Sentenced to Grow 2 by jd07201990

Repost because I think this story is hot!

(First Pic by @texanstrong)
Trevor might not have been the humblest dancer at the school, but he was the most talented. The dance academy he was attending was mostly for the rich, but he’d managed to get in on skill and talent, having been seen...

(First Pic by @texanstrong)

Trevor might not have been the humblest dancer at the school, but he was the most talented. The dance academy he was attending was mostly for the rich, but he’d managed to get in on skill and talent, having been seen practicing at a park in town. However, because he was middle class, while the rest of the boys were quite well off, he tried too hard to stand out. Being cocky, arrogant, putting the other boys down when they’d make a minor mistake. One of the boys he targeted most was his rival, Kyle.

Kyle was of equal talent, but came from the most powerful family in the city. Rich, spoiled, he was used to getting everything he wanted, and when Trevor would one up him, or steal the attention with some flashy show of skill or prowess, he would fume, sometimes even exploding into a signature rich boy tantrum. He vowed he’d get rid of Trevor, one way or another.

His chance came one day while Trevor was practicing alone in the open studio. Twirling, jumping, going into hip crushing splits with ease, he wasn’t paying attention, the music too lout for him to hear the door open, and footsteps coming closer. Trevor Started to whirl around on his toes, lifting his leg up at a 90-degree angle to gain speed, when his foot collided with something solid and he went crashing down to the floor. He found Kyle, sputtering next to him, blood gushing from his face. His nose looked crooked, with a harsh bump in the bridge. Obviously Broken, Kyle was screaming, hurling threats, when the security guard on duty came running in.

Kyle immediately found his opportunity! His demeaner changed instantly, from rage to painful, desperate plea. The guard asked what happened, and before Trevor had a chance to explain he accident, Kyle said that Trevor had roundhouse kicked him in the face, after he’d tried to help him with his balance. He told the guard Trevor flew into a rage, and broke his nose, telling him he was a pretty boy and needed to be taken down a notch.

Of course the Guard, being employed by Kyles parents, believe the story. He called the police, restraining Trevor until they came to arrest him. He spent days in the county jail waiting for his court date, not being able to afford bail. His public defender was useless, and so, with all the money and power backing Kyle and his family, Trevor was sentenced to, “1 year – 175lbs” Neither His parents or Trevor knew what this meant. Only finding out when He’d been bussed out of town to a remote facility that looked like an old Military base, hauled inside, and met with the people who’d be running his life for a year.

He’d been shocked at first to see that all the other inmates were massive. The entire building reeked of stale locker room funk. They ranged in age from 18-25, but looked to be the size of a professional, and sometimes offseason lifetime bodybuilder. Some where shy, some more aggressive. Some seemed to change, their personality being warped by whatever was happening to them. Trevor would find out exactly what that something was.

Given his uniform, He went through the orientation, they explained that, by the time he left, he’d be 300lbs. The weight the judge had sentenced him to finally made sense. He’d be turned into one of these massive muscle freaks! Losing his cool, he fought, screaming about his future dance career, how this was illegal and so on, until they sedated him, put him into his cell, and started the Hormone infusion. A cocktail of drugs designed to speed up growth, send his body into a second puberty of sorts, and coupled with his new routine, He’d grow into the hulking brute this facility specialized in.

He had moments where he’d lose it, crying, or screaming at his instructors, he learned quickly not to, as the punishments were brutal, often life altering and permeant. His first, was a dose of something they called B-O 120. It was a set of shots given under the arms, and just above his cock. For days he had no idea what it’d do, but after a week, he realized its effect. He woke up one morning in a cold sweat, shivering, but noticed immediately the funk that filled his cell. He thought maybe one of the other boys had come in, they always seemed to stink. But realized with horror, it was him. He was sweating like a pig, and the musky scent was coming from his underarms, which, even more to his horror, were filled with a dense wiry bush of matted hair.

Another punishment had been less physical. A few months in, after he’d gained a considerable amount of bulk, he threatened the laundry attendant, because his clothes always came back with the deep pit stains he’d grown accustomed to. This got him a week of “classes” which was really him, sitting in a cold metal chair, staring at some stupid movie about behavior. However, he never really knew what the movie was about, always waking up yawning when the instructor slammed a ruler on his desk. The effects were slow, but soon he realized what they were doing.

