone. “Sorry about that bro, now how can I help ya?” Sam hesitates for a few moments but then he finally speaks. “I was wondering if you guys had someone named.” Sam pauses, who was he wanting to ask for again, He couldn’t remember the guys name, or who he was really, just this silhouette of a man comes to mind that Sam just can’t quite figure out who it is and why they seem so important to them. He knows the man’s name starts with a D, saying as such to the clerk of the other motel. “Dude, D could mean a lot of things, and I do mean a lot of things. He says in a suggestive voice.” Sam ends up ending the call, his head spinning to much, and he feared he’d drop his phone with how dizzy he was getting, setting the phone back in his bag. Sam doesn’t even realize he’s referring to the bag he found in the gym and intended to just borrow the phone from as his bag and his phone. He rubs he’s head, trying to think who this man is that name starts with a D and why he’s important to him. “There you are, should have known your ass would be in the gym hitting the iron.” a voice says. Sam looks up, seeing the man from the bus stop coming into the gym, Sam feels his stomach flip, a smile forming on his face as he sees the man, new memories flooding his mind as he realizes who the man is. “Dominic, took you long enough to get here.” How could Sam forget Dominic? His best friend, tag team partner in the wrestling league and the best fuck he’s ever had. “The buses ran late, but I’m here now for us to train for our upcoming match, Moose.” Hearing his wrestling name brings more memoires into Sam’s mind, Called Moose for how hard Sam can hit in the ring, and how hard it is to knock him over, just like one can expect from the animal moose so the name had stuck. He and Dominic were some the beast in the league, and some the hottest to watch in a winner and loser sex match at the end of each round. Just thinking about those matches made Sam’s bulge grow in his navy blue shorts, not even realizing his jeans had faded, the jockstrap and shorts he found in the bag appearing on him, as do the boots he placed aside earlier, taking place over his sneakers. The two make small talk, as they head for the heights, spotting each other as they lift. Talking about how to win their next match against the Crowley twins. Sam truly embracing this new life of his as his old life grows fainter, and like Dean forgets about it entirely. ————————————————– Stiles tells Derek he will just be a sec as he enters the library, planning to just check one the computers, print out a map of the town so they can get back to looking for Jackson and Dean. Stiles thinks momentarily about the talk with Derek, about how guys were throwing themselves at him basically and Derek turning each one down. It kinda stung, to see Derek having men wanting him so bad, and more so when Derek turned them all down cause stiles knew for sure then what Scott told him was true, or least had to be to some extent. He had no idea who Derek could be into, he hadn’t seen the alpha interacting with anyone different or even mention anyone new. Unless Derek just kept that a secret. Still Stiles knew Derek wasn’t interested in him, why would he be anyway? Stiles was this pale, 147 pound soaking wet guy, while Derek was basically a greek god, of course he would never want a guy like Stiles. Stiles shoves that thought process out his mind, he needed to focus here, he had a job to do after all. He looks for the computer section of the library, only to find the computer shut down when he does find them, a note saying the systems were down due to a event taking place today. “Are you kidding me?” Stiles mutters to himself, annoyed he goes to find the librarian, hoping he doesn’t find whomever it is fucking someone like he and Derek practically say on the way here. Getting up to the help desk, Stiles sees a door ajar, flashing lights coming from it. Curious, Stiles moves behind the help desk, peering into the door to see what’s going on. “Okay Mike I need you to cradle the books in your arms and give me a focused look.” the man with his back to Stiles says, snapping away pictures of the model in front of him. The room looks to be a makeshift photo shoot studio. Lights, different cameras and other gear laid around. The photographer looks to be in his late thirties, well built with streaks of silver in his hair, looking like one the hottests dilfs Stiles has seen, while the younger model looks like he could pass as the guys son. Stiles focuses too much on what they’re doing some reason that he doesn’t notice they’ve stopped and are looking at him. “Can I help you?” The photographer says, smiling kindly to Stiles. Stiles flails into the room, flushing a little as he grins sheepishly, “I was looking for the librarian. I had a question about the computers I wanted to ask them.” he says. “You’re looking at him, Tanner Summers, librarian and professional photographer.” he says “You can take 5 Mike.” Tanner says to the model, who winks at Stiles as he leaves the room. “As for the computers I’m afraid they’re down for now while I’m focusing on my photo shoot to promote reading.” “You use attractive male models to promote reading?” Stiles asks in surprise. Tanner just grins and shrugs as an answer. “Say, why don’t you do a few shots for me? In exchange i’ll let you use my computer in my office for whatever you need. Deal?” Before Stiles could pass on the offer, Tanner lifts the camera up and takes a picture of Stiles, the bright flash makes him see spots, as he takes a step back, blinking rapidly to clear his vision. “Dude what the hell?” he says, his voice sounding a little off. Another Flash, and Stiles feels himself wobbling on his feet. “Sorry for being so forward, but you’re just too perfect of a model for me not to try and get a few shots with.” he says Flash Stiles can’t move, whatever the guys doing to him his making him unable to do anything but stand there, feeling his shirt disappear off him, leaving his pale skinny body exposed Flash Stiles tries to call out to Derek for help, but no words leave his mouth, he feels his chest tingling, looking down with his blurry vision and sees black ink dots forming, the ink swirling and snaking over his body, forming and becoming different designs till Stiles chest, shoulders, arms, neck are littered in detailed tattoos. Stiles stomach churning from the sight of the new tattoos, knowing that’s impossible for him to have given his major fear of needles, but yet here he was with a body almost full of them. “Bro, what the fuck ya doing to me?” Stiles grunts, his voice definitely sounding different this time, much deeper than it was before, more manly sounding, accent heavy as if Stiles was born and raised somewhere in New York rather than a small California town. “Just relax,” Tanner says. Flash Stiles muscles tense, the skin rippling and starts to swell, bulging