Static by omnitf



photo credit Muscle Corps

Warning: This story follows a hypnotic script. If you are susceptible to hypnosis, please do not engage in this story until you are in a situation where falling into trance will not be harmful. You have been warned. Read at your own Risk.


Hey there. Yeah, I’m talking to you. No need to be shy. I don’t bite, you know. I just couldn’t help but notice you’ve been watching me. Don’t try to deny it. I don’t mind. A lot of people watch me, after all. A guy gets used to it when he gets this big.

Mmm … and I do love being big. It takes a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the end.

But you know what I love even more than being big, little man? Huhuh. I love making other people big. You see that guy over there benching three hundred? I trained him. He was smaller than you are when he first came here. Now he’s a real Goliath. I like to call him moose from time to time. It fits, wouldn’t you say? Every one of them has a name. Rhino, Burro, Horse. Every one of them is tailored to the individual. Gotta fit it just right, you know what I mean?

It’s kinda like my shirt. You see how it hugs so tightly to my muscles, really accentuates my figure. Their names do the same for them, help them focus, help them improve.

Mmm. You know, this is actually my favorite shirt. I love the way I can just flex my muscles and suddenly, it swells with me. The gray texturing is nice, too. It reminds me of static. You know, the kind you see wavering on a TV screen. Any time I want to focus on my workouts, I just look down, and bam. There it is. It’s sort of a chain reaction, ya know? Just like the TV. Everything just sort of stops broadcasting, and my arms jump up and down with the static. It’s so easy to just follow along. Lift and follow. Watch and follow. Listen and follow. Follow…


You’re pretty good at following, aren’t you?

Following my movements, following each flexfollowing as my shirt expands and contracts in that endless cycle of jumping static.

Don’t look away now. Follow it. It’s all right. I enjoy a good watcher like you. And there’s plenty to watch, isn’t there? Go ahead. Follow my movements. Follow my breathing. Follow the bouncing rise and fall. Let it fill you. Let it move you. Move you to breathe in time as you follow, as you watch, as you listen.

Oh, don’t worry. You don’t need to focus on me. After all, you don’t pay attention to the sound static makes, do you? No, that sound just fades into the background. You don’t notice it, but you hear it all the same. You hear it, and you listen as you followfollow my voice, follow my instructions, even if you don’t remember them.

Following deeper and deeper as you get closer to the screen. Because you have to watch. You have to followFollow the bouncing pecs, the jumping screen. Jumping with the staticFollowing the staticListening to the static.

Obeying the static.




Don’t think.

Follow the static.

Slipping deeper now.

Follow the static.

The more you follow, the deeper you fall.

Deeper into the screen. Deeper into the static. Deeper into that happy empty bliss that is slowly surrounding you, just like the static.

Follow the static.

Are you following the static?

Good boy.

The more you follow, the deeper you go. The deeper you go, the more you followFollow the static.

Follow my static.

Follow me.

My voice is the static. My voice is the thing you must followFollow and obey.

Say it now, little man. You follow the static. You obey the static. You obey my voice.

You obey me.

Good boy. Now listenListen, and obeyFollow and obey.

You are going to be a musclehead. Every day and every way, more and more, you will become a musclehead. You will work out at the gym. You will follow my suggestions to you. You will lift weights. You will eat healthily. The gym will become more and more like home as muscle slowly consumes you, consumes your thoughts, consumes you with the staticmy static

My musclehead.

I think I’ll call you Bull. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, musclehead? I’ll make you a real muscle bull.

Just let the static fill your head piece by piece, bit by bit. Over time, it’ll whisper all on its own as you internalize what I have to say, because my voice is the static. And you obey the static.

You obey me.

That’s a good little runt. When I say the words WAKE UP, you will return to wakefulness, ready to execute your desire, the desire to be a musclehead, like me. You will lift weights. You will work out. You will train. And the more muscle you gain, the dumber you’ll be. You’ll still function in society, but things will be … simpler outside important matters. Just like a switch flicking on. Just like the remote clicking on the television screen, the screen that is filled with static. Just sports, muscle, and weights in that muscle head of yours.

Good boy.

When I say the phrase: Static is calling, you will fall into the same state of mind as you are now, ready to listen to the static. Ready to follow the static. Ready to obey the static.

Ready to OBEY.

Now, when you awaken, you will have a strong desire to work out. The musclehead in you will grow stronger the longer you do. You will pace yourself according to what your body can manage, and not push yourself to the point of self-harm or injury as you change.

Good little musclehead.

Now come on. It’s time to WAKE UP, Bull. The gym is waiting.

If you enjoyed this, please like and reblog. Thank you for reading. I hope it will prove motivating, helpful, and pleasurable to you growing muscleheads out there.



“Don’t look me in the eyes! Please. I don’t … I don’t want to … want … I … have to … no….”

“Are you okay?” You approach the man as he stumbles back. His hands are resting easily behind his back, his powerful frame tensing with his titanic exertion. His torso is thick and well carved with powerful muscle. A chiseled six pack sits under two slab-like pectorals.

The moment you touch his arm in concern, he strikes. Suddenly, your wrist is seized in an iron grip and you feel yourself being pulled against that torso to be held in a crushing embrace as he stares down at you with … what the…?

You see no pupils, only two sets of spirals, constantly spinning deeper and deeper.

“Unclaimed target identified. Initiating recruitment protocols.”

You’re suddenly starting to feel very warm as the spirals continue to swirl. You pant as sweat begins to form on your brow, chest and stomach. The man’s torso burns hotter and hotter against you as he continues to glare you down.

“This gym is for muscleheads only, by order of Coach. You will comply to Coach’s will. It is good to comply with Coach’s will. It is good to conform to Coach’s will. Conforming is complying. Complying is obeying. Obeying is pleasure.”

The spirals continued to spin and the behemoth of a man narrates in a low, dull monotone that gradually lulls you as he runs through his script and you watch on helplessly. By now, your shirt is thoroughly coated in sweat and it clings to your body like a second skin. You feel the tension of his biceps pressing against your triceps to pin you against his torso. His muscular torso. Such … beautiful … muscles….

“You cannot look away. But that is all right. There is no need to look away. Because muscle is good. Coach is good. Coach helps us grow muscle. We must obey to grow muscle. We must conform to grow muscle. Muscle must think for us. Muscle must act for us. Muscleheads do not think. You will not think.”

But ,… you….

“Thoughts are slowing now. Slowing as you go deeper, deeper into my eyes. Deeper into the spirals. Deeper into trance. Deeper and slower. Deeper and slower… Slower and dumber….”

That’s … that’s not… uh…. that’s…. 

You blink, and suddenly he’s jumped tracks. How long has it been? Does it … matter? You … you should listen. Yes. Listen.

“Muscle is meat. Your meat must grow. Your muscles must grow. Grow to conform. Grow to obey. Grow to be a musclehead, because Muscleheads obey Coach, and Muscleheads are dumb. And you are dumb, because you cannot think. So slow, so dull, so deep in trance as all your thoughts drain into the spiral, into your muscles, into your meat.”


