What goes around… comes around? by CoyoteR

Reposter’s note: taken from https://muscle-growth.org/blogs/entry/532-what-goes-around-comes-around/?ct=1560115716 CoyoteR was an awesome tumblr writer, now on Musclegrowth.org

Derek was dorky, overweight, and well… really kinda super ugly at this point… To hear him tell it, people had treated him like garbage all his life. Derek didn’t realize it but he’d only really been miserable for about a week…

 The curse I’d placed on him was just to have a bit of fun at his expense I suppose. “yTfr JyHg NfGpQw uSkOl NfGpQw” or loosely translated: “What goes around comes around,” that sounded like something he definitely needed. Derek isn’t the biggest jerk in the world, he’s actually pretty normal for the most part I guess; he just talks about other people WAY too much, poking fun at them mostly. Not to their faces of course (like I said he’s not a super jerk) but oftentimes to friends or other coworkers. Anyway, I have had the pleasure of being his best friend for about 14 years. We’ve hung out since we were in middle school actually and ended up sticking together through school then as room-mates, straight up to our current tedious office jobs.

Anyways, I’d always been a bit of a dabbler in things occult and when I came across a curse that would inflict his mockery of others back onto himself, well… I couldn’t resist.

The week started off kind of predictably actually, poor Phil from the office downstairs was hugely fat and the higher ups hadn’t ever seen fit to promote the guy. He came by to drop off some paperwork then sure enough by lunchtime, suddenly Derek isn’t in the cube next to me, now he’s downstairs and so overweight he had food delivered to him for lunch. 

The following days all went in a pretty similar fashion, I’d see Derek at the end of each day and could guess some of the things he had said: his thick glasses, his nasally voice, his weird face, his…bowel troubles (ick), it went on and on. The weight though was probably one of the funniest things, he’d go from being morbidly obese to rail thin from day to day, always talking shit about the other side I guess.

So I like I said, he’s been dealing with this about a week and I think he’s learned his lesson so its about time to let him in on it. We went to the grocery store together Saturday morning like always, the only difference was Derek positively stuffing the cart with junk food, waddling alongside me today.

“Hey… So I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something…”

He looked up at me, squinting slightly before wheezing out in his shrill voice.

“What? …Y-You’re not moving out are you?”

I raised up my hands shaking my head. “No! No no no.” 

He let out a sigh of relief and continued back on trudging forward. 

“I just wanted to let you in on–”

“Hahaha-*snort-wheeze*-Heh. Hey Alex, check this guy out!” Derek was holding up some workout magazine he’d grabbed up from the bookstand.

“Look at this exercise homo! Just cuz he’s decent looking he thinks he’s somebody important. He probably spends hours on making himself look good every morning then I bet all he does is work out and get off on other dudes!” *snort-laugh*

I laughed for a moment then suddenly winced, grabbing my head a moment (I guess you shouldn’t look directly into the curse…) then looked up and there stood the new him.


“Wow… uh Derek?”

“Yeah dude?” He placed the magazine back on the shelf and continued on.

“So.. you know all that weird magic-ey stuff I’m kind of into?”

“Yeah; that occult crap is so stupid and such a waste of your time bro.”

My head hurt again a moment, looking back up at him, though nothing seemed changed…

“Well I sort of… put a curse on you… and uhh…”

He turned and smiled that weird too perfect new smile at me.

“I know you tried to Alex, but you know I’m much better at that kind of thing than you.” He took a step closer to me, I backed up half a step while he continued.

“So instead, this morning I thought it would be only fair to give you a taste of your own medicine.” 

“W-What? What are you talking about?”

He took another step closer, wrapping one of his now large hands around my back and pulled me into a deep kiss, his tongue pressing into my mouth. 

I, of course, freaked out. It took some struggling (he was so damn strong now!) but I managed to pull away. Stumbling back, I tried spitting the taste of him out of my mouth.

“What the hell! Sorry dude, but I’m not into fitness-junkie queers!” 