The movie was changing his natural behavior. He was starting to walk differently, swaggering, swinging his arms heftily, and worse, scratching at himself unconsciously. A grope at his shorts, or a quick pit scratch, even a long scratch or pulling at his shirts where they’d crawl up his newly beefed up muscle butt. Worse, He vocabulary seemed to include more than his typical level of cursing. Nearly every sentence riddled with swearing, like the dumb meatheads he hated from school. Finally, the words Dude, Bro, Bruh, and so on became common, he knew it, heard it, and hated it, but he couldn’t stop.

One final infraction, against another inmate, had sent him to the facility barber, who sat him in the chair, strapped him in, and lowered what looked to be a hair drier helmet down over his head. The barber himself never touched his head, but with a few buttons, the machine went to work. His head felt on fire, heat spread over his scalp, while tingling sharp pains shot over his skin like 1000 mosquito bites. The barber had to gag at one point as his yelps and shrieks of fear were getting too loud. An hour later, the helmet released, lifting off his head, to reveal a brutal new haircut, and his hair was a totally different color. No more classic dark wavy locks. Now, he had his hair in a brutish fauxhawk style, longer and floppy, and brightened into an orangey brown color. To his horror, he was told this was permeant. He’d be able to grow it out, but the color was his forever.

The year went on. He’d outgrown his uniforms like clockwork. Week after week, having to be issued new, larger sizes. The jockstraps and boxers they forced him to wear seemed to be the fastest to be replaced. He wouldn’t admit it, but he knew his cock and balls were growing. He’d been average, not small, but now he had a salami and two large chicken eggs dangling between his thickly beefed thighs. He blushed every time he sat down, having to immediately go onto a lewd, “man spread” legs held wide to not crush his goods.

He smelled worse than some of the boys, obviously the result of his first punishment, and he was only allowed to shower at the end of each day. Having to go through classes, morning workout, the hard labor in the yard, more classes, another workout, and dinner before having 5 minutes to shower under the cold water and go to bed.

Finally, his year was nearly up. He’d gained all the weight he’d been sentenced to. The instructors had even followed the side notes in the court order to focus attention on his legs. He was massive. Bulky, his thighs as thick as a mid-sized tree trunk. His calved were like footballs. His torso was not spared though. HE was built bigger than most NFL players. Arms like ham hocks, hands calloused from all the lifting. His tshirt sleeves seem to always bunch up under his arms, soaked in reeking sweat. He was forced to lumber around, almost waddling from the sheer bulk of his body. He was eating like a starved man, easily consuming enough to easily feed a family of four. He was a brute. A big, smelly, brute. Although he hadn’t lost any of his intelligence, his personality and mind were his own, you’d never know it from the swearing, crude Bro-talk he’d been programmed with, and his ever-present lewd gestures of scratching at his mass. Groping his massive cock, adjusting his lemon sized balls. He was, on the outside, the epitome of what he hated most. A big, Dumb, Meathead.

A week before his release, he was brought to a room with an obvious one-way mirror. Told to stand still and left alone for 20 minutes. On the other side of the glass, Kyle, his accuser, was cackling at what had been done to his rival. There was no way he could dance, that talent scout was going to pick him now that the best dancer in the school had been bloated up into a monster. He was delighted, but his cruelty was ever growing. He gave Trevor a once over, head to toe, then smiled up at the Facility manager, handing him an envelope with cash, and a letter promising more funding from his family if his demands were met.

“I think Trevor needs one more thing, just to make sure he can’t manage to learn to dance with that bulky body. Is it possible to make his feet, more, disproportionate? Bigger?” Kyle asked with malice.

“Of course. We’ve got compounds and treatments that can do just about anything. This,” The manager waved the stack of cash, “should cover it.”

Kyle shook the man’s hand and left, while Trevor was collected from the room and brought to the Facility treatment center. He was told to relax, as they strapped him onto a table, locking his legs in stirrups. He struggled just a little but was too afraid to misbehave. He asked questions, what was happening, why, but no one talked to him as a few of the treatment staff put an IV into his arm, and then started to strip his sneakers, socks, then started to rub and massage his already large size 17’s with a warm grey looking goop.

