A Holiday Wish

Written as part of the 2nd Annual Story Exchange

a story written for Scott TF

“Fuck,” Scott said as he walked down a deserted sidewalk.  “This has really been a shitty fucking Christmas!”  Earlier that day, Scott’s boyfriend for the past 3 years broke up with him, saying that he just wasn’t attracted to Scott anymore, and that Scott would have to move out of the apartment because Ricardo the Venezuelan go-go boy he had been hooking up with on the side would be moving in today. 

After that, when Scott got to his parent’s house, he was kicked out when he told them that the Erin he had been seeing wasn’t a girl.  And that he had kicked him out of the apartment.  Scott didn’t know but his parents were total homophobes and despised homosexuals.

 So, Scott found himself walking along a sidewalk in the evening of Christmas Day.  When most people were having their Christmas dinner, Scott was crying as he stumbled along the concrete sidewalk.  He walked past a Chinese restaurant that happened to be opened and realized he hadn’t eaten all day, so went in and had dinner.

He ate his “Special Dinner Plate Combo B” crying off and on.  As he did so, the tv was on playing a rerun of a talk show interview featuring Chris Mazdzer, the luger and Olympic silver-medalist. 

“Is there anyone special in your life?” the hostess asked. 

“I wish there were,” he replied in his sexy voice.  “But with all the training I do, and being an athlete mentor, and representing the athletes in the IOC and International Luge Federation, I really don’t have time to be in a relationship.”

“Yeah right,” Scott mumbled to himself.  “I bet if I were Chris Mazdzer, I would never be lonely.  Hell, I’d never be dumped and I’d actually have parents who were proud of me despite my sexual orientation.”  A new set of tears slid down his cheeks and onto his Mongolian Beef. 

At the end of his dinner, the waiter gave him a lucky fortune cookie.  “Make wish, come true!” the Chinese man told him.  Half-heartedly, but with a glimmer of home, Scott broke open his fortune cookie whispering, “I wish I were Chris Mazdzer.”

Scott found himself checking into the cheapest motel with a vacancy.  After checking in, he went to his room where he cried himself to sleep.  “Merry fucking Christmas to me!” he sighed dejectedly.   


Meanwhile, in a hotel room in North Elba, New York, Chris Mazdzer was lying in bed, alone.  He was totally bored.  “You’d think a silver medal winning Olympic athlete would be living it up after his win, but no.  If it’s not this competition, it’s training or attending that meeting or getting interviewed.  It’s so lonely sometimes.  I wish I had someone who understood.  I wish I weren’t so lonely anymore,” he said and promptly fell asleep. 


The next morning, Scott awoke.  He walked to the bathroom, and took out his penis to pee.  “What the fuck?” he asked.  This isn’t my dick.  At the same time, a voice in his head asked, “Who the fuck are you?”

“Wait.  I know that voice,” Scott thought, “that’s Chris Mazdzer!  What is Chris Mazdzer’s voice doing in my head?”

“No way bro, what the fuck are you doing in MY head?” the Chris voice asked.  “This is MY dick.  And MY body for that matter!” 

“Whoa!  No way!  We’re sharing a body?” Scott asked in disbelief.

‘I guess so Sherlock.  How the fuck did this happen?” Chris asked, walking to the mirror over the sink.  He felt kind of weird talking to thin air. 

“Holy shit!” Scott said, “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“What?!” Chris exclaimed, waiting for an explanation.

“The guy at the Chinese restaurant.  He said, ‘Make wish.  Come true.’ So, I made a wish to be you.  I was feeling so lonely and unaccepted and I had no idea it would actually work!”

“I made a wish last night too,” Chris said.  “I wished not to be so lonely.  I was talking about having a boyfriend, not someone in my head.  How the hell is this going to work?”

“Maybe we could give this a try?  Make us sharing this body be our new normal?  We’d both never be lonely again.  And I’m really good at this…”

Chris exclaimed in ecstasy as Scott reached down with their hand and gave Chris an amazing hand job. 

“Yeah, this could work,” Chris thought. 


I hope you like it Scott. I’m sorry if it’s total shit. If you don’t like it, I’ll definitely try to write you another one before New Year. I’ve never actually written anything like this before, so it’s completely experimental for me. Oh, and Merry Christmas!

I would love a story where an evil villain turns superman into an omega slave. He gets drained of his powers via a magic collar or speedo briefs and made to think he needs the villain to be his daddy and to serve him.