He grinned widely at me. That perfect sexy smile of his always made me melt and damn he knew it. I closed the distance between us, running my hands over his muscular chest, kissing up his neck and square jawline before finding his mouth. All the while, his hands explored my body, squeezing and caressing my back before trailing his fingers down over my six pack. God… sometimes I’d worry that we should be doing more than going to the gym and fucking, but times like these…

“Mmm… Alex, lets hurry up and finish shopping. We still have to get in another 2 hours at the gym, Summer’s only 5 months away and you’ve barely put on any muscle.”

I blushed but smiled back to him, he was right; I may be incredibly fit but I don’t really bulk up like he does, my build is much leaner than Derek’s but that’s alright; I love his muscles, I don’t need some of my own.

We checked out, then headed out to the car. I loaded everything up then turned and saw Derek staring at some roided out douchebag jogging shirtless with his dog. That smile returned to his face when he looked back at me, probably noticing the sour look on mine.

“Hmm.. Whats wrong?” His eyes widened a little then his voice had a teasing tone to it, like he was goading me. “Jealous?” 

“Hmph!” I scoffed at him. “Why would I be jealous of some muscle monster exhibitionist?”

He shrugged, that teasing smile widening across his face again as he looked me up and down. I just stood there and scratched my bare chest lightly before placing my hands at my sides, smirking at him… 


“Whatever, I know you like what you see, just like everyone else. Besides I’m way bigger than that guy anyway…”

A Revenge Fantasy by playernumber37


A Revenge Fantasy

You feel your mouth flicker into a snarl, your fists balling at your sides.  You see your muscles twitching under your skin.  You aren’t looking in his eyes – you know what happened the last time you did that.  Well, you sort of do.  It’s like a story you tell yourself, half-remembered, just the basics, and only sort of how it ends.  First, the slow creeping numbness over your brain, like fog over the river on a cold morning.  The humming, the buzzing, that rises in the same manner.  You know that if you let your eyes close, just a little bit, just a fraction, they might slam shut.  You might wake up somewhere else again.

The way his words slide in and out of your consciousness.  It’s like trying to hold onto a slippery rope, coated in oil.  Your hands just keep sliding, even as you fight to hold on.  To concentrate on the words he is saying, not just the sounds they make, the way they piece together.  It’s so important to fight, to fight it with all your might.  It is important because if you don’t, you might slip, slip just a little, lose your footing.  Every single one of your muscles is wrought iron, is corded steel.  You are not superhuman.  You cannot keep this up forever.  

The thought occurs, unbidden, a little suggestive, flicking in and out, stiletto-quick: is this part of it?  What are the words he is saying right now?  Maintain!  Focus!  Concentrate!  So many imperatives, so hard to – 

A wave of dizziness crashes into you, and you are faltering, teetering, there in the darkness behind your closed eyes.  Wait – when did you close your – are you become desperate?  Where are you on the slippery rope?  Your breath is so measured.  So even.   Wait, stop.  Breathe.  In, and out.  Relax.  You have this.  You can do this.  You are assured, you are confident.  Your mind is iron, just like your muscles.  You feel your muscles twitching under your skin.  Muscles are what is important.  They are how you maintain the fight against him.  You relax.  You grin.  There’s no way he beats you.  Not again.  Not with muscles like these.  This is what you are good for.  Muscles.  What’s he saying now?  It doesn’t matter that you don’t know.  You let the slippery rope slide.  You are confident.  You are laughing on the inside.  You let the tension drain out of you.  There’s no need to hold all that energy in your muscles, the best part of you.  All that electricity, all that fight.  You know he can’t best you, not with your muscles, not with muscles like yours.  You flex, just to show him who’s boss.

“Well, you got me,” he says, and you open your eyes, swimming to the surface through what seems like an eternity of shifting colors, black to twilight to gray to blinding white – he is sitting there in front of you, smiling, arms crossed over his chest.  “You can’t be hypnotized.”

“Yeah,” you say, uncomfortably rolling your shoulders.  “Can’t be hypnotized, bro.”  He grin widens. 

“And there’s no way I can get you to change your mind.”