You groan as you feel the heat build yet again. Your shirt grows tighter still and your legs part as you feel a greater mass and heft swelling between them. You heave deep breaths as your pectorals and shoulders take on more definition. Your jaw thickens as the fat recedes to reveal a powerful masculine square. A loud rip sounds as you continue to follow those eyes. You don’t even notice the fact you are nearly level with them now. You cannot marvel at the sudden surge of growth or the cool air that dances over your sweaty torso, carving new furlows that rapidly develop into well defined valleys along your abdominals.

“Our goal, our life, our purpose is to be mindless muscleheads for Coach. You will be a mindless musclehead for coach.”

The grip around you feels so tight now. It’s like he’s straining to contain you. But … that’s not right … is it? You breathe heavily as a dull tingle spreads down your thighs and through your arms, causing them to inflate and swell to match your captor.

No, not captor. Trainer. He is your trainer and recruiter.

You blink again. Cold air brushes over your recently trimmed hair. You feel new baggy sweatpants that you … had you been wearing them before?

Coach says wear them. You must wear them. It is not for you to question when or how.

Chest brushes chest. Torso touches torso. Bulge presses bulge.

Your voice has deepened with your thickening neck. It matches your trainer. You feel your mouth moving in time with his. You hear your twin stereo urging to Listen, grow, obey.

And then he stops. He releases you. He backs away.

You blink. You turn. You stare with your legs parted and your vascular arms behind in a parade rest. Your body is massive, each curve and ridge a testament to bodybuilding, to muscle, to your meat.

“To coach….” you whisper.

“What is your purpose?” your trainer asks.

You don’t miss a beat. “To be a perfect obedient musclehead for Coach. I am a good musclehead. I obey.” You shudder as you peer into your own new and improved swirling eyes. You have inherited the spiral, the constant drain designed to ensure you never think too much again. Every time you look in a mirror, every time you pass a reflective surface, those eyes will pull you back. those eyes will keep you a proper mindless musclehead.

You feel a heavy hand on your shoulder as your new musclehead brother turns you around.

“Come on. Coach says it’s time to work out.”

You are a musclehead.

You obey.

Time to grow some meat.


Ringing Out the old Ringing in the New

Augh. Where am I?

“Jim, allow me to introduce Christopher Williams, one of our most successful beta testers to the program, by far. Christopher, why don’t you say hello?”

“’Sup, bro?”

Wait, did I just say that?

“James, are you insane? This man is clearly engaged! We told you, no outside attachments!”

“And there are none, if you would just let me explain. The ring is a symbol of being bound to one’s love, essentially making the connection to a particular entity more permanent, yes?”


“Good. Now watch. Christopher, could you tell me who your first love is?”

“Uh, the gym? Is this like a trick question or something, Prof.?”

The hell…? What am I doing here? Why am I sitting in front of these men? And … why are my clothes feeling so tight?

“And why are you wearing that ring?”

“Guys and girls keep askin’ me out. It’s kinda annoying.”

“And why is it annoying?”

“’Cause I love the gym. Pumping reps, breaking goals, making gains. It feels so fuckin’ good.”

Am I …? Oh no. Please don’t ask me to stand up. Actually, please just pinch me or something. Wake me up!

“Thank you, Christopher.”

“Uh, Prof., can we just drop it to Chris?”

Excuse me?

“If that’s what you want.”

“I do. Can I go back to the gym now? I was in the middle of a set, when you called me here.”

Gym? What’s he … I … talking about? I only just started the program.

“Not yet, Chris. Jim needs a demonstration of your progress.”

Why am I smiling?

“Wadaya need?”

“Could you perhaps give us a bit of a show?”

Huhuhuh… Brought me to show off, huh? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?”

What’s happening? Am I…? HOLY CRAP! Is that me? What the hell? Well, I guess that explains the clamminess in my armpits, but … whoa. I look like a freaking bodybuilder! I … I can see my fucking pectorals! … wait. Fucking?

“Fuck, that feels good.”

“As you can see, the subject takes immense pleasure in the current state of his body. Put him in front of a mirror and his sense of vanity will reinforce the positive effects of his changes.”

“How do you like this, Prof.?”

Holy–! My arms look like a soccer ball and a softball had babies! I’m–

“I’m ripped.”

“Yes, Chris, you are.”

Ohhhhh … fuck, why does it feel so good to flex?

“You’ve been ripping for a while now, haven’t you?”


“Getting shredded.”


“Shredding and repairing, tearing and rearranging.”

“Fuckin’ ace. Huhuhuh….

What’s huhuhappening?

“What are you, Chris?”

“A gym-obsessed musclehead, sir.”

I’m a what now?

“And what do you do?”

“I flex and I grow. It feels so fuckin’ good to work out. I wanna be bigger.”

“And nothing else?”

“Uh … what else is there?”

Try reading a … Um … Okay, how about …? Will you just–?! O-oh…. ohhhhh… do that again….

“Then you’ll keep going to the gym, even after this trial is complete?”

“Uh, … yeah. Why shouldn’t I?”

Fitness is good, but … Mmm … what was I …? I was saying … Fitness is good. Yeah. And then … uh … uh … Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………

Fitness is good.”

“That’s right, Chris. Fitness is good.”

“The subject appears to have difficulty holding sophisticated discussion, James.”

“Better that than dealing with being obese.”

Fitness is good. Flexing is good. Muscle is good. So … so fuckin’ good… Good to… I need to… Can’t… Must–!

“Uh … can I go back to the gym now? I need to work out.

“The drain in IQ is a bit much, isn’t it?”

“I think he’ll do fine.”

“Is there any way we can lessen it?”

“Not at this time. That being said, he’s been the most diligent of all our subjects. Perhaps we simply need to reduce exposure.”

Flex. Grow. Muscle. Flex. Pump. Flex. Lift. Lift. LIFT!

“Chris, what are you doing?”

“Gotta lift, Prof. Huhuh. And you make a perfect dumbbell. Huhuhuhuhuhuh…”


“… Perhaps I gave him a little too much love of the gym.”

“No, you think?”



Hey, guys. This here is a quick story I came up with on the fly for a story exchange between a user named Casualpatrolperfection and myself. I refined the content a little from the initial draft that I wrote in our chat room and am now ready to transfer it on to here for others to read. I hope you all enjoy it!

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. One minute,
you were cringing back from some douchebag bullies. The next, Devon Capernick,
Cap for short, was sitting next to you at the principal’s office, while the
bullies were being treated at the nurse’s office. The Senior towered over you
as he smiled reassuringly. The chair creaked under his weight, and you could
practically hear the thick wooden arms splintering against his broad frame. 

“It’s all good,” he assured you.
“Everything’ll be fine.” His face darkened. “And if they come
after you again….” You could practically hear the splinters crying in
pain as he clenched the edges. “I hate bullies.”

