Deepest, Darkest Birthday Wish by dumbhypnojockboi

Deepest, Darkest, Birthday Wish

You wake up feeling out of sorts, not too sure why you have a sense of weirdness about you.

Your cell beeps, signaling a text has come through. “Happy Birthday!  Hope you like it when your deepest darkest desires come true!” It says. You don’t recognize the phone number.

You head to the bathroom to take care of your morning routine. You shit, shower and shave, thinking something was wrong, but shrugging it off. Bending down in front of the mirror as you shave, you think to yourself, I really need to adjust it. And why is the counter so damn low?  Again, you brush it off. Your cell phone rings with some douchey hip-hop ringtone. (When did I change my ringtone?) and you don’t recognize the number.   You let it go to voice mail. Playing it back, you hear someone saying,“Hey bro, we were supposed to work out together half an hour ago, hurry up and get you ass over here! ”

You realize that it’s your best bro Jimbo. How can you forget his number?  And why wasn’t it programmed into your phone?  Anyway you put on some clothes grab your bag and head to the gym.

On route to the gym, you get a text from more people you don’t know. There’s a photo of two naked twinks, both with slave collars saying, please master, can we do this again?“ Confused you think whatever, and continue to the gym.

“Fucking A dude, what the fuck?”  Jimbo asks me.

“Fuck you!”  I reply, giving him a bro hug. “I was busy dominating two twinks last night. I had to destroy their asses and break their jaws with my fucking huge fuckstick.”  Fuckstick? Dominating?  What was I saying?  I stared to feel like a passenger in my own body. 

“Whatevah,” Jimbo says.  “Let’s just fuckin workout already, bitch.” “Yeah, you my bitch,” you say. You guys get to the squat rack and you start piling on the plates on the barbell.  1…2…3…4…5… on each side.  “What the fuck,” you think to yourself, “I can’t fuckin lift that:  And your body proceeds to do so.  Your mighty (mighty?) thighs pumping with veins and muscles.  Your ass popping out, two basketballs hanging in mid-air, so luscious and solid.  And your calves are more like cows, bigger that footballs and solid like stone.  You finish 3 sets of 50 reps and move on to a bench press.  Piling over 500 lbs of weights on to the barbell, you make quick work of your 3 sets of 25 reps.  Sweat glistens off of your majorly pumped pecs.  You can’t believe how chiseled and solid they are.  (Of course they are.  The gym is like your home.  You basically live here.)  Then you start to curl the barbell.  You biceps and arms growing and filling up with rock hard solid muscle.  Bigger than a kid’s head, your arms are glorious!  (Fuck yeah!  You spend enough time on them!)  You move on to work out each and every muscle group, feeling pumped and awesome as reps turn into sets.  

“Fuck yeah, Jimbo!  That was fucking awesome!” You high five Jimbo. “Yeah, you were fucking possessed!” he says. “Fucking A!  Killer fucking workout!” you reply.   Your phone dings.  “Don’t forget your shift starts in an hour.  Sometimes you’re so dumb you’d be lost without me.”  The text from your manager reads   “Shit!  I gotta go work!  See you later. “

In the locker room, you can’t help admire your body.  It’s perfection.  Every muscle carved and honed to statuesque beauty.  Of course you don’t know words like statuesque anymore, you just think of yourself as fuckin ripped!  You can’t help but admire yourself in the mirrors, posing and cockily grinning.  Taking a few selfies. You’re just so fucking hot!  You turn yourself on!   You get yourself ready for a night stripping at the club.  Oiling up your muscles putting on your stripper gear (a sexy cop outfit) and getting ready for a night of stripping and getting your muscles worshipped.  Who knows?  Maybe tonight, you’ll take home more twinks to dominate, and ruin more holes and break more jaws.   This is the life! 

For @hyphyphurray as a belated birthday story.  Hope you like it bruh!

Gym Selfies


“We recommend installing the application. Confirm?”

Johnny looked at the screen of his smartphone. “What kind of app?”

The screen said, “Gym Selfies”

“Another app for these stupid jocks,” Johnny thought. He pressed the cancel button.

“Cancellation is not permitted. We recommend installing the application. Confirm?”- the sign has come up.

“WTF?!”- thought johnny – “ Maybe I can remove it after install?”

He confirmed the installation. “Load. 30%… 65%…87%…98%…100%… Download complete”

“Our app will teach you how to make the best selfies of your pumped body! With our app you will emphasize all your advantages!”

