The Bar Part 5 by markbufftree

The bar Part 5 – more guys are added

The muscled transformer had everyone enthralled in their hot male pursuit.

All the curious women left were now horny muscle fantasy dudes. All the men had beefed out and changed beyond recognition.

Personalities & even memories had changed with each guys wish.

3 of these guys used to be nerds and part of the LGBTI+ society. 2 used to be medic majors. Now the 5 were horny jock bros

These beef cakes are now 3 of the hot barmen. The two on the left used to be Tiffany & Honey before their over masculisation

The stud on the left used yo be Jenny a cheer leader & the hunk of meat on the right was an overweight bus driver in his 40s piercing on the cute young girls. Now these two’s bodies were locked in a passionate embrace, tongues deeply exploring their jock mouths.

The guy with the mic said…“we need some more entertainment. Let’s get the 4 fattest dudes in the club up front”. The frenzy started and all the guys who’d fallen prey to guys with gain fetishes ended up at the front.

“Man we need to fix this” he dollars through the mic. “First off, I wish all guys with gain fetishes were sexy young jock cocksuckers with desires of hot thick cocks.”.

“And second, I wish these dudes were now our sexy hot dancers for the evening.”

Their bellies shrunk into right cobbled abs, their arms bulked & chests pushed out, and their hoses thickened.“

The small cocked DJ was commanded to play some tunes and the guys started gyrating & moving to the beat. Their bodies shone with sweat & the lights went dim to show off their luminescent underwear.

The crowd went wild for the hot studs as they danced through the crowds, with every part of their body groped, squeezed & linked by complete strangers.

The transformer needed a piss & wandered towards the gents only to find a dude cowering in the stairwell. A geek in round glasses & fully clothed.

“Well, well, well. A guy who escaped the wishes”

“Please stop, don’t do what you did to them. I like my life, I’ve got my whole life ahead of me”

“Thank you have man, I wish you were now a thick muscled stud with no trace of hair on your body except your pretty face. I wish you were a house boy & trophy boyfriend to a muscle hound who lets you store your slutty self out in evenings to the highest bidder. Basically you pay the rest, clean the house, cook for your man, & he let’s you pleasure him after his hard day of work”

Please with how the evening was going he relieved himself. As he turned from the urinal he saw a stud watching him with lust.

“I wish your body was always fine, always ripped, always sculpted & always hot & horny”

The guy bulged a bit more & git down to pleasure him.

When he got back to the stage he had another thought.

“Do we have any drama students in the house.” A few twinks squeezed loudly & he picked one of them to come forward.

“Ok, you’re now an entertainer at this club. Always keeping your body built hard & ready to put on the show of your life. Gather round boys, Jo Jo’s ready to go”

And with that the transformer took a front row seat, wished for a couple of hunky guys to suck him off while he sipped his beer

The Bar Part 4

The bar Part 4 – the Party got hotter

Remember the story so far:? No – just look at my blog

The DJ transformed and blackmailed for the mic

The guys stopped from leaving

The bar tenders (whatever gender) being turned into hot nearly naked studs

The gym bros brought to the front and two turned into lovers

The girlfriend who objected and was turned into a cocksucking twunk

Every guy turned gay and all made to look at someone and imagine their perfect fuck buddy.

It wasn’t just the hot students now, but they’d transformed into the desires of the guys before them.

Everyone worked out hard at the gym, but there were a good few muscle DILFs on the floor.

This guy had been 22 and scrawny but now was an athletic DILF who spent his life in the gym

This former jock found himself the desires of a kid who’d always liked the friendly more average guy who was now completely into him. He still worked out, but a bit of fat didn’t hurt anyone and his new lover couldn’t get enough of his fur

Whereas this 40 something got bro’d out completely. Obviously this guy’s partner likes being licked out

This was Britney who was curious about the transformations. Now she was a hot fucking stud ready for action

It really was whatever they desired. You want to see more…?

The Bar Part 3 by markbufftree

The bar part 3

Looking around he can see that everyone’s looking worried except the 2 gym bro’s on stage who are now gay wet dreams and Ry’s former girlfriend who’s now looking for some hot cock to fill his hot mouth.

Some of the girls had escaped the club & others were sliding to the back abandoning their men in hopes of escaping with their current identities.