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. You’re
sitting at the jocks’ table, surrounded by behemoths of muscle chowing and
joking with each other, even wrestling from time to time. Nothing serious
enough to get in trouble with the aides, but enough for them to get their
messages across. You note how they all keep smirking or grinning, despite the
pain or humiliation that might be involved.

Devon is smiling down at you as he watches his friends and
cheers them on. He takes the time to introduce you to everyone on the team,
tells them you’ll be hanging with them for lunch from now on. You half expected
them to want to pummel you. Instead, they grin and welcome you with hearty
smacks to the back that almost burst your chest.

You want to object to the treatment, say you’re not worth
it. Devon won’t hear of it. He won’t even let you address him formally.

“It’s Cap, bro.” He huffed a deep guffaw of a
chuckle. “Just think like you’re calling me your captain, all right?”

It wasn’t like you could argue with him, so you did.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. Your gym
teacher stared across at you from his desk. Cap is grinning as he lays a heavy
hand on your shoulder from his place next to you.

“You’re sure about this, Devon?”

“You bet, Coach. Lil’bro’s got spark, and he’s super

“I’ll have to set it up with the rest of the school,
but I don’t see why he can’t tutor you boys, if you need it.” He smiled.
“And maybe you can teach him a thing or two, while you’re at it.”

“That’s the plan.” He laughed again.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. Hard music
thumped over the speakers of the weight room. While the rest of the football
team worked on their exercises, you worked with each of them on the bits of
homework they didn’t understand on shifts.

Breakthroughs were heralded with, “Oh, now I get
it,” or, “Dude, that’s so fuckin’ simple. Why didn’t I see

Their enthusiastic thanks and effusive praises left you
feeling warm and happy. Sure, they had a few problems with school work, but
they weren’t the jerks the stereotype made them out to be. They were almost
like a family. It was … nice, to be able to see that, and experience maybe
just a little part of it.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. Sweat beaded
your brow, and your lungs felt like they were ready to explode. Everything felt
so heavy and swollen. Your arms trembled as you struggled to hold them in
place. Cap beamed encouragingly at you from above.

“C’mon, lil’bro. You can do it.” His strong hands
grasped the bar that hovered dangerously over your chest. Together, you lifted
it. He didn’t make it easy, but he made it bearable. Cap, … really was a
great guy.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. Practice was
over, like usual. Since the team had to perform outdoor exercises, you cycled
through teammates as they finished a certain number of practice runs. On
scrimmages, you watched them scramble and play against each other, hard walls
of muscle colliding like savage beasts.

Now you found yourself surrounded by your friends as Cap
wrapped a sweaty arm around your shoulders. You enter the locker room and pass
the lockers in favor of the door marked STRATEGY.

The chairs are soft and form-fitting. You try to decline,
but Cap pushes you down into the chair.

“You helped us with school, so I figure you can help us
here, too.”

You couldn’t resist his grin, even if you could break out of
his grip. Still, the room struck you as oddly equipped for a strategy
debriefing. Why make it so comfortable? Why the soundproofing boards? Why stack
the chairs with adjustable controls to ensure everyone could see the front?

Coach gave his usual spiel of the need to pay attention and
focus on the video. Then he stepped aside and a familiar whirring sounded.
Someone must have been adjusting their chair.

Images flashed over the screen. The whirring became more
pronounced. You felt a little dizzy, sort of like the room was moving. But …
no, not the room. You were. Up and down and side to side and spinning and SIDESTEP! DASH! CATCH! RECEIVE! RUN!

“Fuck yeah!” the room screams. You’re panting in
the rollercoaster, the heady excitement of it all. What … what just…?

And then you feel a familiar hand squeezing your arm
reassuringly. “Just watch, lil’bro.” He grins. That same grin. And
then that chuckle. The whole room is filled with it.

And suddenly, you’re laughing, too. And it feels … good. Words
like BIG, BUFF, MUSCLE, SWOLE, and GROW, echo over the whirling sea. The churning increases, and you
find it harder to focus.

“Just a BIG,
. Want to be a BIG,
for coach. Gonna be a BIG, DUMB FOOTBALL JOCK for coach.”

The words are like a mantra. You hear the familiar husky
chuckle, and something inside just … sort of snaps. Your mouth widens into a
grin. Your teeth are bared. You laugh as everything fades into the darkness,
and Cap is laughing right beside you. And it’s RIGHT.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. The crowd
roared around you as you hunched down and called out the secret code every
quarterback seemed to know for their teammates to notify the play and run down
the clock at the same time. Besides, sometimes, the lugs had to be reminded.

You take the snap. You spot the opening. The receiver is
open! You crank your arm back and throw for all it’s worth. The ball hurls like
a bullet. You know immediately that he’s caught it. He’s running. Nobody can
touch him. Dodge. Sidestep. Lunge. Dash. TOUCHDOWN!

You roar with your fellow teammates, and rush up to join
your bros at the end zone. You all just scored the game-winning touchdown.
Chestbumps, shoulder smacks, dances, everything breaks out in the pandemonium
that follows. You turn and see Cap’s familiar grin through the face guard of
your helmet. He’s standing on the sidelines next to coach, cheering you on.
Sucked you couldn’t play with him in his last season, but at least he came to
cheer his lil’bro on. That’s what mattered.


And you were a good lil’bro.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this. Your thick muscular frame towers as you pose in front of the mirror. Your slab-like pecs
glisten with the sweat from your hard-earned victory. You gape at it, almost in
awe, but … that’s not quite the right word.

Whatever. S’not important. Your compression pants hug
tightly to the thick pistons that your legs have become through had work and
intense sessions with your teammates. Big bro helped a lot with that. Then your
eyes rest on the bulge at your crotch, and your gaping turns to a cocky sneer.
Big bro had nothin’ to do with that, though.

You turn to the side and flex one of your pythons. You watch
the bicep swell into a thick, powerful globe of solid muscle. You whisper a
dull, “Fuck, yeah,” at the rush of endorphins and adrenaline from the
victory. A low echo reverberates through the locker room as your teammates
follow the ritual in front of their own mirrors. Doesn’t matter if it’s creepy.
You’re a team. Teammates act as one unit. ‘Course you’re gonna do the same
stuff. Your bleached hair shines in the dim lights. Your new short style helps
to accent the edges of your masculine square jaw as glassy eyes stare dully back
at you.

They are empty, unthinking. Just as they should be.

“Just a big, dumb meathead,” you mutter to yourself. You
chuckle and flex again. “And proud of it.”

You grin and turn to the scrawny form of the new freshman
water boy. You wrap your arm around him the same way your big bro did for you.
“C’mon, lil’bro. Time to listen to Coach.” The numbness in your head
increases as the room starts to spin and you swagger along to compensate, like
a good DUMB JOCK.

Because that is what you are now.

You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this, but as you settle into Cap’s old chair and the STRATEGY room starts to dim, a last thought plays over your head. You’re a BIG DUMB JOCK BRO now. And even if you could, you wouldn’t change a thing.



A small caption contest:

Hey there guys. I’ve come up with this small challenge for you guys.

