Of Spies and Muscleheads Part 6


“They’re swarming the compound,
Hunter. More than half have been converted already.”

“Why hasn’t anybody shot them,
damnit?” Hunter growled.

“We’ve tried. Somebody rigged
munitions. It’s all blanks.”

“How the hell can our entire armory
have been compromised?”

“Very, very carefully,” Stone said.
“I’ll have to thank Arsenal later. He should be waking any moment now. He’s
such a good meathead.”

Hunter groaned.

“Aww, what’s the matter, Agent
Hunter? Feeling a little heavy? Oh, but I bet it feels so good, doesn’t it?
It’s hard to resist all that growth, all that power. Why don’t you just … let
it go?”

“F–Fuck you,” Hunter said through
gritted teeth. Then he shuddered as the bulge in crotch increased.

“Ooh, you’re coming along nicely.
Just a matter of time now, Agent Hunter.”

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