It took no time at all for him to feel the dull, aching pain he’d come accustomed to, as “growing pains” from his year of forced growth. His toes splayed, and he grunted, as the IV pumped the activator through his veins. The goop was soaking into his feet, his muscle, his bones, and was starting the near instant process. He felt his bones pop, then crack, screamed at the sudden sharp pains, but watched horrified as his feet grew, and grew. 18, 19, 20, 21, stopping, minutes later, at a whopping size 22 wide. The second side effect took only a few seconds to manifest. A sudden, musty, strong stink filled the room, as the goop soaked in and forced his feet to sweat profusely. He’d soon find that he’d be going through several pairs of socks per day, drenching them, and filling his sneakers with foot stench, no matter how clean he kept them.

He cried, his deep voice bellowing dumbly as he wiggled his thick sausage toes now and knew for certain he’d never dance again.

It took the rest of the week for him to readjust to his massive new feet. They made him clumsy, oafish, and he knew if he ever tried to balance and spin on his toes, they’d snap under his immense bulk. They released him back to his parents, who cried and threatened to sue for what they’d done to their baby, but it was no sue. Trevor was shortly picked up by the local college, and had no choice to bot give up dancing, take the scholarship they offered, and play football as the big, bulky brute he is.


(First Pic by @texanstrong)

Trevor might not have been the humblest dancer at the
school, but he was the most talented. The dance academy he was attending was
mostly for the rich, but he’d managed to get in on skill and talent, having
been seen practicing at a park in town. However, because he was middle class,
while the rest of the boys were quite well off, he tried too hard to stand out.
Being cocky, arrogant, putting the other boys down when they’d make a minor
mistake. One of the boys he targeted most was his rival, Kyle.

Kyle was of equal talent, but came from the most powerful family in the city.
Rich, spoiled, he was used to getting everything he wanted, and when Trevor
would one up him, or steal the attention with some flashy show of skill or prowess,
he would fume, sometimes even exploding into a signature rich boy tantrum. He
vowed he’d get rid of Trevor, one way or another.

His chance came one day while Trevor was practicing alone in the open studio. Twirling,
jumping, going into hip crushing splits with ease, he wasn’t paying attention,
the music too lout for him to hear the door open, and footsteps coming closer.
Trevor Started to whirl around on his toes, lifting his leg up at a 90-degree
angle to gain speed, when his foot collided with something solid and he went
crashing down to the floor. He found Kyle, sputtering next to him, blood
gushing from his face. His nose looked crooked, with a harsh bump in the bridge.
Obviously Broken, Kyle was screaming, hurling threats, when the security guard
on duty came running in.

Kyle immediately found his opportunity! His demeaner changed instantly, from
rage to painful, desperate plea. The guard asked what happened, and before
Trevor had a chance to explain he accident, Kyle said that Trevor had
roundhouse kicked him in the face, after he’d tried to help him with his balance.
He told the guard Trevor flew into a rage, and broke his nose, telling him he
was a pretty boy and needed to be taken down a notch.

Of course the Guard, being employed by Kyles parents, believe the story. He
called the police, restraining Trevor until they came to arrest him. He spent
days in the county jail waiting for his court date, not being able to afford
bail. His public defender was useless, and so, with all the money and power
backing Kyle and his family, Trevor was sentenced to, “1 year – 175lbs” Neither
His parents or Trevor knew what this meant. Only finding out when He’d been
bussed out of town to a remote facility that looked like an old Military base,
hauled inside, and met with the people who’d be running his life for a year.

He’d been shocked at first to see that all the other inmates
were massive. The entire building reeked of stale locker room funk. They ranged
in age from 18-25, but looked to be the size of a professional, and sometimes
offseason lifetime bodybuilder. Some where shy, some more aggressive. Some
seemed to change, their personality being warped by whatever was happening to
them. Trevor would find out exactly what that something was.

Given his uniform, He went through the orientation, they explained that, by the
time he left, he’d be 300lbs. The weight the judge had sentenced him to finally
made sense. He’d be turned into one of these massive muscle freaks! Losing his
cool, he fought, screaming about his future dance career, how this was illegal
and so on, until they sedated him, put him into his cell, and started the
Hormone infusion. A cocktail of drugs designed to speed up growth, send his
body into a second puberty of sorts, and coupled with his new routine, He’d
grow into the hulking brute this facility specialized in.