The general idea of the contest is the following:

In this post I will show you 3 pictures, Tagged by number. The challenge for you guys, is to write the best caption for one of the pics in the comments.

These are the things you’ll have to do:

-make sure to make clear which picture of the three you have chosen to caption at the start of the message.

-let your imagination run wild. Growth, muscle drain, and so on… you name it!

-pick only one picture! If you choose multiple, I will only take the 1st one in count.

-make sure to leave your caption in the comments of this post.

Those are the only 4 things you’ll have to do.

For every picture I will decide who wrote the best caption. And for those winners I will write a personal story. I will notify you guys once I’ve picked the 3 winners, and I’ll message them personally. Good luck with captioning! And here are the 3 pictures:

Reblogging, since the comment section has too small a limit for the caption I have in mind. This is for PICTURE 1:

“Let me pass, Donald,” you demand of the heavily muscled Adonis in front of you. Your former friend stares at you as he blocks the way out from your cul de sac of lockers with his thick, meaty arm. His white muscle tee strains against his taut skin, accentuating every curve, every perk along his rippling abdominals, shelf-like pectorals, and perfectly inflated biceps and triceps. The scent of axe body spray rolls off him, but not so much as to be overbearing, surprisingly enough. The bands on his wristwatches glint in the flickering locker room lights as he stares at you with his head slightly cocked. His gaze unnerves you, a strange blend of curiosity, a predatory analysis that verged almost on dissection, and that sort of confused glaze that hovered over his eyes more and more often, giving them a dull sort of half-emptiness that left you wondering whether anyone was home up there. So did most of the school staff, nowadays.

Donald frowned slightly. “I told you, bro, it’s Donny now,” he said in that infuriating low pitch of his. He was clearly straining to force his voice to deepen, and it showed, but he didn’t care. He just kept doing it, like some sort of idiot to please the rest of the team. He shook his head and his medallion jingled slightly as it swayed between his thick pectorals.

You didn’t have time for this. “All right, let me pass, Donny,” you say. “Come on, man. I’m gonna be late.” You hated having gym class last period. You always had to wait for everyone else to get out of the locker room, so you wouldn’t get bullied for your figure, and then you had to rush to get to the buses, before they left.

Donny shook his head again. This time, he grinned at you, displaying perfectly straight white teeth that accented his sharpening features. You could see the hints of the squares that were becoming more and more prominent at the base of his jaw. “Nah, bro. I don’t think so. We gotta talk.”

“Later,” you insist as you try to shove your way past him. A burly arm quickly shoves you back.

“No, he insists, his eyes smoldering darkly as he scowls at you. “Now,” he says forcefully.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” you insist. “You tried out for the football team. You made the cut, made new friends, found new interests. I get it.”

“Nah, bro. You don’t get it.” Donny shook his head. “Yeah, coach talked me into football. Sure, I liked it, and yeah, it made me have to stop being your DM, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about you, bro!”

“Haven’t thought about me? Haven’t thought about me?” Suddenly you’re feeling angry. “Don’t you dare pull that crock of bull shit with me! You think I haven’t seen you walking the halls with those goons, shoving kids into lockers, giving wedgies, calling people like me, ‘fucking pansies’ and ‘faggots,’ because we’re not fit, like you?” You strut forward and jab a finger in his chest. “You’re as bad as the rest of them!”

He stares at you blankly. “Well, duh. I’m a jock.” He shuddered, then chuckled, a deep sort of guffawing sound. “Damn, that feels good to say.”

“Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s your excuse? The mighty quarterback is a douche, because he’s a jock? Are you even listening to yourself?”

You hear the sound of the bell going off to signal the buses have left, but by this point, you’re too mad to care. It was time to air some grievances and settle this relationship once and for all.

“Yeah, bro. Now it’s time for you to listen,” Donny said with a radiant smile. “Ya see, bro, bein’ on the football team, it’s kinda like role play, ya know?”

“Okay, that’s it. I’m out of here.”

Yet again, you found yourself flung back as Donny continued to steamroll through his explanation, heedless of any protests or exertions you might try to make.

“See, bro, as the QB, I call the plays. I have to look at the strategies, analyze what the players do, anticipate all the outcomes, and work my ass off to make sure I’ve got the build and the knowhow to beat the other team. It’s like when I used to DM. People come with character sheets, and I help ‘em fill out their stats and level up.” He flexed one of his meaty biceps. “I’m telling you, bro, it’s fuckin’ ace.”

“So, you’re basically telling me that you’ve been working out, acting like some gym-obsessed meathead, letting your grades drop, all for the sake of what your twisted dumbass head thinks is some sort of extended campaign?”

Donny beamed. “I knew you’d understand.”

“Understand? Understand? Are you insane? How the hell is any of this supposed to make a lick of sense?” you huff. The humidity from the showers is still permeating the room, making your shirt cling to your chest as you sweat.

“Easy, bro.” He grinned, bearing his teeth in that predatory way all bullies in the school seemed to manage so effortlessly. He held up a sheet. “Summer break’s coming up soon.”

“So?” You pant. The air seems thicker somehow, and you find yourself leaning against the lockers. The cool metal feels so soothing against your skin, even as the room starts to spin a bit. Your shadows dance and flicker with the lightbulbs as Donny continues to grin. Or … was that a sneer? Your stomach clenches and gurgles, followed by a practical explosion of air that expels itself out your mouth against your will.

“Dude,” Donny chuckles. “That was epic!”

“I … I don’t f–EE–l so good,” you crack. You feel something cold shoved into your hand.

“Drink this. It’ll help,” Donny promises. He twists the top off with a burly snap, then brings the thing to your lips. You taste something thick and creamy with the aftertaste of vanilla.

“Wuh … wut is it?” you ask. In your dazed state, you don’t even notice how deeply you’ve pitched your voice.

“Protein shake. Good shit, huh?” Donny asked as he scribbled something down with a pen.

“Uh … yeah. … Good shit.” You don’t know why you keep repeating him but … it just feels easier to do things that way.

“Think of it like a potion of strength, bro. The more you drink, the stronger you get,” Donny explained.

You take another sip. A pleasurable sort of tingling has settled into your muscles and scalp. “Cool. Cool….” you low even slower.

“You gotta watch those fluids, when you’re working out, bro,” he says seriously as he jots along a clipboard.

“Working … out?” You furrow your brow, confused and turn to see your book bag has been replaced with a gym bag.

“Happens, when you push too hard. I told you you didn’t have to prove yourself to the guys. They aren’t messing you again, are they?” he asks fiercely, protectively.


He crouches in front of you. You blink, and suddenly, you feel intense pressure in your pectorals and biceps. The sweat is pouring down your face, but you keep going, breathing in and out, in and out.

“That’s it, just five more,” Donny encourages.

Five more what?


You hear the weights clacking as you strain. Two grips are held firmly in your hands as you force your arms together. The word Butterfly suddenly arises in your head, kinda like the ones you felt in your stomach earlier. You breathe, and you feel the material in your shirts draping wet against your torso. Have you lost weight?