“I wish you guys would start enjoying the show. Each of you is now relaxed & up for some fun. Each of you is now up for a new experience. Many of you are curious about what I’m up to & you want to see more.”

The crowd had changed. The mostly male audience was now chilled & getting excited. The testosterone was pumping & a few straight guys wondered why their cocks had plumped up due to the first two transformees & the now cock sucking twunk. A few secretly wishing he’d come their way

The Bar Part 2 by markbufftree

The bar part 2

“Ok…so I want the gym bros who work out every day to come up to the front. No-one. Ok, I wish all the gym bros who work out every day would come to the front and strip down to their boxers. You’re all looking petrified. Ok, I wish you bros would love showing off your hot bodies”

“That’s it. You’re dude’s and this is what you do right.

Ok, so have any of you got girlfriends here tonight? You have, mmmm. well they might not like this bit. You two, you’re now really into each other. Start passionately making out. What you won’t just do it. I wish you guys are now completely into eachother, and even though there’s a shower of water pouring over your hot bodies, you know this is completely natural.”

One of the girl friends, ran up to the stage shouting “Ry….Ry…no…what about us?”

Ry turned round and said, “sorry babe, I’m into this guy now.”

“What’s your name love?” The wishing guy said.

“Like you’d care, you’ve turned my boy friend into a gay fantasy.”

“Not yet I haven’t – but that’s a great idea”

Ry you and you’re homo are now two hot bulging go go dancers

“No she cried”

And you my dear are now a hot twunk, who exists to suck dick.

The new guy looked down in disbelief, and then got hard at the site before him.

“right who’s next”


The Bar Part 1 by markbufftree

markbufftreeThe bar Part 1

It was a normal night out on the town. Sean & Tina went into one of their favourite bars. After a grabbing some drinks they headed to the dance floor. Sean spotted that something was off. The DJ was being harrassed by this buff dude. It looked like he wanted to speak through the mic. One minute the DJ was a slim built swimmer & the next I swear he looked like a body builder. Then the guy whispered in his ear & the DJ shoved his hands down his pants and looked like he was about to cry. Resigned he let the alpha guy take the mic & the music stopped. “Yo yo, what up homos! I’m muscle Trent & all my wishes cum true. So I thought we could all have some fun. I wish no guy can leave this club until I say, although guys can still come in. Ladies it’s up to you really. Abandon the guys & all feelings you have for them, or risk becoming one.” Everyone looked confused. “For my second wish – I wish all the bar staff were hot, flirty, buff, well hung, topless, gay men”. There was a gasp as everyone turned & saw each guy expand, biceps, triceps, great pecs, shit eating grins on all of them. 4 of the staff had been women, but not with those sausages winging between their legs. “Now let’s get the party started” the music started & one of the transformed barmen leapt onto the bar and started dancing. “now to get all the gym goers up… Tbc

Jeremy’s Training by Mr Cavanaugh

Jeremy’s Training

Ever since hiring a personal trainer Jeremy had been excelling in his time at the gym. He had made rather rapid progress in the past couple of weeks and everybody was noticing just how big he was getting – his coworkers, his friends and even his wife. The progress became something of an addiction and he began spending longer and longer in the gym, pushing out extra reps and sets until he was totally spent and could manage no more. Calvin was a great trainer and seemed totally in sync with Jeremy, capable of stimulating him with conversation and encouraging him to work harder in equal measure. Sure, the sessions were costly but when he was getting such fast results it was totally worth it as far as Jeremy was considered.

“You’re not looking so little anymore, Jeremy,” Gavin remarked as Jeremy sauntered into the office late one day. He’d spent longer than expected with Calvin at the gym and hadn’t even had time to shower. As such his clothes were not only stretched out around his growing muscles but also showcasing several darker patches where the sweat had soaked through. No doubt the others would be able to smell the effects of his hardcore workout and while that may have mortified him in the past he actually felt rather turned on by the thought of stinking up the office with his scent.

In response to the other’s comment Jeremy lifted an arm and flexed his bicep, showing off the product of his hard work. He smirked as Gavin’s eyes flashed bright and a blush crawled across the other’s cheeks, knowing that the Brit was suitably aroused by the sight. He wasn’t sure why but Jeremy actively wanted the other to be turned on by him. Maybe that was why Calvin had asked about the people Jeremy worked with that morning. He’d felt so compelled to share so many little details about them, even things he’d promised he would keep a secret. Somehow he just knew he could trust Calvin with that kind of information.

