Repost from Hunky Male Body Swap


From one of my favorite blogs Hunky MaleTransformations reposted with permission

“Take my picture, James!” said Will, flexing his newly acquired biceps“Wow Will, you look so different. You are…”“A jock? I know it. I also don’t need to use glasses anymore and there’s definitely a huge change on my tool, look it’s so big, isn’t it?”“I actually want to said short, but whatever. You look fucking fantastic”“Thanks, paid couple of grands and I also lost my height and my ability to speak 3 foreign languages, but who cares with that? I’m still smart and I have the body of a jock, a total package of brain and brawn,” said Will, showing smug faces and looking confident as ever“You are definitely correct. Umh… you think it’s fine for me to…..umh….kiss you?” said James, blushing a little bit but deep inside, he’s lusting over his best friendAll in a sudden, Will kissed James in the lips but as James start to go with the flow, Will pushed James away“You are not in the same par as me now. I don’t like nerd, and you are nerd. Just stay away, could you?” said Will, suddenly change his demeanor and head outside of the bathroomJames shocked. He thought that even after the change, Will still be his best friend, but he’s wrong. It makes James furious and as he arrived at home, he turned on his laptop and start searching for Chronivac on the website.After spent some hours, searching into the depth, he finally found it and without any thinking, downloading the Chronivac application. Once it finished, he instantly filling up his data and body feature. Then, he starts changing his body. He doesn’t have much money, so he relied on the newest payment feature that Chronivac offer, advantages trade. It’s a system where people could paid the change in their body with giving the Chronivac their skills or things that could be useful for other people such height, some muscle, reproductive organ size, stamina, job or even IQ levels. James IQ is 170 and he has a pretty amusing reproductive organs. He also have a perfect and white teeth plus his scruff also could be traded. He decreased his IQ into 95 only and then he stuck between giving his life as a student in prestigious college or let his dick shrunk in size. Due to the IQ decrease, he thought that it would be such a waste of money to stay on college where he couldn’t even pick up the same pace with other students, so he trade his jobs from students into a bouncer but at the same time, rent boy. He has to make money in the end. After some additional cash from giving away his body hair and hair colour, he has 8K in his Chronivac account.            After some thoughtful calculation (mostly he did it wrong because he can’t add or multiply several numbers correctly due to the IQ decrease), he enlarge his body, packed it with muscle and then he increased his height from 5’7” to 6’2” to fit his body. He also strengthen his jawline and turning his voice into a deep, demanding one. Other than enlarge his body, he also enlarge his dick and balls. Then, he doubled his stamina so he can have an all night long sex without feeling tired and at last, he injected skills to fight and to know about working out and sports to his brain. He checked how much he spent, and turned out, he still has 300 dollars left, so he decided to add tats for 150 dollars, piercing in his ear for 50 dollars and the rest, he used for adding 5 points to his IQ so he wouldn’t be too dumb. And then, he clicked the “OK” button and suddenly fell asleep, without even reading the warning sign that if he agreed to the job change means that he agreed that his life would be rewritten completely            The next morning, James wakes up feeling dizzy, like a very very bad hangover. He wakes up in a different room and his laptop laid in the other side of the bed. He is pretty sure he did something with the laptop, but he can’t recall anything from last night. As he start recalling what happened to him last night, memories filling his head. He was rented by a client, a college student named Will Connors, for a session, but somehow it changed into a full night orgy as Will secretly invited several friends of his to the session where James forced to be the bottom and act like a beta to the boys that rent him. Fuck, none of the boys could be an alpha, I’m so much bigger than them, thought James, pressing his thumb to his forehead while remembering all of those things happened last night. 

While James pressing his thumb to the forehead, suddenly an energetic voice come from the doorway“Well hello James. Thanks for last night session, you are an amazing bottom. How is your hole, sore and sticky, isn’t it? Such a whore, oh yeah, you are a whore” said Will, chuckled while tossing his sweaty after-jog shirt to James faceJames pissed off, he grabbed the shirt and then approaching Will who definitely look terrified as fuck. Once cornered, Will said“You can’t do this, I paid you. If you hit me, I’ll suit you and your already fucked up life will be totally fucked up”“Said it once more, bitch. And I’ll make sure that you are not going to see sunshine tomorrow” said James, pinned Will to the wall with his body“Okay, okay I’m sorry. Sorry for treating you like last night, I swear I will not do it anymore. Sorry for said bad things to you. Please….oh my God please, forgive me,” said Will, half terrified and half turned on by the way James show his dominance.“That’s better. Oh yeah, I’ll charge you 4 times bigger because bringing those fag last night, so thank you, wuss,” said James, leaving Will in his dorm room
Even though he’s a rent boy, but he has dignity and his former status as college quarterback before dropped out still make him a proud alpha. No more jobs as beta, he made note to himself. 