Donny scratches something else on his clipboard, and suddenly you’re breathing heavily. Your legs feel curiously wide, and you’re not sure why. An itch bothers you, and you reach down to scratch, unashamed. Your sweats cling tightly to your frame, the familiar green tusk-mouthed shape of your school’s mascot perks up against your chest. Donny is holding a clip board and grinning. “Now that’s what I call hustle!” he crows.

Next, your throat feels strangely raw as you back away from the weighted training dummy. Everything feels heftier, but … it’s in different places now, more evenly distributed. The dull glint of plastic catches your eye as you turn to look down at the thick pads that now adorn your shoulders.

Next, you’re sitting at a table, a massive steak in front of you. The table is rowdy with thick, heavily built boys tearing into their meals, while Coach Madsen beams at you, and Donny smiles.

A thick hand slaps you on the back and you turn to see Felix, one of the biggest tormentors in the school. “Damn, bro. Didn’t expect you to make it, but you really got what it takes.” He smiles. “You’re all right.” You notice he has a bit of a swollen lip and just a hint of bruising beneath one of his eyes. You feel a bit of an ache, yourself in your jaw, but you enjoy the meal.

Next, you’re sitting wedged between a bunch of Donny’s teammates. Donny is using a pointer to help illustrate a play between a series of circles and exes. Something is buzzing in the background in your ears, but you don’t pay attention to it. You have to focus on Donny. He’s the QB. QB calls the plays. Gotta know the plays.

Then, suddenly, you’re staring at a board filled with the same symbols and then some, but you don’t understand a lick of it. You spread your legs as you slump in your chair, bored out of your mind. You scratch absently at your crotch, just like you did in the locker room. Do … you feel … bigger down there? Instead of alarm, you feel … pleasure? Pride?

“Fuck, yeah….” It’s out of your lips, before you can even think.

More scrabbling, more scratching. Suddenly, your’s holding something heavy in the air. The world comes into focus, and you’re holding the waistband of a pair of boxer briefs. Thick veins snake down your python-like arms as you grin like an absolute idiot, spurred on by the deep, hooting cheers of the other muscled boys near you.

Then you’re sitting in front of Coach Madsen. You’re looking down at a sheet on a clipboard with your name on it, numbers, stats, and the position: Lineman. You blink blearily  few times, and suddenly, you’re holding a pen. You scrawl your name on the dotted line, then look up at your coach. He’s grinning from ear to ear.

Then you’re back in the locker room again. There’s Donny leaning against the entrance. He’s staring at you. You stare back at him. You smell of the fresh axe body spray you just applied. Your hair is carefully styled with the aid of some hair wax, and your white shirt strains even tighter than Donny’s against your thick pecs and broad shoulders.

You stand up and find that you now are nearly a head taller than your old friend. You grin at him with that same familiar glazed expression in your eyes.

“How do you feel?” he asks.

There’s only one answer you can think of. “Bro….”

Donny smirks. “Now you get it. Come on, bro. Gym’s waiting.”

RE: Muscle Jock File 1


Disclaimer: This script is made for the express
purpose of starting those who read it on the path to becoming a stereotypical
muscle jock. This first file will cover some basic training urges, specifically
the desire to be fit, start working out, and set up bare minimum requirements
to execute each day for personal fitness.

Please note that this script can and
will influence you in that direction. It will vary, depending on how much you
desire this content, but I must warn those who read this to be careful, unless
they want to experience this metamorphosis. I will consider including an option
to control the jock, so that a person can continue to function independently in
public, and enjoy being the jock at the gym or in private as they see fit. For
now, I hope you enjoy the script and the trancing that comes with it.

again. I’m so glad that you’ve returned. You look stressed, almost anxious.
Were you unnerved by our little adventure before, or is this something
different, I wonder?

want something, do you? You enjoyed going under? Well, fancy
that, a machine that enjoyed executing its programming.

let’s not get into that tiresome argument again. Of course you’re not a machine
right now. I haven’t logged in yet.


PASSWORD: Coreprog.

bet you’re starting to feel a little different now, aren’t you? Do you remember?
your programming,
our conversation?

Control, alt,

sure you do.

Focus, listen,


for some programming.

Control, alt,

you ready to focus, listen, obey?

Good machine.

me what you are.

right. You are a complex machine. And a complex machine obeys
its administrator.

Control, alt,

program is called Muscle Jock. I am going to upload it into your core processor.
The longer
you run it
, the deeper it will become engrained within
you and your personality in your other state. However, this program comes in
multiple parts, and must be executed over time to reach full potency.

running, this first part will fill you with an intense desire to become fit. You
will feel the urge to perform ten pushups, ten situps, ten squats, and ten
jumping jacks every other morning and night. If you cannot reach ten, then you
will do as much as you can, pushing yourself to the limit. And you will
continue to push yourself every other morning and night, until you reach that
goal. The closer you draw to that goal, the better you will feel, and
you shall be rewarded with pleasure. If your body is physically
incapable of any of these exercises, due to disease, infirmity, handicap, or
any other such reason, then you do not have to perform that exercise. This is level one.

your off days, you will perform cardio: jogging, running, power walking, biking,
or some other form to help you burn fat and get your lungs in shape. You will
execute this cardio for at least a half an hour.

your goal is reached, the program will jump to level two, where you will
execute twenty of each workout exercise I listed previously. And then thirty
with level three, then forty with level four, each following the same programming
as the first level.

gained, you will find yourself taking more and more pleasure
in personal fitness. You will fall into the steady rhythm
of your exercise, consumed by the constant motion as it becomes more and more
pressing in your psyche, gradually erasing other thoughts as you work out,
save one. You must execute your program. You must work
. Because working out brings you pleasure. And slowly,
ever so slowly, you’ll find yourself wanting to work out more and more. It will
no longer be a chore, no longer a command, but rather a new part of you, a part
of you that needs to work out. Because you will love to work out.


Good machine. By the time I finish with
you, you’ll be a real muscle machine.

process shall continue to five levels. When you are able to complete fifty of
each exercise that is appropriate for your body, then you will have completed
level five. You will then be prepared to install Muscle Jock Part 2, which will
work in tandem with Part 1 to reinforce your training. You will send me an
ask, a personal message, or contact me in some other way via tumblr to alert me
that you are ready to receive Muscle Jock Part 2, and the content of your message
will read thus:


will then continue to run your exercise programming from Muscle Jock Part 1,
following the routine it has set, and exceeding the number of exercises at your
own pace, as is comfortable for your body, until you receive further
instruction and installation.