Over the next few weeks Jeremy started to spend less and less time at both home and the Achievement Hunter office. He was in trouble with both his wife and his boss but he felt as if none of that mattered whenever he was pumping iron or even just in Calvin’s presence. He even joined the other to his tattoo appointment and decided to get some ink of his own, gradually adding more and more with the other man’s encouragement.

Eventually Jeremy opted to move out of the home he shared with his wife and into Calvin’s spare room instead. His trainer had him on an intense workout regime and a strict diet and it was just easier to remain in his presence for longer. Nobody else seemed to understand but that was fine because Calvin was all Jeremy needed for conversation these days. The other man just got him the way nobody else ever had. When Jeremy was having issues sleeping Calvin had even recommended a podcast that he could listen to him that would send him to sleep almost immediately – a type of ASMR, he had called it – and sure enough it did the trick, sending Jeremy into a deep slumber for eight hours a night.

After two months under Calvin’s tutelage, Jeremy was totally unrecognizable. The diet Calvin had him on did more than just help him build muscle mass – it had also somehow triggered a boost in his height, sending him from five-foot-four to six-foot-one. Even his face looked different with a longer nose, a square jawline and thinner eyebrows. He’d trimmed his beard into a goatee and made sure to shave his head on the regular to keep his new trademark look. His skin had taken on a tanned complexion that really completed the look and highlighted the strong curves and edges of his muscles.

When Calvin told Jeremy that he should take selfies so he could send them on to ‘potential buyers’ the former Achievement Hunter did so without question, providing Calvin with a number of images that featured him flexing or in his best poses. The former Boston jokester hardly spoke at all anymore, all too happy to let Calvin do all of the talking for him, which he did when they met up with the businessman that showed interest in hiring Jeremy as a bodyguard.

“Does he suck cock?” the man asked. Calvin merely laughed in response and Jeremy knew precisely why. He had spent every night of the past eight weeks down on his knees in front of the other, worshipping his long length and practising his oral skills. He was a proud cocksucker and damn good at it too. Thankfully the businessman wanted a demonstration and Jeremy was able to prove just how good at it he was, performing admirably and bringing the man to climax in mere minutes. Calvin watched on with pride in his eyes and Jeremy knew he’d done a good job.

As the deal was finalized and Jeremy was handed over to his new owner, he dropped to his knees and kissed Calvin’s feet. The man had done more for him than he could have possibly realized and he only hoped that Calvin would go on to help many others too. Now though, Jeremy had a new purpose and he was going to ensure that he performed his role to the best of his ability as both a dominant bodyguard and submissive bitch to a powerful business tycoon. He would speak only when spoken to and even then in a deep, slow voice with a slight Eastern European twinge to his accent, as if he was of Romanian descent rather than a Boston resident. He was even given a new name to suit him better, Jozef Dolinski.

Six months later the newly-christened Jozef was summoned into his master’s office where the man was watching a video of a group of men playing video games. He paused the video on a screen of a short man with a shaved head and scraggly beard and asked his bodyguard if he recognized the man at all. Jozef stared long and hard at the screen and while there was certainly something familiar about the other, he simply couldn’t place it. As such he grunted a simple no and then got down onto his knees when commanded. His master continued to play the video in the background all while his servant pleasured him and Jozef was forced to tune out the irritating sound of an American man yelling about only being five-foot-four. Truthfully, Jozed thought that didn’t make him much of a man at all.

Making Friends by grandwagonranchmaker


“Hey you caught a Pikachu yet bro?”

“Yeah bro let me see your Pokedex!”

“Where you going bro?  We’re just trying to be friends with you!”

Darren lowered his head and tried to ignore the gaggle of giggling bros hanging around outside the mall.  He was struggling against a difficult Pokemon Go raid.  It would be a lot easier if he had friends with him.  The boy idly wished the loud obnoxious bros really were his friends.  Luckily for him it seems something heard his wish…  

His shoes and shirt instantly vanished leaving the hapless teen in just his shorts, backpack and hat.  Darren’s small, pale feet were bare against the hot sidewalk.  He blushed profusely.  He was always very body shy but as he watched his feet seemed to be moving… his toes grew longer and wider, becoming quite plump and his feet became broad and strong as they inched up from a size 8 to a size 11 at the same time getting a dark tan and hard callouses on the bottoms.  