and expanding as Stiles gains healthy amount of muscle mass on him, years worth of dieting and exercising in the gym shaping onto his body in a matter of moments from the last Flash blinded Stiles vision. He even feels his legs stretching upwards, becoming a staggering 6’7” in height, easily towering over the photographer now in both bulk and height. Flash Stiles grunts, feeling something stick into his ear, the diamond stud earring sparkling in the bright lights of the studio, His hair becoming more maintenance, the sides shaved down and the top styled up with hair products. Stiles face shifting, losing his boyish baby face he had, even though he was 20 years old, replaced with more mature look as he ages a couple years into his mid twenties. Stiles lips becoming fuller and plump, cheeks dimpled and chiseled, adding to his more mature handsome appearance. The last Flash of the camera has Stiles physical changes wrapped up, his mind reworking itself now, filling with the ins and outs of being a professional model, any knowledge the supernatural leaving his mind. Stiles becoming more brawn than brains, more inclined to show off his body for the camera and make a sexy pose than he would be to sit down and read a book or do any sort of research. “Tanner bro, we almost done here? My boyfriend is waitin out front for me.” Stiles says in his smoother new yorker accented voice a few moments later, his mind settling into his new life. Tanner assures Stiles they are almost done, they just need a few more shots of Stiles holding a few books and pretend he’s reading them while wearing glasses. Stiles takes the props, putting the glasses on and opening one the books, posing behind the background screen as Tanner finishes taking the sets of photos. ——————————————————- Derek begins to feel uneasy, Stiles should have been out by now shouldn’t he? Derek had only agreed to stay outside the library because Stiles said he could see Jackson or Dean walking by, which Derek doubted but Stiles was adamant Derek do so, promising he’d only be ten minutes tops. It was no going on forty minutes, and Derek was trying to use his heightened sense of hearing to pick up Stiles voice or movements, but the town around him was too loud for him to pinpoint Stiles exactly, especially when some the sounds Derek was hearing was from the club just next door to the library. Derek thought it was weird for a nightclub to be next to a library of all places, and for it to be active and open during the middle of the day, but then again this town was different from back home so Derek really shouldn’t be surprised. He just wishes the annoying beat of the music in the club wasn’t so loud, the club seems to be having it on repeat with how long it’s been playing, getting to the point no matter how much Derek tries to tune it out it’s all he can hear. Derek doesn’t realize though the affect the musics having on him, Derek’s lean muscles begin to tighten, biceps swelling and makes his shirt sleeves feel tighter which he frowns and looks down at to see why that is, seeing the bigger biceps he’s not sporting. Alarmed, derek unfolds his arms and pushes off from the wall of the library, lifting his arms out and studying them, confirming his fear that they are bigger and seeming to get bigger. He’s about to rush into the library to get Stiles, worried something’s going on with him like there is with Derek, but Derek’s legs won’t move. Well they do, but not from where he’s standing, his legs seem to be following to the beat of the music, slowly dancing to it as his body keeps growing with extra pounds of muscles mass. Derek opens his mouth to call out for Stiles, since he doubts any strangers in this world would help him, but nothing comes out his mouth. Derek watches as his hair falls away, becoming a shaved buzz cut style on his head now, his stubble beard he can feel sinking into his face, leaving the werewolf clean shaven, showing off his sharper handsome face more clearly now he’s not having any facial hair to cover it. “This is some fucking bullshit man, I want this shit to fucking stop already!” Derek finally is able to speak, but what comes out his mouth is not what he wanted to say at all. To start with he sounded like a arrogant asshole with how the sentence was phrased, his voice sounding a few tones deeper than his normal voice sounded like. Derek’s legs keep moving as the alpha is dealing with the transformation. His movements becoming more bold and lewd, shaking his ass now while ir balloons into a jiggling bubble butt, his jeans shrinking on him, becoming a pair of neon pink and green shorts that really make his ass pop. His bulge filling the crotch of them, Derek unable to keep from moaning as he feels his dick lengthening and getting thicker. His shirt’s next to disappearing, showing off Derek’s smooth muscular chest, his meaty pecs bouncing with him as he dances to himself. “Of course you’d be out here dancing like you were on stage.” a somewhat familiar voice says, Derek turns around, finally able to stop dancing when he sees a handsome man stepping out of the library, The man is fairly well built, his torso covered in tattoos, for a moment Derek thinks of Stiles, but then his mind’s going dark, the old Derek being subdued, merging with a new persona as the two become one. “It’s my week off babe, i gotta practice for when i got back on stage next week. Besides don’t act like you don’t love me shaking my ass around.” Derek gives Stiles a smug look. “It is a nice ass afterall,” Stiles wraps his arms around Derek, pulling him into a kiss. Stiles being the taller one now, has to lean further down for Derek to reach his lips, The two staying together like that, embraced in each others arms, content with just holding each other like that. For a moment, both of them recall something, like this display of affection is new for them, that they never were like this before now, but that couldn’t be right. They’ve been together for years, ever since they met at the gym when Derek went and signed up for a personal trainer, Stiles being a new model then and doing personal training on top of that and was assigned to be Derek’s trainer. Just as quick as that odd feeling came it leaves, the two pulling away from each other. “Ready to go now? Sorry it took so long, Tanner wanted to get some extra pics in to hold back to use for a calendar or something.” Stiles says, the two leaving the library holding hands. “It’s cool babe, we still got plenty of time before the movie starts to grabs some food.” Derek says, the two sharing a kiss as the head off to their date. Back in the quiet forest the portal begins to weaken, the glowing crystals flickering as they lose their magic, the portal blinking open and closed or a few more minutes as the magic is fading from it, before finally going out and the portal closes for good, not that the five men who came here from another wo