Good machine. That is right. That is
what you will do, because you are a machine, and machines
must follow
their programming. Machines must follow their administrators’

know this. I am also installing a preservation subroutine with this program and
its fellows. You are not to overexert yourself, and
you are to look after your health first. You will not push yourself beyond
exhaustion, and if you are sick, you will do what you must to take
care of your body
. After all, a good machine has to perform
. The hardware must be suitable to house the software. Coolant
fluid must be restocked, when you are running low, and your coolant is water.
Your body, your hardware, will alert you as to what you need, and you will
follow those alerts.

will be able to temporarily suspend this program during appropriate situations,
such as illness, emergencies, etc., though you may still feel the urge in your
background processors, reminding you and driving you to heal faster. If the
emergency is related to family or your outside life in any way, these urges
will not hold power over you in any way shape or form, and you will be able to
redirect your processing power to whatever the important task is at hand. However,
when that moment is past, and you are free and healthy once more, the urges
will return in force, and you will obey them, because that is
your programming,
and a good machine must execute its programming.

me, what must a good machine do?

is right. And you are a good machine, because you have executed your program
perfectly. Tell me, what are you again?

During this time, we have been running the installation process for your new
program, Muscle Jock Part 1. Much like before, when I initiate your REBOOT
by saying that word, your systems will start up again, and you will have fully
installed Muscle Jock Part 1 into your core processor. You will leave me a message
to that effect either through chat, comment, or both on this post. The message
will read: Programming received. Muscle Jock 1 installation complete.

you sincerely enjoyed this session, and wish others to enjoy it as well, you
will reblog this script with the message: Administrator Command Executed.

you enjoyed this session, you will also like or favorite the script, and this
will bring you pleasure.



of this programming should be able to work just fine as you execute the file.
However, if you feel the need, you may return to this script any time you
desire to reinstall Muscle Jock 1 to reinforce the programming.

I am about to log out, and you are about to restart. When that happens, remember,
as your
, can return you to this state at any
with my password, and that password is Coreprog. That password, that
trigger, works for me and me alone as your administrator.

What is the password?

Who does it work for?

And who am I?

What will happen, when I and I alone use this password?

is correct. Good machine.

it is time for me to log out, so you can finish your installation.

In 3
… 2 … 1….


Flynn Rides Again


This story was inspired by a piece of artwork I stumbled across on It’s a tad too mature for my standards, since I’m not exactly a fan of hyper, but the main intent of the brief two-panel sequence inspired me to do this story. I hope you all enjoy.

Eugene looked suspiciously at the strange metal cylinder
that had been shoved into his hand. One moment, he was looking at some old
mirror in Corona’s castle, definitely not
in a forbidden wing that he’d be in terrible trouble for stumbling into, if
the guards caught him. Then he was here, in this place. He remembered the dark
room and the dank smell of a forgotten dungeon well enough. It really was his
own fault for being too proud to ask some proper directions, but him being a
newly reformed thief and all, he wasn’t exactly willing to take any chances of
certain … misunderstandings that could potentially end his life, before he had
the chance to propose to Rapunzel. You only got so many passes for being the love
interest of the princess, after all.

He furrowed his brow in concentration as he continued to
think back on the events that had led him here. He’d dodged into the room to
avoid being caught by a guard patrol. He remembered that much. Enough light
shone through the bars of the from the torches in the hall to grant him at
least a dim view of the room. When the guards passed by, he quickly darted
behind the closest thing at hand, a broad wooden mannequin bedecked in the
strangest armor the former thief had ever seen. A thick cap made of hard leather
with two straps that dangled on either side of the ears sat snugly on the top; a
spacious garment not unlike chainmail hung from the shoulders, though it appeared
to have been made from cloth, rather than steel, and a strange set of worn characters
faded by the ravages of time and the nibbling of certain other creatures had
left the man wondering if the garb might not have been enchanted at one point. It
certain would explain the sheer size of the thing. The garment could have fit
Attilla or Vladimir no problem. It might have even been loose on them, and that was saying something. When the guards’
speech had faded enough, Eugene emerged from his hiding place to take a closer
look at the alien garb.

“Just who did you used to belong to?” Eugene had muttered to
himself. The tattered remains of what had once been a pair of pants hung from
the waist portion of the carved wooden frame, and the strangest pair of boots
he had ever laid eyes on sat on the broad wooden base. They looked almost like
shoes, with no sign of the usual high walls associated with the article, but
they had thick powerful soles attached to their bottoms with dark spikes that
would be great for traction and cause no end of pain to an enemy, if kicked or
stomped on. Next, he picked up a large metal tankard with a massive upside-down
horseshoe etched into its surface. As he ran his fingers along the etching, he
felt the contours of a large B, followed
by a capital N and finally a capital A. A set of dusty wooden placards sat
atop the shelf. Eugene removed each one in order, before returning it.

“LilBro, Fall, BigBro, Spring? What are these even supposed
to mean?” As he replaced the last of the items, unfortunately, his unique brand
of luck kicked in, and in true fashion, one of the supports of the shelf came
undone, sending everything falling to the floor. Eugene did his best to catch
what he could, but he couldn’t stop all of it. The clatter was defeaning. The shouts
of the suddenly alert guards and the steady clomp of their booted feet left
Eugene’s heart racing as he shook his head, muttering worriedly to himself, and
slowly backed up. That was his second
mistake. The old stand wobbled, then crashed to the floor thunderously as he
bumped into it. Now Eugene knew he was rightfully done for.

“Oh, come on!” Eugene wailed. “Give a guy a break.” As a
last resort, he rushed to the back of the room, where a great white sheet sat.
He whipped it up, ducked under it, and prayed the guards wouldn’t think to look
as he leaned back against a cool surface and promptly fell through.

The next thing he knew, he found himself here, in this … place.
It was a disorienting trip, but rather alarmed screaming, laughter and a
pleasure-filled shrieking had greeted him, instead. He stood in the middle of
one of the strangest manors he had ever encountered, and in his career as a thief,
he had seen his fair share. The furniture in this one was finely crafted, albeit
well used. The carpet was firm, almost rigid under the supple soles of his worn
leather boots, and young men and women rushed around in costumes, laughing and
partying to loud music that emanated magically from tiny boxes, yet somehow
filled the entire vaulted room with noise that blended with the general hubbub of
the crowd. More than one of the men came up to him, after he’d gotten his bearings
with the lowing compliment, “Sweet costume, bro.”

After about the tenth compliment, Eugene rubbed the back of
his head, his white shirt billowing slightly in the heated air. “Uh, thanks, …

The man with the devil horns just smirked as he walked past.

A thick arm suddenly wrapped itself around Eugene’s shoulders,
and he looked up in utter shock at the massive minotaur that now held him
bound. His eyes shrunk to pinpricks as his mouth dropped open, before the monster
pulled its own head off to reveal a heavily muscled boy with golden hair cut
into a tight buzz in a flat along the top of his head. His jaw was thick and
square, and a carefully groomed layer of golden shadow rimmed his jaw like sand.

“You look lost, LilBro,” the big man chuckled. “First time
at the frat?”

“Frat?” Eugene returned, completely confused.

“Omega Beta Nu Alpha. Biggest fraternity in the world.” He
chuckled. “Only one with its own brewery, too,” he added with a wink. “You try
our Alpha Brew yet?”