He had moments where he’d lose it, crying, or screaming at his instructors, he
learned quickly not to, as the punishments were brutal, often life altering and
permeant. His first, was a dose of
something they called B-O 120. It was a set of shots given under the arms, and
just above his cock. For days he had no idea what it’d do, but after a week, he
realized its effect. He woke up one morning in a cold sweat, shivering, but
noticed immediately the funk that filled his cell. He thought maybe one of the
other boys had come in, they always seemed to stink. But realized with horror,
it was him. He was sweating like a pig, and the musky scent was coming from his
underarms, which, even more to his horror, were filled with a dense wiry bush
of matted hair.

Another punishment had been less physical. A few months in,
after he’d gained a considerable amount of bulk, he threatened the laundry
attendant, because his clothes always came back with the deep pit stains he’d
grown accustomed to. This got him a week of “classes” which was really him,
sitting in a cold metal chair, staring at some stupid movie about behavior.
However, he never really knew what the movie was about, always waking up
yawning when the instructor slammed a ruler on his desk. The effects were slow,
but soon he realized what they were doing.

The movie was changing his natural behavior. He was starting
to walk differently, swaggering, swinging his arms heftily, and worse,
scratching at himself unconsciously. A grope at his shorts, or a quick pit
scratch, even a long scratch or pulling at his shirts where they’d crawl up his
newly beefed up muscle butt. Worse, He vocabulary seemed to include more than
his typical level of cursing. Nearly every sentence riddled with swearing, like
the dumb meatheads he hated from school. Finally, the words Dude, Bro, Bruh,
and so on became common, he knew it, heard it, and hated it, but he couldn’t

One final infraction, against another inmate, had sent him to the facility barber,
who sat him in the chair, strapped him in, and lowered what looked to be a hair
drier helmet down over his head. The barber himself never touched his head, but
with a few buttons, the machine went to work. His head felt on fire, heat spread
over his scalp, while tingling sharp pains shot over his skin like 1000 mosquito
bites. The barber had to gag at one point as his yelps and shrieks of fear were
getting too loud. An hour later, the helmet released, lifting off his head, to
reveal a brutal new haircut, and his hair was a totally different color. No more
classic dark wavy locks. Now, he had his hair in a brutish fauxhawk style,
longer and floppy, and brightened into an orangey brown color. To his horror, he
was told this was permeant. He’d be able to grow it out, but the color was his

The year went on. He’d outgrown his uniforms like clockwork.
Week after week, having to be issued new, larger sizes. The jockstraps and
boxers they forced him to wear seemed to be the fastest to be replaced. He
wouldn’t admit it, but he knew his cock and balls were growing. He’d been
average, not small, but now he had a salami and two large chicken eggs dangling
between his thickly beefed thighs. He blushed every time he sat down, having to
immediately go onto a lewd, “man spread” legs held wide to not crush his goods.

He smelled worse than some of the boys, obviously the result
of his first punishment, and he was only allowed to shower at the end of each
day. Having to go through classes, morning workout, the hard labor in the yard,
more classes, another workout, and dinner before having 5 minutes to shower under
the cold water and go to bed.

Finally, his year was nearly up. He’d gained all the weight
he’d been sentenced to. The instructors had even followed the side notes in the
court order to focus attention on his legs. He was massive. Bulky, his thighs as
thick as a mid-sized tree trunk. His calved were like footballs. His torso was
not spared though. HE was built bigger than most NFL players. Arms like ham
hocks, hands calloused from all the lifting. His tshirt sleeves seem to always
bunch up under his arms, soaked in reeking sweat. He was forced to lumber
around, almost waddling from the sheer bulk of his body. He was eating like a
starved man, easily consuming enough to easily feed a family of four. He was a
brute. A big, smelly, brute. Although he hadn’t lost any of his intelligence, his
personality and mind were his own, you’d never know it from the swearing, crude
Bro-talk he’d been programmed with, and his ever-present lewd gestures of
scratching at his mass. Groping his massive cock, adjusting his lemon sized
balls. He was, on the outside, the epitome of what he hated most. A big, Dumb, Meathead.

A week before his release, he was brought to a room with an obvious one-way
mirror. Told to stand still and left alone for 20 minutes. On the other side of
the glass, Kyle, his accuser, was cackling at what had been done to his rival.
There was no way he could dance, that talent scout was going to pick him now that
the best dancer in the school had been bloated up into a monster. He was
delighted, but his cruelty was ever growing. He gave Trevor a once over, head
to toe, then smiled up at the Facility manager, handing him an envelope with
cash, and a letter promising more funding from his family if his demands were

“I think Trevor needs one more thing, just to make sure he can’t manage to
learn to dance with that bulky body. Is it possible to make his feet, more,
disproportionate? Bigger?” Kyle asked with malice.