A Chronivac Christmas by The Great Storyteller

“To the guy who deserves a break. From: Your Secret Santa”

Mason scratched his head in confusion. Bumping into a package outside his dorm wasn’t something he normally expected. Neither was having a secret Santa for a gift exchange he definitely didn’t remember joining. After all, with his busy academic life he didn’t have much time for social gatherings like that. “I guess tis the season,” he muttered to himself as he opened the package. Finding the small parcel surprisingly heavy. 

Becoming Dean Winchester by Craftsman

taken from Craftsman blog on tumblr… reposting a hard copy instead of a link because I don’t trust tumblr.

outkast1728  asked:

Can you transform me into Dean Winchester from Supernatural or maybe one of the cast of Kingdom Hearts?

the-craftsman  answered:

Well if it’s Dean Winchester you want, then it is Dean Winchester you will become. 

You don’t at first recognize the scent of leather, cars, and other miscellaneous paraphernalia that belongs in your new life, as you feel yourself almost swept away, your back beginning to stretch slightly, as if you were growing extraordinarily taller, as your body continued to stretch you felt any and all fat on your body stretch with it, thinning itself as it almost melted away. 

As you felt your body stretching you couldn’t resist to let out a whimper, whether out of excitement or out of denial as you witnessed your own arms begin to thicken considerably, mounds of muscle growing on top of them as your biceps stretched and became more defined, slowly inflating themselves much to your surprise. All the meanwhile your clothing began to melt away to reveal your bare torso whilst your hands thickened, growing larger to accommodate for your new longer and more muscular arms that you couldn’t help but flex.

Yes, with every flex you felt yourself more aroused at your own body, watching as your hands came down to greet your chest, hair growing down the navel as your fingers brushed over your washboard abs that continued to grow and thicken the more you touched and worshipped your own body. All the meanwhile your mind was growing accustomed to these new smells and sighs, the impala, your brother, demons, and guns were all common rhetoric no matter how hard you tried to resist, giving in to your new life. 

You could now feel your calves thickening as you stretched them, almost as if you were used to running and carrying heavy equipment, of course you knew this must have been the result of chasing down demons and carrying an absurd (according to your brother) amount of guns. Your brother? Yes, Sam Winchester, your own blood that you would protect. You tried to argue with yourself, claiming you didn’t have any brother called Sam Winchester but nonetheless your mind continued to give in especially now you could feel your thick cock press up against your weather-beaten skin.

Hands and fingers wrapping around it, before suddenly your own body was clothed, jeans covering your defining calves and cock, steel toed boots suddenly adorned your large and growing feet which threatened to poke through your socks, all the while a black shirt came to come over your abs. You were confused, as the room around you (as you were reading this) began to change, and you saw a mirror in front of you, all the while you witnessed your own eyes become a deep green, your own jaw becoming chiselled whilst your hair was cut short and your features shifted.

