In-App Purchase by itstransformingtime


I’ve been hitting the gym 5 days a week for the last few months now and I’ve made no progress what so ever. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! It must be this stupid fitness app I’m following! It’s free, but there’s the possibility of buying add on and extras. I’m not normally one to look at in app purchases, so I usually ignore them but I was getting desperate, I hated being skinny!

Opening up the app, I clicked on the extras page, where I assumed all of the extras I could buy would be located. I was hoping maybe there would be an online personal trainer or something but it was just a list of weights I could buy, and not weights as in barbell.. actually weights. It was weird.

Looking through them the weights went all the way up to ridiculous weights 500 pounds of muscle… for $999.99, as much as that seemed tempting the price was not worth it for what is most probably a scam. Something however tells me that it isn’t and I look over smaller ones, 200 pounds for $9.99 seemed more reasonable, I clicked it hesitantly and waiting for the purchase to process.

It didn’t take long and soon a notification confirmed it was paid, asking me if I wanted to download it now. Clicking yes, I looked at the screen half expecting the app to just close and take my money but it didn’t, instead this weird feeling came over my whole body.

Man, I was getting hot, I looked down over my body, were my pecs always this big? Wait… they weren’t!! It actually worked, I watched in astonishment as my muscles inflated like balloons, growing larger than I ever thought possible. Man this felt so good!

I was so entranced by my muscles growing I never saw the other changes, apparently the increase in muscle also comes with other free changes, my jaw line was now much more square and I had a good beard filling in my previously patchy one.

My clothes were changing as well, gone was my t-shirt and sweatpants, now I was in a vest, showing off my pecs and shoulders nicely and shorts so tight the enhance my bulge… I stopped and looked down, a smirk on my face… guess my muscles weren’t the only thing to get bigger


When Lucas, heir to a billion pound fortune, had witnessed both of his parents murdered in front of him, he had expected some level of protection from the police. Especially because they gang that had killed his parents had threatened to come back for him.

He did not expect the level of protection to be so high that he would have been given a completely different body and life. After being explained that there was no other way in which he could be completely safe, he knew he had no other option but to agree to what the police were suggesting. 

Being taking into a room and being stripped down was embarrassing, many people assumed that because his father was a billionaire, he much have have had an easy life, and like most other rich kids that you see on instagram be buff, having spend almost all their time in the gym, or out spending their parents money.

Lucas was different, he spent the majority of his time in school, his father teaching him to earn his way through life and make some money himself, that way he would know what to do when he did eventually inherit all that money. He was skinny, but had a good level of both fat and muscle to look healthy. The nurse in the room with him ejected his are and it didn’t take long for him to pass out.

Waking up he knew that he was much different from before. He was laying down in a hospital bed and could barely see passed his now huge pecs, quickly sitting up, he stretched his arms out amazed at the size of them. He was now so wide that he could barely fit into his hospital gown. 

Exploring his body with his now much larger hands he was amazed at how much everything has grown, he smirked as his hands wrapped around his now much larger dick. He mind drifted to all the chicks that he would get to fuck now. That though made him pause for a moment, as before the change he had been gay.

The door to the room opening stopped him from exploring further, as the police walked in and talked him through his new life. His new name was Charlie and he was 25 years old, much older that the 18 years he was just a day ago. He was going to be moving into a council flat when he left, and his back story was that he had been in jail since he was 16, where he spent the majority of his time lifting weights with the other inmates. 

The police were worried that he was become lonely as he settled into his new life, so the had purchased him two dogs to keep him company. He smirked at this knowing that the dogs would be a good way for him to get out and pick up some chicks, which was the first thing that he did when he left the hospital. 

Living on a council estate was much different from the life in his multi-million pound house. But he was already enjoying this life more, he already had five girls texting him daily begging him to come over, he spent most of his time in the gym building his body bigger, he was so much happier now that he ever was.