“Of course. We’ve got compounds and treatments that can do just about anything.
This,” The manager waved the stack of cash, “should cover it.”

Kyle shook the man’s hand and left, while Trevor was collected from the room
and brought to the Facility treatment center. He was told to relax, as they
strapped him onto a table, locking his legs in stirrups. He struggled just a little
but was too afraid to misbehave. He asked questions, what was happening, why,
but no one talked to him as a few of the treatment staff put an IV into his
arm, and then started to strip his sneakers, socks, then started to rub and massage
his already large size 17’s with a warm grey looking goop.

It took no time at all for him to feel the dull, aching pain
he’d come accustomed to, as “growing pains” from his year of forced growth. His
toes splayed, and he grunted, as the IV pumped the activator through his veins.
The goop was soaking into his feet, his muscle, his bones, and was starting the
near instant process. He felt his bones pop, then crack, screamed at the sudden
sharp pains, but watched horrified as his feet grew, and grew. 18, 19, 20, 21,
stopping, minutes later, at a whopping size 22 wide. The second side effect took only a few seconds to manifest. A sudden, musty, strong stink filled the room, as the goop soaked in and forced his feet to sweat profusely. He’d soon find that he’d be going through several pairs of socks per day, drenching them, and filling his sneakers with foot stench, no matter how clean he kept them.

He cried, his deep voice
bellowing dumbly as he wiggled his thick sausage toes now and knew for certain
he’d never dance again.

It took the rest of the week for him to readjust to his
massive new feet. They made him clumsy, oafish, and he knew if he ever tried to
balance and spin on his toes, they’d snap under his immense bulk. They released
him back to his parents, who cried and threatened to sue for what they’d done
to their baby, but it was no sue. Trevor was shortly picked up by the local
college, and had no choice to bot give up dancing, take the scholarship they
offered, and play football as the big, bulky brute he is.


He woke up one morning fairly groggy and managed to get himself to his sofa where he saw a familar red bundle of cloth. It was a wrestling singlet that was one of his school’s team would wear. But why was it on his sofa anyway?

He picked it up and gave it a sniff. It reeked really strongly of musk from one of the wrestlers. But why would he have this on his sofa? He sniffed it again. It smelt kinda good.

He pondered about putting it on. But surely it wouldn’t fit his overweight body and he’d probably break it right? He thought about this for a moment but after taking a deep huff of the smell his mind clouded that thought, and all he could think of was wearing the singlet.

The singlet stretched over his body, and he barely managed to get it on. Looking in the mirror he instantly had a boner. He looked good in it. Surprisingly good. His penis, now fully erect, was very visible in the singlet.

As if on instinct he pulled a goofy jock smile in the mirror and it felt natural, and just right. Then he started flexing. You could swear with every flex his arms were filling in just a little bit more and his spare tire deflated ever so slightly.

Completely lost in a trance of flexing and letting the sweat and musk in the singlet sink into him, he never realised how ready he was going to be to fill the missing spot on the wrestling team.

Door Mat



As a fairly liberal, average gay dude, you hated everything about the current political climate. It was terrible, and worse off, living in a conservative town you were the focus of a lot of white evangelical aggression. The irony was that you had a kink for those, what you called, “ignorant patriots,” you know people who praised American like some all powerful god. For whatever reason, it turned you on bad. 

Coming home from a long day you would often find yourself flopped in your bed on grindr or scruff, and if that didn’t work, you would look up pictures of the good ole’ boys. Well today was a hot payoff, Str8forworshipp messaged you, since you were too scared to initiate conversation, your 8 inch cock jumped. 

*Buzz* a picture appeared

At this point you nearly came just from seeing his pic.

ST4W: Hey dude, you looking?

SubMatt: Uh, well I wasn’t

ST4W: Well are you free? You could come over, I know you want to, bro.

SubMatt: I would love that, sir!

Suddenly wondering where that thought came from you quickly backtracked.

SubMatt: Well actually I have a lot to do, rain check?

ST4W: Nah bro, get over here. Put some pants on, get your shoes on and meet me at 1776 Main Street, just knock when you are here. 