As you bent down to look in the mirror, you couldn’t believe what was going on with this body, especially as you felt your new abs, a tattoo suddenly appearing on your upper chest. You could still feel your dick ready, aroused and about to cum as you glanced down at your body, almost anticipating it as your entire mind shifted.

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You were Dean Winchester, hunter o f demons, knight of hell (temporarily), and an all around badass. And after your mind completely changed, you felt yourself cum and left behind your old life – because you were now, Dean Winchester. 

A Holiday Wish

Written as part of the 2nd Annual Story Exchange

a story written for Scott TF

“Fuck,” Scott said as he walked down a deserted sidewalk.  “This has really been a shitty fucking Christmas!”  Earlier that day, Scott’s boyfriend for the past 3 years broke up with him, saying that he just wasn’t attracted to Scott anymore, and that Scott would have to move out of the apartment because Ricardo the Venezuelan go-go boy he had been hooking up with on the side would be moving in today. 

After that, when Scott got to his parent’s house, he was kicked out when he told them that the Erin he had been seeing wasn’t a girl.  And that he had kicked him out of the apartment.  Scott didn’t know but his parents were total homophobes and despised homosexuals.

 So, Scott found himself walking along a sidewalk in the evening of Christmas Day.  When most people were having their Christmas dinner, Scott was crying as he stumbled along the concrete sidewalk.  He walked past a Chinese restaurant that happened to be opened and realized he hadn’t eaten all day, so went in and had dinner.

He ate his “Special Dinner Plate Combo B” crying off and on.  As he did so, the tv was on playing a rerun of a talk show interview featuring Chris Mazdzer, the luger and Olympic silver-medalist. 

“Is there anyone special in your life?” the hostess asked. 

“I wish there were,” he replied in his sexy voice.  “But with all the training I do, and being an athlete mentor, and representing the athletes in the IOC and International Luge Federation, I really don’t have time to be in a relationship.”

“Yeah right,” Scott mumbled to himself.  “I bet if I were Chris Mazdzer, I would never be lonely.  Hell, I’d never be dumped and I’d actually have parents who were proud of me despite my sexual orientation.”  A new set of tears slid down his cheeks and onto his Mongolian Beef. 

At the end of his dinner, the waiter gave him a lucky fortune cookie.  “Make wish, come true!” the Chinese man told him.  Half-heartedly, but with a glimmer of home, Scott broke open his fortune cookie whispering, “I wish I were Chris Mazdzer.”

Scott found himself checking into the cheapest motel with a vacancy.  After checking in, he went to his room where he cried himself to sleep.  “Merry fucking Christmas to me!” he sighed dejectedly.   


Meanwhile, in a hotel room in North Elba, New York, Chris Mazdzer was lying in bed, alone.  He was totally bored.  “You’d think a silver medal winning Olympic athlete would be living it up after his win, but no.  If it’s not this competition, it’s training or attending that meeting or getting interviewed.  It’s so lonely sometimes.  I wish I had someone who understood.  I wish I weren’t so lonely anymore,” he said and promptly fell asleep. 


The next morning, Scott awoke.  He walked to the bathroom, and took out his penis to pee.  “What the fuck?” he asked.  This isn’t my dick.  At the same time, a voice in his head asked, “Who the fuck are you?”

“Wait.  I know that voice,” Scott thought, “that’s Chris Mazdzer!  What is Chris Mazdzer’s voice doing in my head?”

“No way bro, what the fuck are you doing in MY head?” the Chris voice asked.  “This is MY dick.  And MY body for that matter!” 

“Whoa!  No way!  We’re sharing a body?” Scott asked in disbelief.

‘I guess so Sherlock.  How the fuck did this happen?” Chris asked, walking to the mirror over the sink.  He felt kind of weird talking to thin air. 

“Holy shit!” Scott said, “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“What?!” Chris exclaimed, waiting for an explanation.

“The guy at the Chinese restaurant.  He said, ‘Make wish.  Come true.’ So, I made a wish to be you.  I was feeling so lonely and unaccepted and I had no idea it would actually work!”

“I made a wish last night too,” Chris said.  “I wished not to be so lonely.  I was talking about having a boyfriend, not someone in my head.  How the hell is this going to work?”

“Maybe we could give this a try?  Make us sharing this body be our new normal?  We’d both never be lonely again.  And I’m really good at this…”

Chris exclaimed in ecstasy as Scott reached down with their hand and gave Chris an amazing hand job. 

“Yeah, this could work,” Chris thought. 


I hope you like it Scott. I’m sorry if it’s total shit. If you don’t like it, I’ll definitely try to write you another one before New Year. I’ve never actually written anything like this before, so it’s completely experimental for me. Oh, and Merry Christmas!