Johnny already wanted to delete this application,but then he suddenly wanted to take a selfie. He could not overcome his new desire. he pressed OK.“

“Take off your shirt and lie down on the sofa” – said the application. “Extend your left hand with your smartphone. Make a fist and raise your right hand to your head. Strain your muscles” Johnny knew that it was very silly, but he took off his shirt, lay down on the sofa and took the pose. On the screen appeared his skinny body and his bony hands. Johnny saw his face covered in teen acne and the dirty black hair that lay in his shapeless hair.

“Open your mouth a little, look into the camera and take a photo.”- ordered the application. Johnny heard the camera click. He decided to check the photo. But he was very shocked. It wasn’t him in the photo.

The photo was a beautiful Jock with bright blue eyes, well-groomed hair, a beautiful face and, of course, big muscles. He looked very hot. 

“Error. The photo does not correspond to reality. Reality needs to be replaced. Wait, the operation is in progress…”

Johnny felt a wild headache. He dropped the phone on the floor and bent in half, holding his head. His body started to grow rapidly, reaching a height of 6.2 feet. His spine was stretching out and johnny could hear his bones crunching. His muscles began to grow rapidly. The biceps swelled, the pec began to protrude much forward, and his abs appeared. Johnny could see his skin starting to take a darker shade, as if he was sunbathing on the beach every day and his hair was forming into a fashionable hairstyle. His face became more masculine, his cheekbones became sharpened, his eyes brightened and a bright stubble formed on his chin. The last shift johnny had felt in his pants. His cock began to stretch from his modest 4 inches to huge 9 inches, and the balls were at least 2 times the size! 

The headache went as quickly as it started. Johnny straightened up and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw an exact copy of that dude in the photo. Only now this dude reflected in the mirror with a look of shock on his face. “Holy shit!” Johnny cried out. 

"Oh, my fucking voice is lower!” He looked in his pants. 

“Fuck! My dick bigger!” Johnny began rubbing it intensely. The more he jerked off, the slower his thoughts were. His mind gradually erased. Johnny, although now he prefers to call himself John, cum right on his mirror.

Now he wanted more selfies. He should go to the gym and take more selfies. He wants it very much.

This is my first story, so I will be glad if you like it.

Hey do you have my cloth yet from the washing machine, I need them for my next college class.


I’m afraid they are not ready yet. But why don’t you take these instead.

I know, they are too scally to wear them to class. Don’t get smart on me now.

Just try them on until your other clothes are dry.

Not looking too smart now, are you?

Awesome clothes, I know.

They are not only comfortable, they also play with your mind.

What? You don’t believe me?

Why don’t you go and look at yourself in the mirror.

See, a new haircut, a new style, a whole new person.

I knew you’d like those clothes.

And yes, the smokes inside that pocket are yours, man.

No, I didn’t say anything about you going to college, man.

That’s only for nerds.

Scallies hang out with their mates and that’s what you told me you were headed.

Yeah, see you later, man.

And here goes another one.

Once the new mindset sets in even nerds can’t resist the temptation of having new life in freedom.

No thoughts about college anymore.

He has turned into a propa scally now.

And I made sure by giving him his new clothes and the smokes that he will stay that way.