You logged off, no longer in control of your body, you found yourself putting your clothing on against your will. Your body forced its way out the front door and before you knew it you were standing on a front porch that you had seen in passing. The porch looked like Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty had some kind of love child. NRA regalia, American Flags, stuff from what seemed to be war spewed all over the place, as if George Washington himself vomited on this house. Then you saw it, the Trump/Pence regalia, and you almost threw up. Trying to leave, you found your hand reaching to knock on the door. 

*Thud, Thud* and on the final knock, the door swung open and there he was.

“Fuck, bro. It took you long enough, come in, I’m Ronald, call me sir though.” he said, in a friendly bro like voice. 

“Yes sir,” was all you could muster. as your feet jerked froward and you were forced to follow. 

You followed him through a dimly lit hallway, the lights seemed to flicker, casting shadows on the walls. The shadows looked like people sometimes, and they danced over posters of trucks, guns, and previous republican presidents. 

The further you walked, the worse the knot in your stomach became. You continued walking, though you wanted to run far far away. Soon you were in a master bedroom, which looked more like a conservative ritual chamber with a bed in the middle. 

“I always enjoy this, you liberal fucks are nothing but a bunch of door mats. You are probably wondering what is happening, well let me give you the condensed version. The conservative evangelical worship of their leaders became so strong that they manifested me, the new god of the republic. I find great pleasure in sucking the liberal right out of good mats like you. I can see by your rigid fuck stick that you are quite excited about this. Once I’m done, the only thing that you will care about is money, America, fucking pussy, and of course guns.” he sneered

He began to run his hands under your clothing, as you watched your business shirt start to change. You could feel the sleeves creeping up your arm and the fabric felt thinner. Your blue oxford was turning black, into a black A-shirt, well worn and somewhat foul smelling. Your khakis weren’t fairing any better as they crawled up your leg, dissolving almost into a pair of beat up shorts. Designer socks and custom shoes withered like over ripe plums until they became a pair of well worn Adidas and a pair of crusted yellow socks. 

Ronald began to strip you naked, and there was nothing you could do about it. There you stood, average gay kid, on a good day, in front of a gorgeous but crazy deity. 

“I’ll be the last man you ever openly kiss, boy,” he whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. 

Suddenly he spun you around, and shoved you into the bed.He slapped your arms and legs into restraints. Your hands locked above your head and your ankles tied to the bed posts. 

He the shoved his ripe pit into your nose, and kept it there until you had to breathe again. Oddly it didn’t smell bad, it was a mixture of what normally would be foul B.O and Axe body spray. You found it arousing, but also relaxing. Your body went limp as your cock grew to full mast. You were finding it hard to think, like your head was being filled with cotton candy and cotton. 

You could feel his calloused bro hands working your body, a warm sensation of oil cascaded over your skin. Your muscles felt like they were twitching, spasming, and growing. Your pecs gaining definition, as your stomach deflated forming into a tight muscular six pack. The assault continued as you felt a tongue on your skin, and as the tongue covered your chest, you felt an itchy sensation dance across your skin. From what you could see, your previously lightly hairy frame was becoming a well groomed forest of dark hairs. The same happened with your pits, you could feel your pits tickle and itch like crazy, as you felt your pit hair thicken to dense forests. 

Next he forced himself on top of you, holding your bound hands, leaning in to kiss you deep. You could taste the after shock of chewing tobacco, Marlboro Reds, and emptiness, as his tongue invade your mouth and down your throat. Suddenly a cold took you, your skin was freezing, and what you couldn’t see was the color you inherited form your mixed race ancestry was draining from you. The color vanish like clouds on a sunny day, leaving you with very white bro skin, darkened by the sun, not genetic. 

As he kissed you longer, he brought his hands down to force your face into his, your world spun in a kaleidoscope of red, white and blue. Your face began to shift into the visage of the perfect American soldier, your pointed jaw was widening, your head was growing and squaring out. You could feel your hair retracting into your scalp, leaving a simple short cut. The more he kissed you the more things changed, your need for glasses shifted, giving you 20/20 vision. After your eyes adjusted, you felt something poke through your chin, tiny hairs danced across your face, first as stubble, but growing out to a perfectly trimmed beard. 

The eternal kiss finally ended. “What do you think?” he chuckled. 

Finally you could speak, “What the fuck!” you cried. 

“Oh that voice won’t do, he said, as he wiped his ripe pit with his hands and shoved it into your mouth. 