“Naw, can’t change my mind, bro.”  The words are out of your mouth before you can think to stop them.  Thinking to stop them seems like kind of a waste of time.  Who thinks before they speak?  What’s that even mean?  There’s a sort of fogginess.  You feel yourself frowning, just a little.

“Aw, what’s the matter?  A little confused?”

“Uhhh,” you start to get out, but it’s like your mouth’s filled up with cotton, or is it your head, or is it both?  It’s like having water in your ears after dunking your head underwater.  Try again.  “Uhhh…”

“Wow, it really works.”  A new voice.  You turn your head to one side, surprised at how much effort it takes.  Someone standing next to him.  Staring at you, with a weird look on their face.  Something a little like surprise, but mostly like they just won something.  “And he’s gonna stay like this?”

“He might relapse, but you just have to say his trigger phrase to get him to, ah, recharge, as it were.”

“Or drain his batteries, haha.”  They share a high-five and then stare at you again.  

What the fuck.  This isn’t right.  Something’s gone terribly wrong – you fought this!  You didn’t get hypnotized, you were strong, your muscles were flexed.  You start to stand up, and they’re staring at you.  “What’s a matter, bro?  Feel a little funny?”

“Uhhh … yah,” you try to explain yourself.  I feel dizzy.  Faint.  Confused.  But the words just exist now as themes, as big feelings, in your head, and you don’t have the tools to describe them.  You make motions with your hands and arms.  You raise one arm from your side and clench your fist.  Your bicep engages, your tricep engages.  Parts of your lats and delt engage.  Your body is a machine which has been turned on, and this clears some of the fog.

“Holy shit, he’s posing!”  The new dude is looking at the other dude.  They’re both skinny like twigs.  Glasses.  Smirky.  Fuckin nerds.  “This is nuts.”

Your mouth opens.  “This isn’t me!  I’m not this way!  I flex, I flex, I – “

They stare at you, for a long, unbroken moment, and then burst out into laughter, laughter that goes for so long that you raise your other arms and flex that one too.  That makes sense.  Flexing shows you’re strong.  Shows that you’re not weak.  Can’t be beat.  Can’t be hypnotized.  Can’t be made dumb.  You’re strong in the brains.  “I’m strong,” you say, but the brain part doesn’t make it out.  “I’m strong,” you try again, and then flex again.  God, it feels good.  You don’t want to stop.  You never will stop.

“What about his classes?”

“Taking care of that now.”  You hear typing.  He’s on your computer.

“I flex!”  You protest.

“Yeah, dummy.  You flex.  You just keep on flexing, and I’ll just keep on editing your life for you.  You won’t have to worry about being smart anymore.”

What the fuck?  What is happening?  Your mind is spiralling into panic.  You are smart.  You are in the top level of your classes.  You are getting all As.  You tutor people!  You – “I flex!”

“Looks like he’s trying to fight it,” the second nerd observes, pushing his glasses up on his nose.  “Man, his muscles are getting big … how long have you been doing this?”

“The whole semester,” he says.  He looks at you square in the eyes.  “Mostly while he was sleeping.  I doubt he even remembers when he started going to the gym.  Work’s really paid off, though, hasn’t it.  Big muscles.”  He walks up to you.  He touches a finger to your forehead, presses.  “Little, tiny brain.”  He laughs.  “You’re right.  He is trying to fight it.  Let’s just fix that while his add/drops are processing.”  He turns back to you.  “Bet you’re sorry you ever fucked with me, dumbbell.”

Don’t look at him in the eyes.  Don’t look at him in the eyes.  Don’t listen to his words.  Don’t let him –

“Bet you’re sorry you ever called me dumbbell, dumbbell.”

Don’t – no – 

His smirk.  His brief, short laugh.  His gray, gray eyes.

“Go to sleep, dumbbell.”

The tail of the slippery rope, vanishing into the darkness.  

The Bar Part 4

The bar Part 4 – the Party got hotter

Remember the story so far:? No – just look at my blog

The DJ transformed and blackmailed for the mic

The guys stopped from leaving

The bar tenders (whatever gender) being turned into hot nearly naked studs

The gym bros brought to the front and two turned into lovers

The girlfriend who objected and was turned into a cocksucking twunk

Every guy turned gay and all made to look at someone and imagine their perfect fuck buddy.