Superman. The Man of Steel. Widely considered the most powerful being on Earth. Invulnerable, indefatigable, and ineffable even in the face of the most insurmountable of odds. At least, that’s the mythology that surrounds him. But let’s be real. Like any other superhero, whether Kryptonian or otherwise, he’s still just a flawed mortal like the rest of humanity. He has wants and needs, and a mind that can be molded.

Not to mention, because he grew up among humans, and learned from humans, his psychology, despite his biology being Kryptonian, is very much human. And as a man busy with saving the world, he hasn’t had nearly enough time to explore the other aspects of humanity, especially the ones that can be dark and addicting at times, if one isn’t ready to confront them.

That was exactly what the villain was banking on once he found out who Superman was. He wasn’t in the big leagues. He didn’t even really qualify for the supervillain little leagues, but that was okay. Mostly, he liked seducing guys and getting them to do what he wanted, which more often than not was give up their asses to him, so he was more than satisfied with just being a run-of-the-mill criminal.

But when he discovered Superman’s secret identity, he realized that he just had to have the superhero. And thanks to a mysterious patron, he now had exactly the means to do it. A small pink shard of stone that he just knew would make Superman go gaga for him. The best part was that it really brought the collar it was embedded in come together.

So he laid in wait in Clark Kent’s apartment, just biding his time until the intrepid reporter and secret superhero traipsed in unawares, having no idea of what was about to happen to him. As soon as he heard the jangle of keys in the doorknob, the villain knew that his time had come.

When the door opened, he was ready. Superman, for all his inhuman reflexes, was caught utterly by surprise, his mind barely having any time at all to register that there was an intruder in his home before getting plunged into a sea of cottony pink bliss. A small dopey smile spread across Superman’s face as the villain pulled him into the room and into a deep kiss, wrapping the collar around the Kryptonian’s neck before anything more could happen.

Superman giggled to himself, his pants obviously tenting as his dick pressed against the fabric, and the cotton candy in his head made him feel so airheaded and so good. “That’s a good boy,” said the villain, his fingers slowly unbuttoning the shirt that clung to Superman’s sculpted chest.

Slowly, the villain removed all of the superhero’s clothes and tossed them aside. Superman wouldn’t need them from now on. “Do you know who I am?” said the villain. Superman just looked at him with glassy eyes, a dazed expression, and a trickle of drool dribbling from the corner of his parted lips. “Daddy,” said the villain, “I’m your Daddy. And you’re my boytoy.”

Superman giggled. “Hi, Daddy,” he said, almost shyly, which sounded a little strange in his rich baritone voice. “Are you the one making me feel so empty and giggly and dumb and happy?” said Superman, the words spilling out of him before he even had a moment to think about them, not that he could think very well at the moment. It was like his thoughts were swimming through a sea of molasses, and then popping just as he was about to catch them.

“Yeah, boy,” said the villain, with a small smirk. “Doesn’t that feel so nice?” he said. Superman nodded and let out another small giggle, even more of his memories and knowledge popping away, joining the cloud of cotton candy in his head. “Now why don’t you go ahead and get that cute butt on the couch so that Daddy can make you his forever?” said the villain.

Superman seemed to have the grace to blush as he grinned and brushed past the villain. He seemed almost too eager as he jumped on the couch and presented his ass, spreading his legs apart and pressing his firm chest to the cushions. “Make me yours Daddy,” said Superman, wiggling his butt from side to side. “Drain my powers and my brain and make me your dumb little slut!”

If you liked that story, you can view more of my work at the following links! And I have ebooks, too!

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Takes place in during an alternate season 3 of Teen Wolf, Stiles and Danny are 18 in this.


“I’m telling you Stiles this is a bad idea.” Danny says from where he’s laying on his side on Stiles bed, his gaze on locked on to  his phone, not even paying attention to what Stiles is even doing.

“How can you tell when you aren’t even looking?” Stiles says back. It was the summer of their senior year, with Scott busy with summer school, again, and Jackson having moved to London, the two of them found themselves forming a friendship, with Stiles clueing in Danny about the supernatural side of Beacon Hills. To which Danny just shrugged and accepted it with ease.

“You’re doing something stupid with magic, which you and I both know you have little knowledge of. In order to impress Derek cause you want to bone him.” Danny says, still with his attention on his phone.

Stiles pauses, turning around to stare at Danny, a little surprised that Danny was, mostly, right.

“But how? No, that’s not what I’m doing! I’m not trying to impress Derek or nor do I want to bone him!” Stiles settles on answering. His face reddening a little bit.