Whiff of perfume


“A whiff of Toscani, the new cologne for men?” Oh god, Jim hated his job. But he had been lucky to get it in the first place. Jobs were kinda scarce in this town. Now he had to stand in this mall every day asking strangers whether or not he might spray them with some stinky perfume. Every damn day the same annoying customers, the same jokes, the same stupid questions… And the annoying teens who made fun of him.
Today it was a new perfume, their store sold it exclusively. Unfortunately it was too exclusive, nobody had heard of it so hardly anyone was interested. So he had been standing here the entire day, next to some big cut-out standee of some model who endorsed the perfume. It was already late in the afternoon when he finally got a costumer. Some guy walked up to his stand and asked him for some information about the product. While Jim did his small sales pitch, he took a closer look. The guy was clearly loaded. He was wearing an expensive well-tailored suit, you could tell the way it hugged his body.  The customer looked like one of those models you see in adds for perfumes. A bit too much into his looks though. Still, Jim couldn’t help but feel jealous, feeling somewhat small and ugly compared to the guy. Well, a few more hours and he could go home and bang Erica. The thought of his well-endowed girlfriend made him cheer up a bit.
“Can I see the bottle?” “Sure sir, here you go?” Normally there was a rule about not giving whole bottles to costumers but he didn’t think this guy was going to make a run for it. The guy stared intently at the bottle. What the hell was he doing? Why didn’t he just sprayed some on his arm and sniffed it, like a normal person. Wait, did that bottle light up for a second. No, that was ridiculous. And why was that guy smiling like that. Was he playing some prank? “Are you interested or not sir?” Jim was losing his patience. “Oh, I’m interested! Do tell, any chance the model is included? There’s something incredibly hot about a guy in a tailored costume, don’t you think?” Oh great, another fag with the same stupid joke. Should’ve guessed it from the way the guy looked… “Have you tried the perfume yourself?” the guy suddenly asked. “What, no, I…” Before he could finish his sentence, the guy sprayed the perfume right in his face.
Oh that filthy… Oh hell, what was that! What was happening! Sudden pains on his chin made him almost scream. He brought his hand to his face, trying to find the cause of his pain. As he ran his hand across his chest, he felt nothing but smooth skin. Too smooth!! Where was his beard gone to? Even the stubble on his cheeks was gone!! A perfume that caused loss of hair?!?! Panicking he grabbed his hair, half expecting it to have fallen out too. With a sense of relieve he felt he still had hair. It even seemed fuller than ever. His relieve was short lived. Another jolt of pain made him almost collapse! His entire face hurt! His nose felt pressed together while at the same time he felt his face being stretched out. His cheeks hurt as hell! The pain travelled down to his entire body. He started sweating. All his muscles started pounding like hell! Were they growing? How was that possible? His chest seemed to be pulled apart while his waist felt like it was stuck in a bench-press. His shirt and pants struggled to stay intact.
The pain faded and a wet feeling hit his lips. The stranger gave him a long deep kiss. And he didn’t even fight it!! All he could think was that the guy tasted better than Erica. Oh god, he tasted really really good. Was that a tongue? Aw yes, delicious. Part of him was disgusted by the fact that he was making out with a guy. Most of him just revelled in this tasty new experience as their tongues wrestled. A whole new world was opening for him. He began questioning his sexuality. Why had he never tried this before? It was so damn heavenly! He felt the guy grope his ass and felt his cock stiffen, completely aroused. His clothes seemed to stiffen as well, that was a strange feeling. As their crotches rubbed together in a tight hug, he completely lost all resistance. Oh god, he wanted to sleep with this man, he wanted to fuck him, wanted to be fucked, wanted to slowly undress him out of that amazing suit and just ravish him. How the hell did he spend all these years in complete oblivion to the delights of gay sex? The guy let him loose and smiled. He couldn’t help but smile back. The guy handed him a small card with his phone number. “How about we meet up later this evening, for some dinner and … dessert.” “I look forward to it! Maybe I’ll even close up shop early today!” “Won’t your boss mind?” “I’m my own boss, I own the entire store.” The guy smiled again, flashing his pearly white teeth. “Awesome, see you later tonight, James.” Damn! James couldn’t believe what had just happened. He couldn’t believe he was about to date such an incredibly hot and dapper guy!! Not that he was bad looking himself. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. With his clean shaven cheeks, flawless skin and stylish haircut, he was rather handsome. Many times he had told guys he was a model as a pick up line. Admiring the dark burgundy suit he had picked for the day he straightened the burgundy vest and waistcoat, pulled the white shirt back in his pants and readjusted the black tie. There was something incredibly alluring about a man in a well-tailored suit. James grabbed the bottle of perfume. He had still a few hours left. Time enough to spread/spray some style and fashion around.


“You’re a fucking Confederate, boy,” my Uncle Jake said, and I was losing the ability to resist.  He’d already ripped me out of my shirt and told me to sit down and shut up while the moonshine did its work on me.

“I ain’t no motherfuckin’ redneck!” I fumed, but even my voice sounded Southern, like I was starting to turn into some slack-jawed yokel.  What really scared me is that for some reason it kind of felt good to hear my voice sound that way.  I wanted to hear it again, but Jake was staring straight at me and I knew he didn’t want to hear no lip outta me.

Fuck, man, and then my jeans were splitting at the seams, too, as my thighs were swelling with muscle… I had this muscle sprouting up all over my chest, which was getting some real pecs for the first time, and I knew this was just the start of it.  My pits itched, my face was itchin’, and I knew I was probably gonna get hairy from it when I saw how scratching at my abs was just getting hair to start growin in a trail for the first time… fuck, man, I can’t be a redneck, how am I supposed to… aww fuck.  “Uncle Jake, you can’t, I…” but here he was holding that moonshine to my lips, and the thing was it smelled so good and I was so thirsty that I probably wouldn’t even be able to want to turn my head away, I thought, but I couldn’t let this go any further.  I took a small sip, just because I figured it wouldn’t hurt too much and maybe he’d let me off the hook, but the warm, burning sensation on my tongues and the fumes in my nose seemed so intriguing, so… aww, fuck it, I thought, one big gulp, then he’ll back off.  What the fuck did I just do, I thought immediately, but already I was kind of… aww fuck, it itches, man, I’m gunna be a fucking redneck and when I am, oh fuck, what’ll I do now…


Talk to Coach

Hey, welcome. Yeah, you’re totally at the right place. Sorry, nah, there’s no receptionist yet. Or, y’know, sign. We’re sort of trying to keep under the radar. We’re not “officially” a “therapy” office. More of a coach kind of a thing. Sure, call it a life coach.