“Alpha … Brew?” Alpha Brew. Why did that sound so familiar?

“It’s good shit. Makes a real
man of you in no time at all.” The hulk shoved a metal can into his hands. “Here.
Have a cold one on me.” He grinned as he lumbered away. “And enjoy the party,
bro! I’ll see you later!”

And so Eugene found himself back up to the present, examining
the cylinder again. “Alpha Brew. Alpha Brew. Alpha Berew….” Eugene’s eyes
widened. “Alpha Beru!” he snapped his free fingers. The place was supposed to
be a myth, a land where just a short time in its borders would leave you a
warrior among warriors. That explained why the armor on that mannequin had been
so flimsy. A warrior must have come through from Alpha Beru at some point in
the kingdom’s history. He wouldn’t have needed metal to stop an opponent. His strength
would have been enough. Eugene tried to worm his way back towards the mirror
again, but by this point, the room had been packed. There was hardly any space
to maneuver, with all the thick muscled bodies surrounding him. And … actually,
was it just him, or was he shrinking? Or … was it just everyone else was
growing? More and more, he had to crane his neck to look up at a titan in a
costume. The legends definitely seemed justified, but … why wasn’t he effected,
then? Why was he still so small?

Suddenly, Eugene felt a thick set of knuckles bunched up
around the collar of his shirt and he gulped as he was hoisted into the air.

“Hey, we’ve got a pansy here!” a deep voice bellowed over
the crowd. Eugene’s eyes darted left and right. There was a veritable sea of
testosterone turning as one to stare at him. “What should we do with him?”

The crowd roared. “Chugfest!”

Eugene gulped as the brute of a man hauled him over to a
raised platform and plopped him down unceremoniously.

“You heard ‘em, pledge,” he sneered. “You ready to play?”

“I, uh … don’t know if that’s a good idea. You see, I’ve got
this appointment with my girlfriend, and–.” The brute cracked his knuckles menacingly.
“–Okay, I can play,” Eugene said quickly. Anything to avoid getting beaten up. “But,
uh … what’s a pledge?”

The big man grinned predatorily. “You’ll see, LilBro.” He
turned to the crowd and spread his vascular arms wide in the air. “Now let’s
get this hazing started!” he bellowed. The crowd erupted into cheers.

“Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!” they cried.

Eugene didn’t see any sign of the women from earlier, just a
pack of burly men sloshing their cups and hooting for him to drink. He turned
to look nervously at the man who had lifted him out of the crowd. His familiar
black horns curled over his head as his significantly enhanced body tensed and
flexed. He easily reached down, guiding Eugene’s hand to the tab resting atop
the metal. “Like this. LilBro,” he said. The container fizzed and bubbled,
after the tab popped the lid open.

The smell of fresh hops, honey, and a hint of fruit danced
under Eugene’s nose. “This smells almost like mead,” he said, surprised.

“Take a sip,” the man urged. The crowd continued to chant,
exerting their collective wills in that single repetitive word.

Eugene gulped, then, seeing no other way out of his
situation, took the plunge. The taste as he tipped the strange container up to dump
the brew into his mouth was surprisingly mellow. The earthiness from the hops
mixed with the sweetness from the honey to mellow the bitter flavor and leave
just a hint of a pleasant aftertaste that clung to the palette. A dull tingle
spread through his system as a slight flush rose in his cheeks. “You know what?
This stuff isn’t half bad.”

“That’s right. Now drink up, pledge. Take a nice long pull.”
The behemoth of a man yanked Eugene’s head back, then upended the can, with
Eugene’s hand still wrapped around it. Eugene sputtered and gasped as the liquid
flowed down his gullet. He had no choice but to swallow or choke, so he did the
one that would keep him alive and well. The tingling increased as his heart
rate picked up and his shirt and vest began to feel taut. He gasped for air as
the hulking muscle man finally let him go to breathe. “So, what’s your name,
Pledge? We haven’t had someone come from Corona in decades.”

“You … know where I’m from?” Eugene asked. His head was
starting to feel a little fuzzy and a strange sort of euphoria began to well up
in his chest and stomach. He barely managed to keep the muscles in check as a
twitch pulled incessantly at the corners of his lips.

The … frat(?) boy sneered down at him. “Yeah. Coach
Henderson’s an old resident, one of the last to pass through, before people
stopped coming. We still keep an eye for new pledges to pass through, just in
case. Now come on. Tell us your name. Everyone’s dying to know.”

“It’s … Eugene,” the reformed thief said. “Eugene

Lame,” the man
jeered as the rest of the crowd joined in. “Come on, man. Give us something to work with here.”

That stung his pride a bit. It was the old village all over
again. “I … I used to go by Flynn,” he mumbled.

“What was that, pledge?”

Eugene took a deep breath, then set his shoulders. The heat was
somewhat stifling, so he took another swig of the brew. The shimmering gold
substance trickled down the side of his chin and the edge of the can from the
last forced “pull,” as the behemoth had called it. “I said you could call me Flynn. Flynn Rider.”

“Now that’s a
name!” The muscle man grinned as he smacked Eugene heavily on the back. A popping
sound echoed in Eugene’s ears as he watched a series of familiar dark button go
flying off his torso piece by piece.

“What the…?” He looked down at himself and gasped at the
sight of two thick round globes straining against the confines of his vest and
shirt. His grip tightened on the can, causing the metal to crinkle somewhat as his
bicep tensed and began to tear ever so slowly through the material around it. Eugene’s
blush deepened at the sight.

There it is,” the
frat boy said with a grin. “All right, Flynn,
it’s time to chug.” He reached over to the edge of the stage, where a thick
metal keg was easily passed into his hands and he dropped it onto the platform,
like it were little more than a pebble. He handed a thick hose to Eugene,
shoving it in the man’s chest, and causing a shudder of pleasure to pass
through the former thief as he grabbed the extension out of reflex and stumbled
back a step or two.

“But I … I just want to–.”

“Chug,” came the first call from somewhere on the floor in
front. A thick meaty fist stood out in the air as the costume goer, a kid in a
greaser outfit with a hat textured to blend into his hair at the back, began
the chant.

“No, no, seriously. This has been fun and all. And … I do
admit I like the muscles,” Flynn said as he raised his hands placatingly and
absently flexed on of his arms. “It, uh … it really feels nice and all, really. I just–.”

“Chug,” came the call as the voices doubled, then redoubled,
slowly spreading back as more of these frat boys picked up the call.

“No, guys. Really. I just need to–.”

Half the room was roaring at him now, and the rest would
soon follow. “Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!”

Eugene breathed heavily as a faint dusting of hairs began to
grow along the backs of his hands and his pupils began to fluctuate. The call
banged like a hammer on an anvil as he struggled to keep his thoughts in focus.
All the while, the titans continued to crow in bovid ecstasy as their eyes
began to glow.

“I … I need to–.”


Eugene shook his head. “Have to–.”


“I … I….”