“MMmmMMhmmmmMMMhmmm,” you cried, as you muffles cracked violently up, then down, dropping like a stone in octaves. 

“Hmmm, call me bro,” he said. As you just stared at him, adams apple now protruding. 

“Do it!” he said impatiently. Without a though words came flying out of your mouth, “Sorry bro,” you said in your new deep, testosterone filled voice. 

“Perfect,” he said, Now to continue. 

Ronald made his way down to your impressive cock, and grinned evilly. 

You know bro, most of these guys are compensating for a couple of things with all the machismo, I wouldn’t want you to feel left out. 

Thoroughly confused, you didn’t have time to think, Ronald went down on you, giving you the most pleasurable oral sex ever. As much pleasure as you were receiving, it felt weird, like he was able to take more and more into his mouth. 

“Fuck,” you thought, It feels like my cock is shrinking. 

With each bob of his head, your cock lost centimeters of length. 

“Bro, sir, fuck no, please stop,” you begged but to no avail. 

16 minutes later, without letting you cum, he stopped. Looking down as best you could your cock no longer was erect pointing up at you like before, instead it stuck straight out. 

“Ahh, four inches, my favorite, lil guy, just enough to try and have sex, but really you’ll be getting off on your own a lot,” he almost cackled. 

Now for the fun part, the assignment of new insecurities, anger, and ignorance. 

“no man, please can’t we just stop I’m beg…” “Shit the fuck up,” he said, as your voice jammed in your throat, leaving you speechless. 

Ronald took what looked to be his ten inch steel pleasure rod out and greased it up with some precum.  He flipped you over, easy as if you weighed nothing, You closed your eyes, executing it to hurt, and it did, but not in the way you expected. Painful ecstasy shot through you, as he began to pump his cock into your ass. 

Everything seemed surreal, nothing seemed real anymore. Your memories of advocacy, community work, and liberal ideals felt distant, unreal. Your brain was being assaulted by images of war, guns, money, and women. The confusion caused dizziness and quickly forming headache. He pumped faster and faster, as your memories or the past you knew were pulled away. Your time in college was getting harder to remember as images of barely passing high school, playing sports, and fucking cheerleaders under the stands permeated your brain. A sense of complete insecurity washed over you, as you remember getting a lot of shit for your small cock, and that was when you started beefing up.

You remember taking your anger out on people who didn’t see things your way. The DUI you got when you were 21, the shame and guilt of your life remolding how you view the world. 

The two parts of you now at war, the educated liberal and the angry white conservative. As ronald came to a climax, you felt your sense of homosexuality enveloped, turned inside out, making you desperately want to be straight, fearing what it might mean to be gay. An insidious curse was being pumped into you, one of bisexuality, leaning toward men, but a raging internal hatred for that feeling. Those feelings made you work that much harder at trying to be with women. 

Ronald finally blew his load inside of you, filling your body, capturing all the stray essence of the once gay boy. You could feel the warmth concentrate, rushing to your balls. Even though he came, he kept pumping. 

“That’s it, just give in, bro,” he panted. 

You could feel yourself lose control of your load, trying desperately to hold on. 

It was too late, you felt your life, his cum, and your cum rush through your ball sack, and erupted from your new, smaller cock. 

You sat there dumbfounded for a moment, as the new you formed a tenuous sense of self inside you. You felt fragile masculinity become your biggest motivator, as all of the memories took there rightful place. 

“Now, Mat, how do you feel?” he asked, bro like. 

“Fucking incredible bro, ready for some tight pussy, “ you laughed dumbly

“Good, now wipe this useless shit off and go grab a shirt.” he said. 

So you went through his pile of dirty shirts, and found one you really liked. He said you could keep it, as he snapped a pic for you.

“Now dude, you gotta make a gay app profile, cuz there’s a few more fucks in this town that need to stop being door mats.” he instructed. 

“Fuck, seriously brah?” you whined

“Don’t argue or I’m gonna fuck you again, and this time you won’t be pretty.” he barked. 

“Fine, I gotta plan,” you said, with maybe a hint of thinking in your head.

You went out and bought all the meat you could, figured you would invite all those damn liberals over for a cookout, how easy would that be?


So of you get a message like this, think twice, or maybe don’t

MattyFucker: Hey Bro, you looking?

Perfect, made me blow. Thanks!