Yeah, you saw the ad online? On THAT website. Yeah, I know what you’re here for.

Yeah, you’ve got potential.

C’mon in.

* * *

You’re sure about this? Once you sign the contract, there’s no going back.

* * *

Okay, let’s talk about what we’ve got to work with. You’ve got some big advantages – youth, size, testosterone, height. 6’3” and 250? Yeah, you’re not gonna be handicapped there.

What about a favourite sport?

What do you mean you’re not into sports.

You understand what this place is, right?

* * *

Let’s take a close look at your body. I’d probably call you a cub. Hairy as hell – that beard looks like it comes natural to you. And a little overweight, but not too badly distributed.

You’ve probably got a pretty powerful body under there, if we can get it tuned up.

Nobody is built for a sport right out of the gate. But some people are tennis and some are sumo and some are swimming. I think you’re football.

No, wait, I was wrong.

You’re a rugby jock. You probably just don’t know yet.

* * *

Yes, I’m sure that you look fine. It’s a rec league. Nobody is going to judge you. Tshirt and shorts and cleats.

Don’t worry about it. Everyone learns the rules for the first time sometime.

* * *

Oh, shit, you didn’t know about conditioning?

Nah man, nobody likes burpees. Nobody likes sprints. But you’re gonna be 230 lbs of lightning muscle.


Run up that hill. Again. Again.

* * *

Don’t quit. I don’t care that you hurt. You wanted this. You signed the contract, and I’ll take payment early if you wuss out.

Finally getting a hang of the rules huh?

* * *

It’s okay. Nobody expected you to win the first game.

Get up off the ground. You’re not dying, you’re just breathing hard. Hydrate.

* * *

Looking tight today man. You’re losing weight, right?

* * *

You finally caught a game from the bleachers, huh? Funny how much more engaging sports are when you’ve run that play yourself. When you’re thinking about how you would have made that catch. If you would have stumbled there.

* * *

Hey, nice play.

* * *

No shit, you started lifting without me asking? Yeah, glad the team asked you along. It’s good to have buddies, huh?

Huh, I guess they told you to shave too. Chafes less, right? It’s gotta be weird, feeling so smooth.

Yeah, yeah, you left a little and just manscaped your chest. Gotta stay looking manly when you’re naked. But I bet your smooth ass looks great.

* * *

It’s ok, everyone screws up a play every so often. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s just a game.

Yeah, I don’t believe that either. But still, don’t be so hard on yourself.

It’s a team.

It’s your team.

* * *

I don’t blame your boss for yelling at you. Dude, you spent like ten minutes telling a meeting about that sick play from last week.

I know, right? Maybe it’s time to hang out with your rugby bros more…they always want to talk about the sport.

* * *

What do you mean you don’t know what to do? There’s off-season training. Don’t fuck around.

No, you don’t get to stop eating right just cause there’s no game on Saturday.

* * *

So throw away those clothes. You only ever wear work clothes and athletic gear when you’re off anyhow.

Nah, pick up some new shirts of going out. Ones that fit you better.

* * *

Of course. You’re like the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. And you’re spending all your time with the team.

It’s not like it’s a bad thing to just be another brodude. It’s kind of even a relief.

* * *

All ready for the new season? Sweet bro, you’re gonna crush it. Yeah, you don’t need anymore private coaching.

I’m gonna take my payment now and leave. Not like you’re using those smarts anymore anyhow.

Later bro.


That’s it boys, keep drinking that beer. The more you drink, the more relaxed you feel. Feel your clothes shifting and changing, becoming far more fratty. Say goodbye to those skinny jeans and printed T-shirts, it’s going to be a life of Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, and Vineyard Vines from now on. Your muscles are getting bigger and bigger, showing off how much work you put into the gym. Your cocks are going to get much fatter too, since you need to be hung like frat boys for your new life. Go ahead and feel as your sex drive cranks itself higher and higher. Studs like you need to fuck all the time, and with bodies like that there should be no shortage of men willing to offer up a mouth or an ass. Sure, you might be gay now, but that’s not going to bother you. A hole is a hole am I right? Go ahead and finish drinking up your beer, and then let’s get you out to rush. I’m sure any house is going to be lucky to have a couple of frat studs like you pledging, and you guys will make it in with ease. Then once you are in, it will be so easy for you guys to bring in a couple kegs worth of this special beer to the rest of your house, and soon your whole frat will be filled with muscled, sexy, well dressed horny frat boys.