The tan seemed to spread across his entire body, glazing him in teh same golden brown shade as the bros.  His hands grew just like his feet and tightened into sizeable fists.  He caught himself flexing and big, swollen biceps popped out of his arms.  

“I’m hot” he blurted out.  But the changes didn’t stop there.  His flat, exposed chest – once a source of great shame began pushing out forming a hard shelf of pecs with big erect nipples standing straight out.  He felt the pecs with his new hands, they were smooth, strong and firm!  His hands moved down where his light treasure trail was erased leaving an immaculate six pack that could grind stone.  His shorts became impossibly tight as his butt ballooned out behind him and his dick swelled into a very noticeable bulge.  “Sweet bro!”  He belted out in a suddenly deep and masculine voice that held no trace of his former intelligence.  The cocky new bro flipped his hat around as his hair darkened and shortened.  His nose got thicker and his jaw became square and prominent giving him a mature jock face.  He grinned at his changes, tossing his nerdy pokedex phone behind him as he strutted over to his new friends.  He loved nothing more than chilling with his bros, showing off his muscles and making fun of nerds.  Life is better with your bros.  

If you try sometimes, you get what you need by gloaming-gate-keeper


gloaming-gate-keeperIf you try sometimes, you get what you need.

The fuckers always pushed you around, they were relentless. On top pf that, they expected you to do their school work for them. Uni was supposed to be better but noooooo, asshole “frat-bros” realized how smart you were and pigeon holed and bullied you. The worst was Conner O’Malley, fucking ass-apple threatened bodily harm if I didn’t do what he said.

The other issue was the fact that I was hot for Conner, physically at least. It complicated things even more when he saw me staring in the locker room. He called me every name in the book and told me that I’d better double his homework production; I guess more remedial math was coming my way. 

I was so angry that day, I was fuming. That night, I climbed out my window to the little landing I had and just watched the stars. I was still angry beyond reckoning, like it was burning inside of me and I couldn’t control it. It was the kind of anger that made you restless and want to punch things. The anger turned into tears, anxiety melted into sadness….why did I let this happen, why was I so afraid to stand up to their shit? I mean, it probably has something to do with the fact that I was not nearly strong enough to fight back. 

I just wish they would leave me alone…

I fell asleep on the landing, having strange ass dreams. I was standing in front of a mirror when a voice said, “Your wish is my command, young master.” I watched in awwwe as my muscles twitched and began spasming. It was like they were growing, years of workouts suddenly happening at the very moment. It burned and ached so bad I thought I was going to be sick. It was as if my bones were literally changing their size and shape, my world was spinning. This was a strange fucking dream. 

I kept watching as my skull reshaped itself, my chin grew and became cut I looked like one of those dumbasses now, what the hell. My voice sounded deep and alluring, as my Adam’s apple grew. Fuck, my scalp began to tingle, as I reached for my hair it came out in chunks.  Leaving a smooth dome behind, until it erupted in an itch that was impossible to ignore. I watched my hair grow back, into the perfect bro hair, I ran my hands through it, strong and not greasy. Damn, this turned me on, my cock was throbbing and getting bigger. Oh god, I just wanted to stroke it. 

I began to stroke it and I could feel my memories changing. The knowledge of pre-med was leaking out the tip of my fuck stick, I could remember all the business classes I took instead. Dude, my head hurts awwwwe shit, but I had to pump that fuck stick. Something inside knew it would be over once I blew my load, I tried to hold on but the pleasure and pain was too great. 

I shot out that greasy little nerd all over the mirror. It was absorbed into the weird ass glass and I could see him almost trapped in there. Heh, what a dream, guess he’s not my fucking problem. “Sorry, bro,” I chuckled a dumb laugh. 

I suddenly woke up, could hear my frat bros being loud in shit down stairs. Damn that was weird, never had a dream where I was some skinny ass nerd with greasy hair before. That was just a dream, just a dream, right?

I walked out of my room and Conner was there to greet me, my bro fucking kissed me, tongue down my throat and everything. I let him fuck me raw that morning. He winked at me and told me he was glad to have me back. Didn’t know what that meant, just knew I was one happy bro, bro.