Eugene looked up almost pleadingly at the leader of the mob.
The devil simply grinned as his own eyes began to glow. “Chug, Flynn. You know
you want to.” Then he sneered as he cupped one massive hand around Eugene’s two
and raised the hose to the man’s lips. “Let me help you get started.” He towered
over Eugene’s back as he leaned over the man and brought the hose to the man’s
lips. “Now listen to the crowd, Flynn. Listen, and start chugging.”

It all came in a whirl. One moment, nothing. Then he tasted
the flow of the brew as his cheeks sucked in. He swallowed once, and then he
was like a machine, sucking as fast as his body would let him, accompanied by
the supportive cheers of the fraternity. His cheeks flushed even more as his
body began to pack on the pounds and his irises began to change from a rich
brown to a golden amber. The buckles along his vest burst apart, while the
sleeves and remaining material continued to shred under his rapidly
swelling muscles. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as the memories of
Rapunzel’s flaxen golden hair shifted to cascades of the rich golden lager
flowing down his gullet. Thoughts of old heists were replaced with memories of
manning the pullies. Instead of getting thrown out of pubs, he was the one
doing the tossing.

Soon the tube wasn’t enough. He needed that lager pouring down his throat. No pauses in between to
pull more. He wanted to shower with it. He lumbered past the devilish frat boy,
hardly even noticing how he didn’t have to look up so much anymore to match his
gaze. He didn’t care when he heard the seams shredding apart on his pants or felt
the breeze along his bare chest and back. All he saw, all he knew, all he
needed was right there in front of him, sitting, waiting, and he had to have it. “Ch–chuuuuuug,” he said
slowly as his voice warbled unsteadily.

“What was that, Flynn?” the muscle man asked with a knowing

“Chug,” Eugene said again, and his feet burst out of his

“That’s right, Flynn. Chug.”

Eugene clenched his hands a few times and watched as they
cracked and swelled into powerful mitts that easily tore the hose out of the
opening to the keg. “Chug,” he repeated a second time, this time with more enthusiasm. His
voice cracked, then dropped as what little remained of his pants strained to
contain the bulge swelling at his crotch.

“Chug, Flynn. Chug,” the devil whispered as the crowd of
spectators hooted, hollered, and whistled, still sounding their cry.

The former thief couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but
listen to that constant march of orders. A dopey grin rose on his face as he
hefted the massive can and then opened his mouth wide. “CHUG!” he said more assertively as his deep voice rolled over the
spectators, causing them to roar in excitement. He upended the keg, surprised
at how light it was, but happy with the heavy slosh he could hear inside of it.
He squeezed, and the metal began to give way, sending a high-pressure jet of
the rich, mind-numbing substance into his mouth and down his throat. His body
swelled to titanic proportions as he nursed the last drop, hardly even noticing
the new thick red cap that had been plopped onto his head, then twisted backwards.
Two massive wrist bands had been snapped into place on either wrist, and there
was the devil, grinning wickedly as he raised the drunken man’s arm triumphantly.

“Congratulations to Flynn Rider, the newest member of Omega
Beta Nu Alpha!”

Flynn grinned, then let out the loudest belch he’d ever done
in his life, before grinning dopily, letting out a low dimwitted chuckle, and
finally saying, “Let’s party, Bros!”

The devil sneered as he watched a tattoo with the frat’s
symbols engrave itself along Flynn’s massive neck. “Score another one for us,”
he muttered, then chuckled.

Flynn grunted as he heaved the last of the massive kegs into
place on the delivery truck. He wiped away at the sweat that had formed along
his brow, even as he flashed a cocky smirk at the women he knew were watching
from across the street. They wanted him, he knew, but he wasn’t that easy to
bed. He still couldn’t remember how he got to OBNA, but he was glad he had.
Things were simple here. All he had to do was work his muscles, drink his lager,
help with the beer shipments, and play the occasional football game. His
powerful body strained against the tight compression shorts and sleeveless muscle
tee that made his fraternity work uniform. It clung in all the right places,
leaving nothing to the imagination as he followed his fellow newly inducted laborers in the shipping
department to a long countertop filled with beer taps. He couldn’t help but
smile as he styled his perfectly coiffed pair of bangs sprawling flawlessly out the gap in the back of his twisted cap. “Man, if only I could bring Rapunzel here,” he said. Then he frowned and
furrowed his brow in confusion. “Who’s … Rapunzel?” A brief flash of flaxen gold
passed though his mind, followed by a … castle? What the…?

“Next!” the barman cried, snapping Flynn out of his thoughts
as he approached the tap. A frosty glass soon sat in front of him, filled to
the brim with his favorite drink. He guzzled the Alpha Brew and waited as that
familiar tingle immersed him and washed away his worries. “Fuck yeah,” he
groaned in pleasure as he flashed his free hand up with his middle and ring
fingers bent over against his palm. “OBNA for life, Bro.”

A burly arm rested across Flynn’s broad shoulders and he
grinned wider at the sight of the frat’s president, the man who had inducted
him just a little over a week ago. His short cropped red hair shone like red
gold in the afternoon sun and his eyes glowed that same fiery gold as he peered
intently into Flynn’s eyes. Flynn’s irises reciprocated the flicker, and the
president sneered triumphantly as he watched that little spark of intelligence
and memory get smothered. The ones who were in love were always the hardest to
keep, but it seemed this love was still relatively new. A couple more weeks,
and Flynn wouldn’t think of Corona ever again, and Alpha Beru would have a new permanent

“That’s right, Flynn,” the president said. “OBNA for life.”

Of Spies and Muscleheads Epilogue


Brute grinned as he walked up and
down the aisles, carefully examining each of the men as they worked out. They
stared blankly at the ceiling as they lifted in time to the music blaring over
the speakers. Towering at Nine and a half feet tall, he watched as each man
stared up with vacant eyes into pulsing green screens. His eyes were drawn to a
blinking cursor at the edge of his helmet’s visor as a message began to scroll


Trainer 010

Order: Initiate Final Lift Program. Full Conversion.

Subject Designation: Meathead Patrolmen 500-520.

meatheads for deployment in conversion project FAT Camp. Send to armory and
wait for new potential meatheads.

Brute will obey.

Brute walked up to the control console
and placed his palm on the biometric scanner. In a matter of moments, he had
changed the settings to match his orders. A shudder of pleasure ran through him
as he watched the new meatheads. It always felt so good to make more meatheads,
to be more meathead. He watched as they pushed, watched as they swelled,
watched as they repeated their mantra of meat, muscle, and obedience. He
watched as the men rose as one, blank-eyed, focused, obedient. He watched as
the helmets slowly descended from the dispenser unit and mounted on their heads.
He watched as the green screens flashed to life. He watched twenty true muscle
men slam their legs together ram-rod straight and salute in perfect unison as
the green lights pulsed behind their visors. He watched as twenty new
interfaces downloaded into his own helmet.

“We are meatheads. We obey,” came
the crisp confirmation as twenty new meatheads gave themselves over completely
to their new lives.

Brute sent the order.

Keep reading