

Caleb was lounging in bed, playing some browser MMO to kill some time. He was a rather high-level Paladin and recently put the smackdown on some orcs. It may never have been a better time to be a nerd, but no one ever told his small football obsessed town that. His lack of social skills and his love of niche hobbies earned him few friends that weren’t online. While he was wandering around an elven town, bored and not sure what to do next, a weird pop-up ad showed up.

“Get a perfect jock body instantly! Click here to see!” it said.

“Yeah, right.” Caleb thought. “But what the hell, I might as well. I’ll just not download whatever it asks me to download or enter my credit card info.” With that, he clicked on the mysterious ad.

He was directed to a really shady site with an absurdly long URL. It just had a video and instructions to watch it for that “perfect jock body instantly!” Still in incredible disbelief that this would cause anything other than brick his computer with a nasty virus, he clicked on the video.

A series of various sports images flashed on by. Not enough to see what they were, but enough to catch Caleb’s interest and full attention. He didn’t notice his face was gradually becoming more defined with a square jaw. His button-down shirt disappeared, showing that his skinny-fat body became more chiseled as he developed a six-pack. His chest and arms inflated. His jeans shifted to runners’ shorts. His legs became dense with muscle as if he had been running daily for a long time. The finishing touches were a piercing and necklace along with messy but styled to add a cool factor. The video had gone to black after Caleb had fully changed.

“Wait, what the fuck am I doing in front of a computer for?!? If I’m late to practice again, coach is gonna kill me!” Caleb had shouted as he slammed his laptop shut and quickly grabbed his football gear as he rushed out the door.


Transformation College: Orientation Day

We welcome @scot-tf , @tall-canadian,, @dumbmusclejockboi  and @thefateofdesire to Transformation College!

Scott looked out the window as his taxi drove across a moat bridge into a castle gate. He had never thought that such a College would look this enchanting, and especially for a newly opened one.

Above the College Gate was a banner: “Welcome to Transformation College!” Somehow, he felt really special, as the magic of the Institution began to weave into him and his surroundings. 

Scott didn’t notice, but his taxi seat began changing from cheap synthetic leather to Nappa leather, and looking out into the woods, his window started to tint. Outside, the silver Toyota Camry began to shift into a black silver-lined Rolls Royce. It cruised through artistic woodland dotted with antique houses, already filling up with other students and their belongings, as the transformed car stopped in front of a cool-looking castle mansion. 

Once he got out of the car, he took his dusty suitcases and looked around outside, eyes searching for other students. Suddenly, three other cars drove up the curb: a Ferrari, a Chrysler and a Bugatti.

Three students marveled at the sight of their dorm house, which you shared with them. “Hi, I’m Scott McIntyre,” he said awkwardly.

“The name’s Mike,” the first guy replied, getting out of the red Ferrari. He wore the quintessential comic-book-nerd clothes: an oversized t-shirt with a Captain America logo printed on it, ripped jeans that revealed his flabby legs, leather school shoes, and thick-rimmed glasses. He seemed warm, kind and friendly, but Scott was uncomfortable.

Scott ran down to help the next student in the Chrysler with his bags. “Thanks, man,” replied the young fourteen-year-old. “I’m Rowan; if you’re wondering, yes I have graduated college, I am a bright smart kid and my professors recommended I attend this college.” Scott was stunned. Does he have to share the dorm with a little kid?

Meanwhile, the Bugatti’s door opened to reveal a really sexy guy. His blond hair blew in the wind like snow, getting out without shirtless and revealing his glorious muscles.

“‘Sup brah? I’m Brody,” he hollered, strutting towards you and your skinny body. “Do me a favor? Pick up my stuff and throw them into my room, okay douchebag?” he ordered, acting all cocky and alpha-like.

Scott, feeling uneasy, did as he was told, and with help from Rowan, brought the jock’s seven suitcases up four flights of stairs. “This is my room, don’t you fuckin’ enter, even if I’m not here!” Brody yelled to the two. 

“But…” Rowan hesitated, then regained his composure. “It says on the door that it’s my–”

“You wanna fight little kid?”

“No,” Scott said, submissively. He took Rowan with him, stunned as Brody slammed the door. “Look, Rowan, the world is a place of hierarchies, and apparently ‘nerds’ like us don’t belong.”

“I don’t think that’s right, Scott,” replied a young man, standing before the two. He looked somewhat familiar to Scott as if he’d seen him before so many times.

“KJ Apa? What are you doing here?” he spoke, shocked.

“I’m the Dean of Transformation College. Welcome guys, nice to have you here. Settled in well?”

“Yes, sir!” Rowan replied enthusiastically, shaking the Dean’s gloved hand.

“That’s nice to hear,” he laughs. “So, something… or someone causing you guys trouble? I won’t stand it if students are being bullied on the first day.”

“We’re fine, sir, it’s just, Brody…”

“I know, Scott, give it time. He’ll have to change.”

Smiling at them, Scott and Rowan felt the room heating up as if they were melting. Muscles began to swell from their nonexistent calves and thighs, as pecs started to balloon from their chests, stretching Rowan’s crisp shirt and Scott’s dusty t-shirt. Suddenly, they felt that they were being punched in the stomach, as abs developed, and as they flexed their arms in confusion, their biceps swelled. 

Their faces began to rearrange, as Scott and Rowan’s jawlines became chiseled, more masculine than before. They felt the heat escape through their hair, as their messy curls became smooth, wavy locks.

“What just… wha- what happened to my voice?” a man in shredded clothes said to you. You look perplexed: was this Rowan? He looks… way older, 21 years old, not 14.

“Rowan, dude is that you?” Scott says, aghast because he never ever says dude to anyone. He looks down, noticing his own muscles, feeling them up to see if they were real… “Oh my, these are real!”

The Dean replied, “You guys need to stick together, protect yourselves. Don’t let Brody over there think that he can be the alpha wolf.”

Scott and Rowan, feeling more powerful than a while ago, went over to see Mike, who had become this:

“Guys, what happened? All I did was fall asleep and I wake up as a hot guy? Is this a dream?” he whispered, still shell-shocked.

“I think the Dean changed us,” Rowan replied, gaining confidence. 

“I wonder what happened to Brody,” Scott told them. Walking over to Brody’s door, all they heard was flat out silence. Cautiously, they opened the door, and all of Brody’s clothing, from jockstraps to designer suits, were strewn everywhere, Brody not in sight.

Mike found a note by the desk, from the Dean.

“I had a talk with Brody, he’s moved to the other building. He’s no longer a problem, and he swears to protect you guys. The Dean” 

Looking at each other after reading the note, the trio looked around. “I guess this stuff is ours now,” Rowan said to the two, and smirks began to form on their charming faces.

Feeling like the luckiest guys in the world, Mike, Rowan, and Scott picked up some clothes and got changed. As they walked out into the College courtyard, all people could do was stare, because they were the luckiest people in the college.

Meanwhile, the Dean watched from his office window with his husband Professor Mendes, kissing him and waiting to see how the semester will unfold.

but what happened to Brody?!