Danny finally looks up from his phone, giving Stiles a deadpan look that says how unconvincing that was.

“Well I’m not okay?! I’m trying to help him be more relaxed so he can be a better alpha. He’s too tense and hypervigilante. Also to help with my magic skills.” Stiles defends.

“Besides, don’t act like you aren’t texting Peter Hale right now.” Stiles adds, smirking at Danny’s reaction.

“I am not!” He says a little to quickly. Getting up from Stiles bed and grabs his bag.

“I have to get going now, please not to try do anything stupid once I’m gone.” Danny says heading for the door.

Stiles hums before saying. “Tell Peter I said hi!” and laughs when Danny tells him to shut up and closes the door a little to loudly on his way out.

With Danny gone Stiles focuses more on the task at hand, reading over the potion ingredients he found online, a totally legitimate potion okay? That he’s sure is going to help Derek become the best alpha he can be.

“Danny doesn’t know what he’s talking about, I’ve done the research, this potion is totally going to work, and when it does Stiles is going to enjoy telling Danny i told you so.

After Stiles slipped the potion into a few of Derek’s workout drinks the next morning when he stops by, knowing Derek’s not a morning person and will just grumble at him as he busies himself making coffee, Stiles won’t admit out loud that he finds it adorable. Once Stiles does what he needed to do, he leaves the grumpily sleepy Derek to go meet Danny to practice some lacrosse moves, planning to come back later in the afternoon to see if Derek’s drinken the potion/energy drink.

Hours later when Stiles is finished practicing with Danny, he heads back to Derek’s loft, heartbeat picking up as he gets closer. He wonders now if it was a good idea to do this, after all he didn’t actually test the potion before he poured the contents into Derek’s workout smoothies he made prior. What if he turns Derek into stone, a toad, what if the potion was poisonous to werewolves like wolfsbane.

“Oh this could be bad.” Stiles mutters to himself, dialing Derek’s number and it going to voicemail, not helping with his worry. A voice in his head, sounding oddly like Danny’s, scolding him for not thinking this over before he poured the potion and left it.

“I should not have done this.” he says, bolting out of the elevator once it opens. Halting in front of Derek’s door.

“Derek?!” Stiles yells, quickly getting the door open, rushing inside, stopping when he sees a guy sitting on Derek’s couch, the guy looks at Stiles like he’s insane, Stiles face heating up not only from embarrassment, but for the fact the man is naked.

“Stiles, don’t you know how to knock?” the man asks. He looks oddly familiar.

“Umm is Derek here?” Stiles says instead of answering. How does this guy know is name? Did Derek tell him? Is Derek seeing this guy? Could explain why he’s naked, and why Derek didn’t answer is phone.

“Stiles, you okay? It’s me bro!” the guy, claiming to be Derek says, smiling  so carefree, unusual for Derek, as he stands up, turning his back to Stiles to grab some shorts. Stiles sees the triskele tattoo on his back, Stiles heart skips a beat.

Holy shit, was this Stiles doing? It had to be, right? It had to be the potion he spiked Derek’s drinks with.

Stiles looks, supposed Derek over, like Stiles had thought before when he first saw the guy, he does share some reselbmance to Derek, but his beard his thicker, hair shorter and looks to be styled with more hair products than Stiles knows Derek would use. His body is hairier than Derek’s, chest covered in a lair of dark hair, traveling down his body. Stiles tries to not look any lower at Derek’s cock, even though he wants to.

“You okay there bro? You see off man.” Derek asks, the smile easy going look on his face shifts into a concerned look.

“Um yeah, just sore from practicing with Danny.” Stiles lies, he doesn’t know if Derek is aware of what’s happened to him and his changes, not sure if he’ll have the best reaction if Stiles were to tell him as such. At least Derek is aware of who he is so that’s something.

“Oh? Well, why don’t you let me help you loosen those tight muscles up then?” Derek grins, moving closer to Stiles, placing his hands on Stiles hips and pulling him closer.

Stiles is stunned, more so when Derek presses his lips to his, he just stands there for a few seconds before he finds himself melting into the kiss and returning it. He’ll figure a way to undo the potions affects later, but right now, he thinks he should do what Derek wants, and if that involves getting Stiles out of his clothes and Derek fucking Stiles several times, in many different positions, well that’s just between the two of them.


End notes. Derek’s come is affected by the potion, so he ends up transforming Stiles as well, as to what I’ll leave that up to you guys to come up with. 😉