
All Sorts of Blue Collar and Redneck Manliness

Way Too Simple

I have inability to speak so when I met the genie, he just smiled at me and said

“I’ll read your mind to grant your wish,”

Guess what? I want to be able to speak definitely and with that I wish I have a stress-free life in downtown New York and I want to be able to swoon ladies with my gaze too, and this what the genie gave me. A life as a blue collar guy in construction site in downtown New York. Yeah I have a deep baritone voice now that I used to groan and yell around the construction site, I also have this deep blue eyes and all, but come on? A construction site worker? That genie really messed around with me as he stripped me off from my boring yet comfortable life in the suburbs to this chaotic, dirty hell hole.

Watch Your Mouth

The architect now becoming the builder because that goddamn desk bitch keep acting like he know shit. He demands a lot of thing and always complained to the builder crew who cannot stand his screechy, pansy ass voice. Those workers hate the architect to the core and just want to shove some brick or their dick to shut its endlessly yapping mouth. The foreman also cannot stand the architect anymore and he saw how his workers hate the architect very much so he decided to do the work and now, the architect is no more and instead, there’s a new team member called Archie and he is ready to work hard all day long in the field. Well, at least the architect is more manly now in this blue collar form

Out of Expectation

No wonder everyone in the company respect yet afraid of my Dad even though he’s not the owner. My father worked with his friend to have this construction company or some sort back in the past. While his friend sit on top as the CEO, everyone always respecting my father, no matter what. He even still jon the worker on site, helping them times to times and being the one who goes around sites after sites checking out how the workers of the company work with their client. Turned out, he is quite a ruthless guy and almost everyone in the company have tasted his dick. I even experience it first hand when I decided that I wanna see how is the life of Murphy Fitzgerald Jr. by possessing him when he’s in one of the site. As memories flooded into my mind, I was flabbergasted…..awed….the way my father behaved on site and how all the workers afraid of him……my dick went hard directly and then when I tried to reach my shaft to release the load, a coworked walked in bringing a young lad that send myself to my edge with his innocent look and the fact it’s the chief son. My coworker just smiled at me and said

“The bitch put on some attitude and hell my dick became hard due to his ass. I need some release sir, and you seems like you need one too,”

That was arguably the best afternoon I ever had in my entire life, my dick stayed hard for hours and I even leak a pre as I went back to my body who slept in the back of the class back in my uni.

Take A Drag

One drag, his fancy Oxford shoes gone. Another drag, his pants changed into worn out ripped jeans with stains and dirt adorned it. He inhales another drag and his crisp black suit with tight white shirt turned into plain grey shirts reeked with sweat and sun. Soon as he exhaled the smokes, his wristwatch will gone as he will become the perfect foul-mouthed worker in the unfinished construction site next doo and I won’t have to worry about promotion as my only contender gone for good


He was a NASA worker until that incident happen that dumbed down everyone involved in Project Titan. That Houston writing is the only remnant he has from that catastrophic incident that sparked widespread terror as the radiation killed brain cells drastically. United States government decided to put the affected workers in an enclave isolated from people to reduce the possibility of contact with other human as no one is certain how severe the radiation exposed to these workers and to what extend it can spread to the general population

Better Husband

He won’t realize it until he is dead but he used to be bloody rich but he’s attitude and the fact he decided to not paid me, he really made a wrong move. Well… won’t be a wrong move or all and his fate won’t change if he didn’t drop this Chronivac thingy. He left it after he talked shit to me as he drove his car away and with this technological marvel, now he is ome of my mechanic. He worked hard in daylight and I worked him hard when the sun goes down. He might be straight and all, but when faced with me, he is just a little pussy ready to obey every order I told him to.