Superman’s Master by Henry Cavanaugh

Happy New Year all! This was my present gifted to me by Henry Cavanaugh in the 2nd Annual TF Writers Story Exchange. Thanks Mr. Cavanaugh! I loved it!

Superman’s Master A short story by Henry Cavanaugh

Clark had been accused of hubris before – by Bruce of all people – but he had never bought into the idea that perhaps he possessed an arrogant streak until that very moment when he found himself in a situation that he couldn’t easily escape from and totally out of his depth. He had fought off countless villains over the years in defense of Metropolis but this villain didn’t want to destroy the world or even the city, instead they wanted to destroy the idea of Superman and in doing so make an example of Clark.

The villain himself wasn’t the most physically imposing – just under six foot and in shape but not exactly muscular. He would have been able to pass as an everyday nobody if it wasn’t for the glowing red eyes that revealed him to be a metahuman. Clark wasn’t certain what the meta’s powers were but he had been able to hold the Man of Steel with some sort of invisible force and had kept him prisoner for hours, slowly talking his ear off as he revealed just how much he had admired Superman from afar. Now he had Metropolis’ great hero within his grasp and was going to enjoy tearing him down so the world could learn that even their heroes could be broken and forced to obey.

“That suit covers far too much of you,” the villain declared. “Why don’t we just keep the briefs?” Clark could only stare down at himself as his muscular body was suddenly exposed, the famous blue suit vanishing and only leaving behind the red speedo which contained his large bulge. Every strong muscle was on display and Clark’s cheeks flushed red from embarrassment at the exposure. He wanted to open his mouth and speak – to firmly tell the villain to stop in his attempts to humiliate him – but his mouth seemed to be sealed shut by the same unseen force that was keeping his body locked in position.

“That’s much better. You love having your big muscles on display, don’t you?” The words sounded incorrect but how could they be? Clark had always been something of an exhibitionist and he loved showing off his strong muscles, always tensing and flexing so everybody could see how big he really was. It didn’t matter if it was other heroes, villains or even civilians – any pair of eyes on his body was more than welcome as far as Clark was concerned.

“You don’t need to overthink everything, Superman. It’ll feel much better if you just let your mind relax.” Upon hearing the suggestion by the villain Clark willingly let go of the thoughts that were clouding his mind and embraced the peacefulness of a quiet headspace. As a result he even forgot to feel afraid of the villain’s power, nor was he

alarmed to find himself still frozen in space. If that was how things were supposed to be then there was no point of fighting against it, right?

“Deep down I don’t think you’ve ever truly cared about being a hero,” the villain remarked, beginning to pace the room. Clark found himself watching the other closely and pouted once he was out of his vision. “You only ever cared about yourself but now… now you care about me, don’t you?” Clark felt somewhat embarrassed that he had been figured out so easily, especially when he thought he was such a good secret keeper. Nobody had ever seen right through him the way his new obsession did. “Go on, you can speak. Tell me the truth.”

“I care about you more than I care about being a hero,” Clark confirmed without even a moment of hesitation. The words rolled off his lips and he knew that they were the complete truth. As the man circled back in front of him, Clark’s heart began to beat a little faster and his speedo started to tent from the physical reaction of his arousal. It didn’t matter that Clark had never been attracted to a man before because now he couldn’t imagine ever being attracted to anyone else. His whole relationship with Lois Lane was nothing but a bad memory locked away in the darkest chambers of his mind to be forgotten about for as long as he remained under his new master’s control.

“That’s it, give into the truth,” his new master encouraged him. “The truth is that you would do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” Clark nodded. “You’d even change yourself if it would please me, isn’t that right?” Again Clark nodded in confirmation. “Good. I want that ass looking fat and ready for the taking. I’ll make those cheeks so tempting every man will want to to get their hands on them and you’ll say–”

“They’re only for my master,” Clark chimed in. He felt certain of his words, safe in the knowledge that his body was only for the amusement of his master. He could taunt and tease the rest of the world with his powerful muscles and delicious round bubble butt but they would never be able to truly enjoy the goods the way his master could. His master’s hand came down to Clark’s hair, gently stroking his skull like one might pet a dog who had been particularly well behaved. The action sent a rush of pleasure through Clark and his speedo strained even more against his hard shaft.

With both his mind and body clay in his master’s hands, Clark completely embraced his new role as a plaything rather than the world’s most iconic superhero. He wasn’t worthy of that title nor of any actual power himself which was why he had committed himself to serving a more worthy man. Soon the rest of the Justice League would follow his footsteps and all would be good – as long as Clark remained his master’s number one servant, of course.