It wasn’t just the hot students now, but they’d transformed into the desires of the guys before them.

Everyone worked out hard at the gym, but there were a good few muscle DILFs on the floor.

This guy had been 22 and scrawny but now was an athletic DILF who spent his life in the gym

This former jock found himself the desires of a kid who’d always liked the friendly more average guy who was now completely into him. He still worked out, but a bit of fat didn’t hurt anyone and his new lover couldn’t get enough of his fur

Whereas this 40 something got bro’d out completely. Obviously this guy’s partner likes being licked out

This was Britney who was curious about the transformations. Now she was a hot fucking stud ready for action

It really was whatever they desired. You want to see more…?

Making Friends by grandwagonranchmaker


“Hey you caught a Pikachu yet bro?”

“Yeah bro let me see your Pokedex!”

“Where you going bro?  We’re just trying to be friends with you!”

Darren lowered his head and tried to ignore the gaggle of giggling bros hanging around outside the mall.  He was struggling against a difficult Pokemon Go raid.  It would be a lot easier if he had friends with him.  The boy idly wished the loud obnoxious bros really were his friends.  Luckily for him it seems something heard his wish…  

His shoes and shirt instantly vanished leaving the hapless teen in just his shorts, backpack and hat.  Darren’s small, pale feet were bare against the hot sidewalk.  He blushed profusely.  He was always very body shy but as he watched his feet seemed to be moving… his toes grew longer and wider, becoming quite plump and his feet became broad and strong as they inched up from a size 8 to a size 11 at the same time getting a dark tan and hard callouses on the bottoms.  

The tan seemed to spread across his entire body, glazing him in teh same golden brown shade as the bros.  His hands grew just like his feet and tightened into sizeable fists.  He caught himself flexing and big, swollen biceps popped out of his arms.  

“I’m hot” he blurted out.  But the changes didn’t stop there.  His flat, exposed chest – once a source of great shame began pushing out forming a hard shelf of pecs with big erect nipples standing straight out.  He felt the pecs with his new hands, they were smooth, strong and firm!  His hands moved down where his light treasure trail was erased leaving an immaculate six pack that could grind stone.  His shorts became impossibly tight as his butt ballooned out behind him and his dick swelled into a very noticeable bulge.  “Sweet bro!”  He belted out in a suddenly deep and masculine voice that held no trace of his former intelligence.  The cocky new bro flipped his hat around as his hair darkened and shortened.  His nose got thicker and his jaw became square and prominent giving him a mature jock face.  He grinned at his changes, tossing his nerdy pokedex phone behind him as he strutted over to his new friends.  He loved nothing more than chilling with his bros, showing off his muscles and making fun of nerds.  Life is better with your bros.  

If you try sometimes, you get what you need by gloaming-gate-keeper


gloaming-gate-keeperIf you try sometimes, you get what you need.

The fuckers always pushed you around, they were relentless. On top pf that, they expected you to do their school work for them. Uni was supposed to be better but noooooo, asshole “frat-bros” realized how smart you were and pigeon holed and bullied you. The worst was Conner O’Malley, fucking ass-apple threatened bodily harm if I didn’t do what he said.

The other issue was the fact that I was hot for Conner, physically at least. It complicated things even more when he saw me staring in the locker room. He called me every name in the book and told me that I’d better double his homework production; I guess more remedial math was coming my way. 

I was so angry that day, I was fuming. That night, I climbed out my window to the little landing I had and just watched the stars. I was still angry beyond reckoning, like it was burning inside of me and I couldn’t control it. It was the kind of anger that made you restless and want to punch things. The anger turned into tears, anxiety melted into sadness….why did I let this happen, why was I so afraid to stand up to their shit? I mean, it probably has something to do with the fact that I was not nearly strong enough to fight back. 

I just wish they would leave me alone…

I fell asleep on the landing, having strange ass dreams. I was standing in front of a mirror when a voice said, “Your wish is my command, young master.” I watched in awwwe as my muscles twitched and began spasming. It was like they were growing, years of workouts suddenly happening at the very moment. It burned and ached so bad I thought I was going to be sick. It was as if my bones were literally changing their size and shape, my world was spinning. This was a strange fucking dream. 

I kept watching as my skull reshaped itself, my chin grew and became cut I looked like one of those dumbasses now, what the hell. My voice sounded deep and alluring, as my Adam’s apple grew. Fuck, my scalp began to tingle, as I reached for my hair it came out in chunks.  Leaving a smooth dome behind, until it erupted in an itch that was impossible to ignore. I watched my hair grow back, into the perfect bro hair, I ran my hands through it, strong and not greasy. Damn, this turned me on, my cock was throbbing and getting bigger. Oh god, I just wanted to stroke it. 

I began to stroke it and I could feel my memories changing. The knowledge of pre-med was leaking out the tip of my fuck stick, I could remember all the business classes I took instead. Dude, my head hurts awwwwe shit, but I had to pump that fuck stick. Something inside knew it would be over once I blew my load, I tried to hold on but the pleasure and pain was too great. 

I shot out that greasy little nerd all over the mirror. It was absorbed into the weird ass glass and I could see him almost trapped in there. Heh, what a dream, guess he’s not my fucking problem. “Sorry, bro,” I chuckled a dumb laugh. 

I suddenly woke up, could hear my frat bros being loud in shit down stairs. Damn that was weird, never had a dream where I was some skinny ass nerd with greasy hair before. That was just a dream, just a dream, right?

I walked out of my room and Conner was there to greet me, my bro fucking kissed me, tongue down my throat and everything. I let him fuck me raw that morning. He winked at me and told me he was glad to have me back. Didn’t know what that meant, just knew I was one happy bro, bro. 


“Hey you caught a Pikachu yet bro?”

“Yeah bro let me see your Pokedex!”

“Where you going bro?  We’re just trying to be friends with you!”

Darren lowered his head and tried to ignore the gaggle of giggling bros hanging around outside the mall.  He was struggling against a difficult Pokemon Go raid.  It would be a lot easier if he had friends with him.  The boy idly wished the loud obnoxious bros really were his friends.  Luckily for him it seems something heard his wish… 

His shoes and shirt instantly vanished leaving the hapless teen in just his shorts, backpack and hat.  Darren’s small, pale feet were bare against the hot sidewalk.  He blushed profusely.  He was always very body shy but as he watched his feet seemed to be moving… his toes grew longer and wider, becoming quite plump and his feet became broad and strong as they inched up from a size 8 to a size 11 at the same time getting a dark tan and hard callouses on the bottoms.  

The tan seemed to spread across his entire body, glazing him in teh same golden brown shade as the bros.  His hands grew just like his feet and tightened into sizeable fists.  He caught himself flexing and big, swollen biceps popped out of his arms.  

“I’m hot” he blurted out.  But the changes didn’t stop there.  His flat, exposed chest – once a source of great shame began pushing out forming a hard shelf of pecs with big erect nipples standing straight out.  He felt the pecs with his new hands, they were smooth, strong and firm!  His hands moved down where his light treasure trail was erased leaving an immaculate six pack that could grind stone.  His shorts became impossibly tight as his butt ballooned out behind him and his dick swelled into a very noticeable bulge.  “Sweet bro!”  He belted out in a suddenly deep and masculine voice that held no trace of his former intelligence.  The cocky new bro flipped his hat around as his hair darkened and shortened.  His nose got thicker and his jaw became square and prominent giving him a mature jock face.  He grinned at his changes, tossing his nerdy pokedex phone behind him as he strutted over to his new friends.  He loved nothing more than chilling with his bros, showing off his muscles and making fun of nerds.  Life is better with your bros.  



Wow! 600 followers! Thank you guys, it’s nice knowing that so many of you like my occasional stories.

You deserve a terrible curse as usual…

You will lose all your achievements, your career, your maturity and experience, and will never be able to regain them.Instead, you will be stuck for eternity as a young dumb jock, a relentless party-goer and tireless sex machine.

This is like a dream for me